Part- 28

Hello guys 👋 I am back ☺️.
So this scene / chapter is a request of one of my reader who comment & vote on every chapter and supporting me . So upcoming 2,3 chapters where based on that. And believe me guys you gonna love it . Atleast I think like it 😅.

Request :- samiastar127

After 3 days

A/n Pov

So three days went smoothly. Everything is just going fine except one thing...guess what ?... Suga is still over working as Rm is on rest for one more week. He is doing overwork and skipping his meals without anyone notice because he know if anyone gets to know then the consequence will not be good. And he is also doing one thing that Jin hate the most


Let start the chapter

One more day

In Kim mansion

( Yoongi outfit )

   ( How it is 🤭 )

(Tae outfit)

        ( How it is 🤭 )

Suga came downstairs talking on the call.

Suga - tae eat fast and go to college... driver is waiting outside ( said  hanging up the call ) ... don't get your meal properly....and be  safe... ( Place a kiss on tae forehead)

Tae- you are going early again...( Pout )...why you don't drop me to college...

Suga- baby hyungie have some I have to go..ok...

Tae- but I want to go with you ....

Suga- just for some more days..then I am all yours ok..( he said ruffling his hair )

Tae smile and Suga start to leave.

Tae- don't eat your breakfast....

Suga - I am getting late tae..I will eat later...( Walking out )

Tae- ok..but eat it carefully...

Suga-  yeah..I will...( Sitting in the car )

Saying this suga left for the company and tae eat his breakfast and leave for his college. Rm is sleeping.

After 4 hrs.

Tae & jk are in college. Jin is attending a very important meeting. Hobi has 3 surgery today . Rm is reading the pending files. Jm is  busy in a agreement.

Kim office ( afternoon )

Yoongi - Wth are you all doing....( Shout )

Employee- sorry sir....

Yoongi- Sorry..sorry my foot...( Angry ) tell me who the hell do this mistake...

Em.2 -

Yoongi- Tell me clearly...or else believe me you don't like the consequence ( cold )

Shivers run down through everyone spine. They know that their boss  will not hesitate to show them the hell. No one is able to say anything in front of him.

Yoongi- ( bang the hand on table loudly ) - showing unity..Nice...then I want all three  files completed with all details correctly in 2 hrs and if not or  there is a single mistake in it...then all  be ready to get fired ( throwing the papers on  them )

Saying this he left from there making the employees running here and there .

In Suga cabin-

Suga enter in the cabin angrily and sat on his chair throwing the file on the table .

Suga-  Hmm...bunch of fools..( angrily )

He was about to pick a another file but..

Suga- ahhhh....( He groaned in pain )

He clenched  his head in pain.

Suga- ahh... it's hurting man...( He lean his head on the chair ) why it's hurting this much....I can't able to handle  this more...( He shut his eyes tightly due to pain )

A/N Pov

So you guys are getting confused so let me clear it. So Suga is over working from past days and skipping his meals continuously, he is not even sleeping properly due to over stress . Suga has insomnia earlier but  he get cured from that . After that  whenever he take  more stress  he face problems  in sleeping and get  insomnia for some time ( not continuously ).
And nowadays he is so stressed and can't able to sleep which result in extreme headache now.


Suga- ahhhh..I can't take it more ( he open the drawer of his tabel  and take out a pill )  if any of them get to know about this .. specially Jin hyung..then I will be so dead...

Saying this he peel the cover and take the pill with water in one go.
He rest his head on chair for relief.

After 15 min..

Knock knock...

Suga-  come in ( coldly )

PA - sir you have meeting in next 30 min at Choi sir is already waiting there for you ..

Suga - ok.. prepare everything..I will leave in 5 min..

PA- ok sir..( leave form cabin )

Suga - can do it is last day...may it get successful..

He motivates himself and then leave for the meeting.

( Suga  is working on a  very important  project . If it get success then Kim industry will get international access )

Suga reached the place and saw jm is already waiting for him there . They both attend the meeting and Kim industry finally get the agreement and international access . There hardwork pays off. All of them are so happy and Suga also get relaxed. A small party  arranged for the success of the project at night.

It almost evening and Suga is sitting in his cabin .

Knock knock...

Suga - come in

Jm enters happily.

Jm- hyung finally we get the agreement...( Jm said jumping )

Suga - yeah..( Suga said tired )

( Note - jm say Suga hyung when they are alone but if someone is present then he say him sir. )

Jm noticed Suga and asked

Jm- hyung..what happen..are you fine..

Suga-  yeah I am fine jiminah...

Jm - but you don't look like that ( than he notice the pill cover ) ( his eyes got wide )

Jm- took the painkiller..

( Jin strictly order all of them not to take painkiller because it is  not a  medicine or a proper solution )

Suga bit his tongue. He forgot to throw it in dustbin.

Jm - You know na ..Jin hyung hate it..why you

Suga- ( stand up ) - jm actually....

Jm- actually what..if hyung get to know about it..then you know what he do..

Suga got scared . He go towards jm and hold his hand .

Suga - No..jiminah please.. don't tell him...he become  angry..

Jm- but why you take this..

Suga- I have severe headache .. that's why I take it ...I can't able to handle it more ( he say hanging his head low )

Jm see Suga sad face and understand what is going on . He make Suga sit on the chair and kneel down in front of him.

Jm- hyung see me.. ( he held his chin up  )  is it still hurting.

Suga - Not that much but still hurting a little..

Jm- you are taking care of  health properly ?...

Suga look down giving a clear answer to jm.

Jm- So you are tell me..are you stressed so much in these days..

Suga - ( nooded)

Jm- you are skipping your meals also.. don't you..

Suga nooded

Jm- ( little annoyed - Didn't I ask you every single time that you eat or not...( Suga nooded ) then why you lie to me hyung... am I  asking for your bad..

Suga- it's not like that jimin.. everytime when you ask me and I say yes ..I make an internal note to eat after one things came and I can't able to eat... believe me..I am saying truth..

Jm sigh he know if Suga is saying this with so much confidence then he is saying truth.

Jm- how many times you take the tablet

Suga - only one...

Jm- listen to me you have to go to hospital and get a checkup. I will book appointment from hobi hyung..

He said taking his phone out. Suga run towards him and snatch the phone from jm.

Jm- what

Suga - are you out of your mind..


So that's it for today. Hope you guys like it.

Don't forget to vote & comment guys .

I know there is not much thing in this chapter but if we want more exciting things to read than we need a proper base na 🤭 .

Just enjoy this and wait for next chapter and yes I promise that I will update it soon .

Q- You like the relation between Jm& Suga ?

Q- what will you think Jin will get to know it or not ?

Q- what will Jin do with Suga after he get to know about his stunt ?

Q- Your expectations from upcoming chapter ?
