Loooong chapter ahead~!

3rd Person's P.O.V

"I told you that the bad feeling I felt is not about the hotdogs!" Tzuyu exclaimed as she looked very very worried.

They heard a ting, they all checked their phones hoping it's one of the girls but the girls found no messages but Shin had one message but not from the five girls.

Like my surprise, Shin?

Where are they?!

The Unknown suddenly called as Shin quickly answered and put it on loud speaker.

"Where are they?! What did you do to them?!" Shin shouted making the girls flinch as they looked at him, never have they heard Shin shout angrily.

The person on the other line chuckled.

"Calm down, calm down, I haven't hurt them....yet," The person on the other line said as he laughed like a maniac.

"You ba-" Shin was about to shout again but Tzuyu beat him.

"You fucking bastard where did you bring our unnies?!" Tzuyu burst.

(I'm very sorry for the curses I used here, hihihi,)

"Like I said I haven't hurt them," The guy replied.

"What do you want to us?!" dahyun asked angrily.

"Ooh~ I don't have anything to you guys, but I need something for Shin," The gut on the other line said as they all didn't talk.

"Shin, I want you to go to this address, WITHOUT bringing anyone or even cops, if you bring anyone, I'll kill the girls, got it? I only want you here, no one else, I'll send you the location," The guy said before hanging up as a ting heard from Shin's phone indicating that he received a message.

"Aish!" Shin muttered frustratingly.

"O-oppa, It's dangerous if you went alone," Chaeyoung said.

"I don't care, I need to save them," Shin blankly said as He went to the backyard followed by the four girls.

"What are we doing here, Oppa?" Chaeyoung asked as Shin ignored her and He suddenly spread his wings.

(Imagine it's white)

"Oppa..." Dahyun muttered.

"Don't follow me girls, I need to save them," Shin coldly said.

"BUT WE WANT TO HELP TOO!" Jeongyeon shouted as tears fell from her eye.

"We're willing to take the risk for them!" She added as she broke down as Shin's gaze soften and he slowly made his way towards jeongyeon hugging her as His wings slowly disappeared while the other three joined in.

"Please Oppa, let us come with you," Tzuyu muttered.

"Fine," Shin said.

"But, Your only coming in when I'm still inside for 8 hours and call the cops plus Pd-nim," Shin said as the four girls nodded.

"Alright, 8 hours," Jeongyeon repeated as they broke the hug.

Shin slowly spread his wings again.

"Alright, Do we have something for the four of you to be on?" Shin asked.

"We can have blankets," Chaeyoung suggested as Shin nodded.

"Alright, get Three large blankets please," Shin said as Chaeyoung and Dahyun rushed inside the house.

After a few minutes, they came back with three white large blankets.

Shin grabbed it and muttered a thank you before spreading one blanket on the ground followed by another and another one.

"Alright, One person on my back, and the other three please seat on the blanket," Shin said as Chaeyoung made her way behind Shin while the other three sat on the blanket.

"Are you sure Oppa that you can carry us?" Dahyun asked.

"Of course," Shin answered as He tied both ends of the blankets and he made sure that the three can still see the outside.

"Ready everyone?" Shin asked as Chaeyoung enthusiastically answered ready while the other three hesitantly said ready.

"No need to be nervous, Your safe with me," shin assured them as the three answered again but this time with no hesitation.

"Alright, here we go!" Shin exclaimed as he suddenly flies up as Squeals left the girls lips.

After a few moments, the three girls peeked outside the blanket.

Shin is now flying not that fast but not too slow speed.

"Woah~" The three muttered as they scanned the lights of Seoul while their face is getting hit by the cold breeze of Seoul.

"This is so cool, Oppa!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as Shin chuckled.

*Time Skip*

They arrived at an abandoned-looking warehouse.

"Girl's stay here, I'm going in," Shin said as soon as He dropped them softly on the ground at the same time his wings disappeared.

"Ok, but after 2 hours if your not out, we'll call the police and Pd-nim," Tzuyu said as Shin nodded with a smile.

before slowly making his way to the warehouse.


"Where are we?" Jihyo asked as she adjusts her vision and felt a rope tying her hands.

When she can clearly see her surroundings she scanned it and saw her other members still sleeping she also saw other men standing few feet away from them with guns.

"Girls! Wake up!" Jihyo whispered shout as the other four groaned.

