MGA #12 (Special Birthday Chapter// M.SN)

Shin's P.O.V

I woke up at my desk.

'I guess i slept while i was writing last night' I thought 

I looked over  my phone ringing signaling that someone is calling me.

(BOLD= Caller/ ITALIC= Shin/NORMAL= is what Shin doing)


AH, Shin! this is Seojun...

Oh, Hyung, do you need something?

I asked as i stood up and went to the bathroom to do my mourning routine.

Yeah, PD-nim said that the girls are going to jeju for the program


What? I can't understand you

He said as i quickly spit the toothpaste and wipe my mouth before going back to my room and sit on my bed.

I mean, why? Explain please, i have a very slow brain, so yeah please explain, hihihi

As i was saying, the girls are going to jeju island to film a program.

(A/N: Hehehe, that's only made up, because i can do anything i want *laughs evily*)

Oooh, When is it?

After their Fansign

Oh, Alright, I'll just check when is their fan sign and put it on my note

Alright, Thank you Shin~!

No problemo, anyways i got to get ready since the girls has photoshoot today, Bye bye hyung~!

Alright, Bye bye

-Call Ended-

After the call with Seojun hyung i got dressed quickly and went down to cook breakfast.

I opened my phone and played BTS V's Snow Flower and Sing along while i'm cooking.


As i was done singing and cooking at the same time, I placed the dish on the plate, But when i turn around I saw the girls clapping their hands silently with a wide smile plastered in their faces.

"Wahh~! Oppa i didn't know you have a angelic and soothing voice~" Chaeyoung said as she's clapping like a five years old girl who saw magic.

"Yeah, it's really soothing, are you somehow an angel?" Dahyung asked.

"Because he really is an angel" Jeongyeon suddenly blurted out that made me widen my eyes and started to panic, as the girls looked at her confused because she doesn't seem to be joking, well she isn't really joking.

"A-ahh~ T-that was a J-joke...Right, that was a joke because Oppa really looked like an angel,Hehehe" She said as she let out a fake laugh, and signaled me to go with the flow.

'Nice Excuse Jeong' I thought and mentally facepalmed.

"A-ah, right, Your Funny, Ha...Haha...HAHAHA" I said as i let out a forced fake laugh, The girls looked at us back and forth.

"You guys are weird" Nayeon said and looked at us weirdly as we just slimed.

"A-anyways, Let's eat" Jihyo said.

"SInce you girls will finish early today after your photoshoot let's go to the amusement park to Celebrate Sana's birthday" I told them, When i mentioned 'Sana's birthday' their eyes went wide.

"Omo~! Sana Unnie, Mianeh~!, I forgot your birthday" Dahyun said as she stood up and hugged Sana.

"Wahh~! me too, Happy birthday Unnie!" Jihyo said and hugged Sana, Soon, all of them attacked the birthday girl with Huggs and Kisses as Sana giggled.

I just looked at them with a smile admiring the loving scene in front of me.


Be safe always! take care of yourself and the other members! Luv ya~!

Ello! Winterbears! Did you enjoy this Chapter? If so.. Leave a comment and vote!


Sorry for the short chapter! But i hope you enjoy this chapter!!!😊

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Lav yah❤️ from your handsome author-nim:Zackary_WinterBear29😘 
