Part - 39

( Note - it's not a revised chapter. So if you find any mistake feel free to tell )

Jk and tae was now standing in the principal room  hanging thier heads. Tae was scared seeing the scene in front of him . Whereas Jk is just cursing the Principal .

Jk give his hobi hyung no. As he know that he js the sweetest and easy person whom he can apologise easily. Whereas Tae give Suga no. Because he has no other choice. He is not gonna risk his life after giving rm no. Suga and hobi enter in the school and see both tae and jk standing outside the principal room. They both look angry . Both enter in principle room with tae & jk behind them . After that principal start to tell them about what happens and how the boys beat that boy .


Principal - they both are bright students & brothers of the school trustee doesn't mean that they can do anything . You know they beat the boy mercilessly .. first I think only Jk was like that but Taehyung  is the one who do this all.

And so on . Principal start to tell everything that happens . She represents the things like it all Taekook mistake .  ( She also don't know all thing ) Listening all the complains of them both Suga and hobi were visibly angry whereas Taekook were scared.  After a 30 min lecture.

Hobi - I am sorry on behalf of them miss. I will ensure you this will not happen again.

Suga - Mee too.

Suga glare the poor boys standing there.

Suga - Don't you want to say something.

Jk look confused.

Tae- I am sorry Mam. This will not happen again.

Hobi - Jungkook

Jk is irritated now . They are not at fault and still have to say sorry just because he promised taehyung. He can't break it .He was lost in his own thought when he listen hobi again saying his name .

Jk - I..I am sorry Miss .

Principal - I  am not  suspending you but you both have to right an apology letter and submit it to me tomorrow morning. You both are on library duty for a month .

After that four of them leave from thier Hobi & jk leave to their mansion and tae & Suga goes in Kim

In Kim mansion

Tae was now standing in front of Suga hanging his head low. Whereas Suga is passing daggers to the poor kid in front of him he was quite angry on him because he never think that tae can do something like that.

Suga - I am talking to you Taehyung

Tae eyes filled with tears . Suga calling him by his name is the first sign that he is angry on him.

Tae-  I am sorry hyung...

Suga- I doesn't ask you for your sorry ...tell me why you do that.. ( scry voice )

Tae stay silent . Suga anger rose.

Suga - I am freaking asking you something Kim Taehyung... ( Shout + angry )

Tae flinched . Tears flow down his cheeks.

Tae - I ...I ...( He shattered )

Suga- stop shuttering and tell me the reason behind it...loud & clear..

Tae control himself . He knows what he was about to say lead to bad consequence but still say it.

Tae - he is  teasing me.. that's why...

Suga - what does he say ....

Tae - he say bad things about me...and then kookie..he even curse at me...

Suga - and you beat him this much just for this..

Tae nooded.

Suga bang the table loudly in anger.

Suga - seriously ...are you beat a boy without any proper reason...

Tae silent

Suga - so you accept it's your fault..
( Scary + calm )

Tae again nooded. Suga pick a wooden ruler from the table and check it .

Suga - ok now when you admit your mistake then be ready to face the consequence also..

Tae got scared seeing him and ruler in his hand. Suga rarely hit him . He always give him some kind of task or something . Punishing by hitting is the method he use so less specially on taehyung atleast.

Suga - hands out ....

Tae was dumbfounded or I will say scared.  But came out from his zone after listening Suga deep scary voice. He do what Suga says. Suga hold the tip of his fingers firmly and tap the scale on tae palm lightly.

Suga - You are getting 20 on each  hand. After that  kneel down and write 100 times that ' I am sorry . I will never fight with anyone without any proper reason .'

Saying this he placed the first hit tae hand. Tae immediately flinch by the hit . His eyes got more teary .

Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit..

Tae is crying by  now . His cheeks were all wet from tears. Suga  was doing it hardly . Each hit each harder than the previous one . His palm is already red.


Tae - ahhhhh....

Hit ..hit ..

Tae - hyungie...I am sorry... pls..ahh

But the next three hit come more fastly and hardly .

Hit, Hit ,Hit

Suga leave his hand and tae immediately rub his it . Tae is crying whereas Suga eyes are dead cold .

Suga - next hand...

Tae see Suga teary and back off.

Tae - I am so..sorry.. hyung.. much...

Suga glare him .

Suga - don't test my patience

Suga signal him and tae cried but still do that.

Suga again Start it . Tae was a crying mess now. It was ten hits now.

Tae - hyung no more ..ahh.. please..ahh.. ( baby voice )

Hit Hit Hit Hit Hit ...

Tae -

This time tae yelled in pain. Seeing his crying Suga leave his hand  not giving him rest hits . Tae cried rubbing his both hands together in pain . Suga heart ached  seeing his baby crying. His face other side.

Suga - Go take that paper and kneel down their and start writing ( said while looking other side )

Tae weep his tears and do what Suga said . His hand where paining while writing because of the hit and now writing  but he still do to not amke Suga angry . Whereas Suga sit there with his laptop and start doing his work . ( Just opened his laptop and randomly pressing any button because his all concentration is own his baby  ) .

It almost 1 hr and tae is still writing  . It's difficult foe him to write . Suga was seeing him . He can clearly see the pain on his face. Tae was writing with one hand and weeping his tears with the other  hand. Suga feel so bad .

Suga - thinking - ( I am sorry baby..hyungie will made this upto you )

After 3) min more tae complete his work and stand but he was about to fall .  He close his eyes anticipating the fall but ungulfed  in a warm embrace.

Guess who.

🎉 Yeah it was ... Suga...

He immediately run towards tae when he saw him falling. Tae open his eyes and met with the concerning eyes of Suga. Tear drop down from tae eyes.

Suga - You ok ( softly )

End ....

You all want Suga strict side so I write this. Hope you guys like it .

Words - 1170

Quite good chapter I think. 🤭
I will update soon as possible because I have two days holiday after two days . Then I will give you update  and too a long one  . Ok guys wait for it .

Like & comment 🥰

Love you all

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