"W-where are we?" Mina asked as she adjusts her vision.

"I think we're at an abandoned warehouse," Jihyo replied as the other girls are now fully awake.

"Correct!" A deep voice can be heard alarming the five girls.

"Who are you?!" Nayeon shouted looking around.

"I'm surprised you haven't recognized my voice at all," The Man said as he chuckled.

"Do we suppose to know you Mr. kidnapper?" Sana asked sassily as the Man chuckled again.

"Oh, dear, you guys already know me from a long long time!" The man exclaimed and laughed out loud.

"Quite laughing asshole and show yourself," Nayeon said sassily.

"Calm down, calm down, Ms. Im," The Man said as he showed himself but he's wearing a skull helmet so the girls could really not recognize him.

"C'mon are you a kid to put on a costume?" Momo irritatedly asked.

The man laughed at Momo's statement.

"Sira ulo pala toh eh" Momo muttered in a foreign language.

"You're saying something, Ms. Hirai?" The Man asked as Momo looked at him blankly.

"I said I'm hungry," Momo said making the man laugh again.

"Momo!" Jihyo scolded but got ignored.

"Let us go you fucking bastard," Nayeon said.

"No can do Ms. Im," The Man said.

"Can you please take that helmet off, because you look stupid," Sana savagely said.

(Baka alagang tzuyu yan)

"Sure, Ms. Minatozaki," The Man said as He slowly took the helmet off revealing his face.

"Mark?!" The girls shouted.

"Yep! The one! and only!" He proudly said and smiled creepily.

"Why?! What did we do to you?!" Jihyo asked.

"You did nothing," Mark plainly said.

"Then why kidnap us?" Mina asked.

"Hmm...You guys were just a bait," He replied with a smile.

"Bait? To who?" Jihyo asked.

"To Shin," Mark replied shortly.

"Why?! What did he do to you?!" Mina asked hearing the name of her boyfriend.

"Oh he did a lot sweetie," Mark said as He approached Mina.

"He did a lot of things to me...and my family," He added as he crouches down to Mina's level and placed a finger under Mina's chin as Mina and the girls glared at him.

"Don't touch her you bastard," Momo growled.

Mark just chuckled and stood up walking back to where he was standing before.

"Now, now, let's talk about that boyfriend of yours," Mark started as he smiled creepily glancing at the five girls before he stared at Mina.

"Have you ever wondered why him and jeongyeon plus the maknaes are too close?" Mark asked.

"They're always too close you idiot," Mina answered harshly as she harshly squirms her hand to attempt on taking the rope off of her hand.

"Woah, no need to be harsh, Ms. Myoui," Mark said as he laughed a little.

"what about....why do they always make excuses to talk to Shin or make excuses just to save Shin's troublesome ass?" Mark asked walking near to them.

"Have you also ever wondered if he was hiding something from you?" Mark questioned as Mina suddenly remained silent as Mark smiled creepily.

Mina started to remember the moment in Shin's room.


Mina went inside Shin's room and laid down as she waits for him.

Minutes later, She heard footsteps approaching the room so she decided to pretend to sleep.

She heard the door opened and closed as footsteps approach her and sat beside her 'Sleeping' figure.

She felt a hand brushed away the hair that blocking her face.

"Cute..." She heard Shin muttered.

"What will you do when you found out about who I truly am?" Shin muttered as She heard him sigh and got up heading to the bathroom and did his thing.

After hearing the bathroom door closed she opened her eyes staring at the bathroom door while thinking about what shin said.

-End of flashback-

"See, your boyfriend is keeping something from you," Mark said as the girls glared at him.

"Even your members," Mark added as the four girls felt their faces paled.

"They all know something you don't," He whispered with a creepy smile.

"They're not like that!" Mina spat as Mark shook his head and looked at mina in a psychopath way.

"Oh no, dear, You can even ask your members if you want," He said as Mina looked at her members before back to Mark.

"You can't manipulate me you jerk!" Mina said as Mark chuckled and hummed.

"Hmmm, Let's see then..." He muttered in a psychotic way as a creepy smile was plastered on his face as he sat down.


(I Have no hate towards mark I love him but I won't replace youngjae! HAHAHA, anyways, This is just a fanfiction so please do understand, ^_^)

As shin made his way to the warehouse he found two men outside guarding the door.

He sneakily knocked out both of the men before going in.

