MGA #22


I'm already thinking of some scenarios for the book two, so yeah, I hope you guys can wait for it ^_^

Anyways lets get this chapter started~!


3rd Person's P.O.V

Last night, after they finish eating they decided to go to the amusement park and have fun, after that, they decided to go home and let Shin cook dinner after they ate their dinner, the girls decided to stay up all night watching a movie but they ended up talking and completely forgetting about the movie their watching.

Today is Shin's last day, The other girls seem to forget about it but not jeongyeon, She's the closest member to Shin after all.

"GIRLS WAKE UP!" Jihyo shouted earning groans and whines followed by a loud thud.

"I'm Okay!" The clumsy squirrel shouted.

Shin chuckled while he prepares the table.

"Good morning, girls~" He cheerfully greeted.

"Where's Mina?" He asked.

"Oh, she's still inside your room," Nayeon replied.

"Alright, I'll just wake her up," He said and went to his room.

He opened the door and met with a sleeping Angel.

He smiled softly before making his way to her, He sat down on his bed and brushed off the hairs that covering Mina's face.

"Mina," He called softly but received a small groan.

"Love," He called again, no response.

"What could I do to make this penguin open her eyes," Shin playfully asked.

"Kiss," Mina whispered as Shin chuckled.

"Is that so?" He went along as Mina slowly nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Then, she can just sleep here," Shin replied and pretended to stand up earning a cute whine from the penguin.

Shin chuckled before leaning closer to Mina's face that made Mina smile even tho she can't see him.

As Shin lowered his face, he kissed Mina's forehead to her nose causing Mina to giggle, and to her lips, it lasted for a good 15 seconds, then he started to shower Mina with kisses causing the girl to giggle.

"Okay! I'm awake~ I'm up~!" Mina said while giggling as she sat up while Shin let out a soft laugh.

The laugh died down as both of them just stared at each other with small smiles on their faces, They scan every feature of one another, from the eyes, nose, and their perfect soft plump lips.

They unconsciously started to lean in still has their smile but their eyes were focused on each other's lips.

They continue to lean forward until their lips met as their eyes fluttered closed as they move their lips matching Shin's rhythm, The kiss lasted for a good 10 minutes until they needed to pull away because of lack of oxygen.

Their eyes fluttered open with bright smiles plastered on their faces as they stared at each other again.

'Can I at least wish for this to last longer?' Shin thought.

"Let's go down, love, the girls might be waiting for us," Shin stated.

"Arraseo, I'll be there, I just need to do my mourning routine," Mina replied.

"Alright, be fast okay," Shin said as Mina nodded, Shin gave her one last peck on her lips before going out of the room.

He went down and found the girls talking to each other.

"Oh, Oppa, where's Mina unnie?" Dahyun asked.

"She's doing her morning routine," Shin replied as Dahyun nodded while shin sat beside jeongyeon.

Minutes later Mina came down, She greeted the members good morning before sitting beside Shin, as Mina side hugged him while shin gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"That's enough, lovebirds, we need to eat, I'm hungry," You know who this is, lol.

"Well, enjoy your food," Shin said with a beaming smile.

"Thank you for the food!" They all said in unison.

They all started to eat while talking to each other except for one person.

"Are you alright, Jeongie?" Shin asked the girl beside him in a whispering manner to not gain the girls' attention.

"I-i can't believe that today is your...last day," Jeongyeon muttered as she frowned making shin frown also.

"It's alright, we still have the whole day until it's time to say goodbye," Shin said and pats her back.

"Now, be happy and forget about that for a moment," Shin added with a smile as Jeongyeon smiled slightly and nodded.

"Great!" Shin said as they continued to eat.

"Oppa," Jihyo called Shin receiving a hum.

"yes?" Shin asked.

"We're out of food stock, is it alright if you do the groceries?" Jihyo asked.

"I don't mind at all, and besides, I have something to buy too," He replied with a smile making jihyo smile too.

