Part - 29

On last chapter I got a very good response so I am updating it again. See I am not lazy if you gave me a good amount of vote & comments I will update it.
Now coming on the chapter


Suga - are you out of your mind...

Jm- what.. don't you know the basic etiquette not to snatch someone phone .

Suga- don't you get the basic sense of mind...

Jm- what do you mean..( annoyed )

Suga- why are you calling hobi for this ...

Jm- because I am not a doctor...

Suga- yes , I know that and you even can't .. because you are a brainless person..

Jm see Suga highly annoyed and done face.

Suga- if you tell hobi about it then he will definitely tell Jin hyung about this..and after that I am gone( imagine his beating scene )

Jm- and you deserve that..why you don't think of this before doing such things..

Suga- Don't you think you are speaking too much ( glare )

Jm- it will not gonna work hyung.. atleast for now.... your checkup is tell what is going inside your head..

Suga- Now you are using your little brain... listen just take an appointment from any other hospital and doctor..I will go there..and nobody will get to know...

Jm- planned all this now or you know this going to be happened...

Suga- I am smart..

Jm- yeah yeah whatever ( rolling his eyes )

Knock knock

Jm- come in...

PA - sir everyone is waiting for both of you in party..

Jm- ok..leave..we are coming...

PA leave

Suga - I think this is my cabin..

Jm- so 6 p.m. hyung office hrs.
are over...

Suga sigh.

Jm- Are you coming in party or not..

Suga- I am tired....I will take rest...

Jm- ok..but hyung please don't take more tablets...or I have to tell Jin hyung....

Suga - NO JM..I will not take I promise don't tell him please...

Jm- stay here..I will send some food here that and then rest..ok

Suga- don't want to eat..I am going...

Jm- ok then I will call Jin Hyung..

Suga- you really think I am gonna believe it ( turning around )

Listening the voice Suga turn around in horror.

Guess whose voice is 🤔


Jm- Hello..Jin hyung...

Jin- yeah ..what happened...

Jm- nothing Hyung just ..what are you doing...

Jin- I just get free from a want something

Jm- wait hyung...( He put the call on hold ) want me to tell him ( to Suga) or you will eat

Jm said with a smirk..

Suga see him in horror. He remembered clearly that he used the same trick on jm earlier but now it's getting on him .
( Tit for tat )

Suga- ( shook his head in no )- I will eat.. please don't..

Jm-( on the call ) - hello.. it's nothing Hyung..I just want to tell that we get the agreement I tell you..

Jin- ohh.. congratulations jiminah..I am so proud of you ..where is yoongi I want to congratulate him too..

Jm- actually we arrange a small party on the success of project so hyung is there ..congrats him later...

Jin- I have to go now ..we will talk later ok dear...take care ..bye..

Jin cut the call. Suga exhale a deep breath . It look like he is not breathing at all.

Suga-( shout ) are you out of your mind.. you seriously call him

Jm- do what I say or I will call him again and this time i will make sure that he get to know everything you done.. (seriously )

Suga pout. Jm is sounding so serious he know jm will not hesitate to tell Jin about his little stunt and what will happen after that he clearly know.

Suga- you are sho bad....meanie...( Baby voice )

          He is damn cute .. isn't him

        ( I wanna touch his cheek 😩)

Jm smile internally and cooed in his Hyung cuteness. He shook his head and start to leave .

Jm- hyung eat the food properly and rest ..if you don't want Jin hyung to make your butt red...( Teasing )

Suga- you.... ( throw a paper ball on him )

After that jm attend the party and Suga eat the food that jm send . After that Suga sleep on his cabin couch .

At 8:30 P.M.

Jm enter in Suga cabin to take him home. The sight he see make him smile widely. Suga is sleeping with his mouth open. He is looking so tired that's why he is sleeping in the most uncomfortable position.
Jm stroke his hair.

Jm- ( smiling)- you are so dedicated to sleep meow are able to sleep in this position ( chuckle )

He pick Suga up in his arms ( muscular jm ) and start walking outside. Suga beauty sleep broke in between and he start scanning his surroundings.

Jm- there is no one hyung...

Suga- hmm..but why are you carrying me..I can walk by myself...( Hide his head in jm shoulder )

There is no one in the company at this time so he can carry Suga but if anyone see him then he sure that Suga will blast him off. ( It will ruin Agust D reputation )

(A/ N , Readers - no matter we already decide to ruin his reputation 🤭🤭)

He reach the parking and place Suga carefully on the front seat and himself sit on the driving seat. Jm open the car window as Suga loved to see the night view and love the cold breeze when it touch his face.
There ride start and Suga close his eyes feeling the breeze and cold atmosphere. This always calm him no matter what.
Soon they reach the mansion and get down from the car.

Jm- ready for tomorrow..I book an appointment for have to go there at 12:30 pm ..ok

Suga- I am not going alone there are also going with me..

Jm- why..are you a kid ...ohh Hyung is afraid of injection.. don't worry hyung I will say the doctor to be gentle...

Suga- shut your  mouth.. before I punch it...( Irritated )

Jm- hyung you know you look cute when irritated...( Squeezing his cheek )

Suga-( swat jm hand away ) - leave me baby mochi....

Jm- don't call me that ( he puffed his cheek )

Suga- what happen mochi got angry ( pinch jm cheeks)

      ( Baby mochi 🤭 )

Jm- stay away ( stomping his foot ) I will not come with you go alone there .... I wish doctor will give you 2 big  injections..hmm( going towards his car and sitting inside )

Suga smiled.

Suga- Drive safe mochi ...( Shout )

Jm leave from there irritated.

Suga laughed  .

  Suga- ohh.. my cute jiminis-shi you are still a kid ( smiling)


Wohoo...😊😘 One more  update...hope you like it

Vote & comment guys 👌

The fun is still left guys wait more upcoming chapter.

This time I add more pictures for better imagination. Hope you found it helpful.

Note- I don't edit any images just download it from Google, credit goes to the respected editor.

Give a good response on this and I will update again. Till than enjoy this.😘😊

Q- what you think about jm & Suga bickerings ?

Q- You like the images in chapter ?

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Q- Your opinion on what is going to be happen in upcoming chapters ?