"Wah, Oppa looks cool," Dahyun whispered as they watch Shin.

"I agree," Chaeyoung whispered back.


When Shin got inside he was greeted by six men pointing their guns at him.

He glanced at every man before kicking the man near him as the others charged at him.

( I Suck at action scenes so bare with this, HAHAHA)

Two men are charging behind him as another two in front, He spread his wings and swirl around hitting them with his wings as the four men flew across the room.

Two men were knocked out while the other four stood up grabbing the guns and pointed them at Shin as Shin quickly shielded himself using his wings.

As they pulled the trigger and slowly walking while firing at Shin alarming everyone inside and outside the warehouse.

(Pretend every black-winged gifs here were white)


"What was that?" Mark asked he asked as he abruptly stood up.

"Sir! Someone got in! A-and it's not an ordinary person! That person has wings!" One of his man announced.

"Aish! Go! You Guys go there! make sure to bring that damn angel here!" Mark ordered as his men nodded.

"A-angel?" Mina asked as mark's angry face turned into a psychopath-smiling face.

"Oh, yes, sweetie, your knight, and shining armor came!" He exclaimed as Mina looked confused.


"Oppa..." Tzuyu muttered when she heard gunshots.

"Don't worry, Oppa is the strongest Angel we've known," Dahyun said.

"Of course he is, he's the only angel we know, duh," Chaeyoung answered as dahyun glared at her.

"I know that you dwarf," Dahyun fired back as Chaeyoung gasp and the bickering started as The two other girls only rolled their eyes.


They stopped firing as Shin's wings slowly opened, He lifts himself a little before swirling making all four men fly across the room, knocked out.

His foot touched the ground as his wings slowly disappeared.

"Well that was easy," He muttered before proceeding.

He encountered another pack of guys with guns as he spread his wings and did the same, he grabbed the guy's collar as he stared at him coldly sending shivers to the guy's spine.

"Tell me where did your boss put the girls?" He coldly asked as The guy started to shake.

"O-over T-there..." The guy said and pointed to where Mark and The five girls are located.

"Are you telling the truth? Or else-" Shin said as he got cut off by the guy.

"Y-yes! yes, I'm telling the truth, I-i was one of the guys who G-guarded them," The guy replied.

"Did he hurt them?" Shin asked.

"I-i don't know," The guy replied as Shin smiled.

"Alright, Thank you for that, You may now sleep," He said as he knocked him out.

He went to the direction the guy pointed, he slowly made his way but still not showing himself fully only his figure, (He's wings is still there, btw), when he looked at the man he got surprised that it's no other than Got7's Mark.

"Let them go, Mark," Shin said as the girls snapped their heads to where they heard his voice and saw his figure.

"Shin?/Oppa?" The girls asked as Shin fully reveal himself, He's wearing all white clothes btw.

(Imagine that he has White Wings)

"Ahh~! My Favorite Angel~!" Mark exclaimed as he spread his arms wide as his pistol was hanging on his finger while smiling like a psychopath.

"Let them go now, mark," He ordered in a stern tone as Mark laughed.

"Why won't you explain to your girlfriend first on what she's seeing right now," He said with a creepy smile.

"Go on, I'm giving you time," Mark said as Shin looked at Mina who's already looking at him confused.

"C'mon, Shin, or Would you want me to tell her myself?" Mark said.

Shin was about to answer when Mark beat him to it.

"Alright Shin, let's get back to my story 8 years ago," Mark said as he started to circle around the girls while twirling his gun on his index finger.

"Listen carefully girls," He added as Shin followed his every move.

"And don't move Shin or your pretty little girlfriend here, dies," Mark added as Shin froze on his spot while he looked over the girls as their already looking at him.

(Mark's Story is on MGA #16)

"Now girls, do you still trust this guy? An Angel but has a family of a murderer?" Mark asked.

"I was a toddler that time Mark! I don't know what to do!" Shin defended.

"Shin Oppa is right! He's just a toddler!" Jihyo shouted.

"Shut up you microphone," Mark said as The girls send daggers at him.

"Indeed he is, but why didn't he come looking for me and asked for forgiveness?" He asked.

"Mark, that was 8 years ago! I don't even remember it anymore!" Shin replied.

"But my family's death hasn't got their justice! It will only get its justice once I kill you!" Mark shouted.

"Now, now, I want you to see your love ones dying in front of your eye, so you'll know how I felt back then," Mark said as he smiled like a psychopath and pointed his gun in Mina's direction.

Shin run to her and the girls at an inhuman speed before his wings shielded them.

"Oppa," The girls muttered looking at him.

"S-sorry for not telling you this, My love," He muttered as he Scrunches his nose trying to hold on to the pain as Mark laugh psychopathically.

"W-what else did Y-you hide?" Mina asked as she tears up by seeing her boyfriend hold the pain.

"T-this is my L-last day, S-since I only H-have 2 weeks ever S-since Y-you answered M-my C-confession," Shin said as Mina cried while the girls comfort her.

"Shit, I'm almost out of bullet!" Mark exclaimed while Shin slowly stood up after untying the ropes as his wings healed as he looked at Mark who's in a state of panic as Mark grabbed his Kanata and went to the backside of the warehouse.

Shin decided to follow him as The girls shout his name, but he didn't look back, Mina was about to follow but the girls prevented her.

"No, Mina," Jihyo said.

"but that's my boyfriend over there! Following a psychopath!" Mina shouted as she squirms around.

"Girls!" They heard four familiar voices as they turned around and got tackled into hug as the four sobs.

"I thought we lost you guys~!" Tzuyu said as she hugged nayeon as Nayeon pats her back softly.

"We're alive tzuyu-ah," She whispered.

They all broke the hug as Dahyun looked around finding something or should I say, someone.

"Where's Shin Oppa?" Dahyun asked as the girls looked at her.


"Mark! Just surrender!" Shin shouted as he looked around but he can't see clearly since it's already raining.

"I would never!" He heard Mark said.

"Not until I kill you!" Mark said and swang his Kanata in Shin's direction as he successfully cut Shin's arm.

It's been an hour since the two boys started fighting, both boys are bruised badly as they stopped for a moment before Mark disappeared again.

He then appeared behind him as Mark raised his Kanata ready to pierce Shin's back when Shin suddenly turned around as His eyes widen.

He looked down at his stomach and saw the Kanata was pierced right through him, Mark laugh hysterically.

"Waah! That feels good!" Mark exclaimed as he pushed the Kanata deeper making Shin groan as blood started to drip out of his mouth as mark keeps on pushing it deeper.

Mark brought out his gun and pointed it at his head.

"Good to see you here on earth, Angel Shin, and See you later in hell," Those were Mark's last words before a loud bang was heard.



The girls flinched when they heard the loud bang and the five girls knew that it came from the backside as their faces turned pale.


(Play BTS V & RM's 4 o'clock after the song ended Play nothing like us covered by  Jungkook & V well not literally V, but yeah...)

Shin knelt down as he lets the rain pour onto him washing away Shin's and Mark's blood.

"Father!" Shin shouted as he looked up with a genuine smile plastered on his face.

"Thank you for giving me this mission! I had fun you know!" He added and looked back on the ground still has his smile.


His Brothers were actually watching him as they started to tear up.

"Is there any other way, Father?" Jin asked as the maknaes were crying together with J-hope while Namjoon and Suga were comforting them.

"I'll think about it," Father said.


The girls ran to the door as they barge they saw Shin in the middle kneeling down with a sword pierced right through him and they also saw Mark's dead body.

"Oppa!" The girls shouted and rushed to Shin not caring wether they'll get wet.

"Oh Hey girls," He weakly said as he started to glow, the girls were standing covering their mouth as they started to cry while Mina was also kneeling in front of her boyfriend.

"No, no, no, O-oppa," Mina muttered as soon as she knelt down as she cupped Shin's face.

"Hello, My love," Shin said as He looked at her with a smile while Mina tried to smile but failed as she started to sob.

"Don't cry, love," Shin said as he wipe Mina's tears leaving a blood stain on her face since his hands was bathing with his own blood.

The girls were comforting the Maknaes while their also crying themselves.

"W-why?" Mina asked as she sobs.

"Sorry for keeping this to you, Love, I just don't to see you cry before I leave," Shin weakly said.

"I Wanted to make you hate me, I-i wanted you to say that you don't want to see me ever again, so I don't have a problem on leaving," Shin explained as the sobs and cries from the girls got louder.

"I actually want you all to hate me," He added making the girls looked at him confused.

"W-why?" Chaeyoung managed to say.

"I was planning on making you guys to hate me when I'm nearly done with my mission so even if I just disappear you won't come looking for me," He said.

"I-if only didn't jeongyeon suddenly barge in inside my room that time, I wouldn't have a hard time leaving you guys," He added.

"I can't leave you guys crying, I want to see you guys smile before I leave," He said.

Shin was about to talk again when Mina kissed him, he kissed back as Mina's tears run down her cheeks.

After a minute they pulled away, Shin can't help but cry too.

"Can you guys do me a favor?" Shin asked as the girls nodded rapidly.

"Can you fulfill my three wishes?" He asked.

"A-anything, Oppa," Tzuyu and Jihyo answered.

"My first wish is, Can you promise me to protect each other and never leave each other's side?" He asked with a smile.

"O-of course, O-oppa," Sana, Momo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon answered with a weak smile.

"Second, Can you guys promise me to always be happy and always remember me?" He asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

"We won't never ever forget you, Oppa!"

"We promise!"

Shin's smile brighten on their answer.

"And Third, P-please make sure to make My Penguin happy," He stated as Mina look at him but he was looking at the girls.

"We will, we P-promise!" Dahyun and Mina replied.

"Brother! Please take care of them for me!" Shin shouted as he looked up with a smile as the girls followed his gaze.

"They can be really handful sometimes! But their good girls!" He added making the girls giggle at his remarks.

Shin glowed even brighter for a moment before the glow lighten.

"I guess It's time to go girls, Please take care of yourself, always remember me," Shin said as the sobs and cries got even louder.

"Can you guys give me one last true smile before I go?" He asked as the girls tried their best to smile genuinely in which they succeed except for one girl.

Shit advert his eyes from the girls to the sobbing girl in front of him.

"Love, Can I see you smile one last time?" He asked as Mina stared at him while crying.

She tried her best but failed so Shin pulled her for another kiss that lasted for about 2 minutes before Shin pulled away.

"Now can I see you smile?" He asked again with a smile, Mina nodded and showed her gummy smile a genuine smile while she's still crying.

"See, You look gorgeous," Shin whispered as he put the strand of Mina's hair behind her ears.

"Good Bye, My love, let's see each other in our next life, Promise?" Shin asked as his back slowly started to turn into ash.

He brought out his pinky in front of her while his still smiling.

"P-promise," Mina answered as she shakily locked their pinky and let out a sob.

"Girls, please smile for me," He said as the girls smiled in which he returned.

"I love you, My love," Shin whispered as He kissed Mina's forehead that lasted for a minute.

"I love you too, My Guardian Angel," Mina whispered back as They kissed one last time with smiles on their faces before Shin fully disappeared as Mina's sobs and the girls grew louder.

(Pretend that he's wearing an all white outfitwhile the ashes are glowing blue)

The Kanata was left on the floor as They cried, at the same time Jyp and some police officers came, they saw Mark's dead body as the parademics placed his body on a stretcher.

"Sir can we-" The officer got cut off by Jyp.

"We'll go out later, please leave us for now," He said as the Officer nodded before leaving with his partner.


"Welcome back, brother," Namjoon said as His brothers attack him with a hug while their sobbing.

"Hyungs, please look after them, ok," Shin said as they nodded rapidly.

"We will miss you, our best Maknae," Jin said as he hugged Shin.

"Go now, Father is waiting for you," Hoseok said as Shin took a deep breath before nodding.

After a moment of walking, He arrived in front of the big white door, He took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Father, I'm back," He weakly said and bowed.

"Welcome back, Angel Nam," He said.

"Today I have decided that I'll give you..." Father said trailing off as Shin closed his eyes to expect the execution, but he heard what he least expected the most.

"A Second Chance," father added as Shin looked at Him shocked.

"I'll give you a second chance, I'll reincarnate you, but when you die on you second life, You'll die as a normal human and never be an angel again," he said as Shin nodded.

"Alright, It's also said in the rules that when being reincernated, your memories will be ereased to you and to all the people you know," Father said as Shin nodded again.

"Alright, You may now step inside the portal," Shin's smile grew wider when he heard it as He stepped in front of the portal before looking back to Father and back to the portal.

"Be safe brother! Let's see each other in our next lives!" His brothers shouted as Father playfully shook his head with a smile.

"See you in our next live, My love," Shin muttered before he fully entered the portal.