*Time Skip*

The girls are chilling on the couch after they finished their lunch, they were watching a Chinese drama named 'Accidentally Inlove'

Moments later Shin came down wearing casual clothes while heading to the door.

"Alright, I'll get going see you guys late-" Shin got cut off when chaeyoung shouted from the kitchen.

"Wait, Oppa! I'll come, I'm out of strawberry milk!" She said.

"Me too, I'm out of chocolates!" Dahyun shouted.

"Me I just want to come, and maybe help too," Tzuyu and Jeongyeon shouted as Shin nodded and sat beside Mina who is watching with the other girls as the other four girls went to their room to get change.

Mina automatically snuggled close to him as he wraps his arm around her waist and kissed her crown.

After a few moments, the girls came down as Shin stood up but not before pecking Mina's lips.

"Bye girls! We'll be back before dinner." Shin stated as he and the other four went out.

*Time Skip*

"Oppa, Me and Dahyuniee will find strawberries and chocolates," Chaeyoung said as soon as they stepped inside the market.

"Sure, I'll just text you guys where we are," Shin replied with a smile while scanning the list Jihyo sent him as the other two separated paths with the three.

Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, and Shin are on the pasta aisle.

"Oppa, how much time do you think you still have?" Tzuyu suddenly asked as Jeongyeon stopped what she was doing to listen while Shin stopped scanning the shelves as he turned around to face the two.

"To be honest, I have no idea," Shin muttered but enough for the two to hear.

"Maybe, later? Or An hour? I don't know," Shin added as frowns are visible on jeongyeon's and tzuyu's faces.

"Oppa, when you're gone, please don't forget us," Tzuyu said as Shin smiled and went to tzuyu engulfing her into a bear hug while rubbing her back.

"Alright, enough drama, let's just continue the grocery," Jeongyeon said patting the back of tzuyu before leaving the two and pushed the cart while scanning the pasta shelves.

*Time Skip*

It's 6:30 pm already when the five finished the grocery shopping.

"Waah~ Jihyo unnie really made sure that we've got everything," Chaeyoung exclaimed carrying two plastic bags.

"She sure made a hell of a list," Jeongyeon joked making them laugh.

They walk to the parking lot while talking about something random.

"Why do I feel like something's bad gonna happen?" Tzuyu suddenly blurted out.

"You just ate too many hotdogs earlier," Jeongyeon said as dubchaeng snorted while Shin just giggled.

"Hmm, Fair enough," Tzuyu said as they continued to walk.

- Meanwhile -

"Girls, I'm hungry~" Momo whined while rubbing her tummy.

"We don't have anything to cook yet, just wait for a few more moments, maybe they're on their way home," Jihyo replied while scrolling on her phone.

"Actually, I'm hungry too," Nayeon muttered.

"Let's just order something," Sana suggested as the other girls nod but not jihyo.

They all advert their eyes on her, meanwhile, jihyo, feeling all eyes on her made her look up from her phone and met with three pouting girls while Mina is giggling beside her.

"Fine," Jihyo muttered as she sighs.

"YAY!" They cheered as Momo quickly dialed and they quickly said their orders.

"They said, they'll be here in 10 minutes," Momo announced as they cheered again, Jihyo can't help but smile while shaking her head playfully.

Ten minutes later, they heard a knock.

"That must be it," Momo said and rushed to the door.

Momo opened the door with a wide smile but suddenly turned into confusion when she saw a guy in black with a mask.

"Uhmm, Can I help you?" Momo asked but the guy didn't say anything but put a while cloth on Momo's nose as Momo tried to scream as she squirmed on the guy's hold but she soon felt getting sleepy, soon enough, Momo fell asleep on the guy's arm.

"Momo-Chan? What's taking yo-" Sana got cut off when she saw Momo on the guy's hold, She froze on her spot.

"Get her!" The man whispers shout to one of the guys behind him.

Sana prepared to scream but cut off when the guy did the same thing the man did to Sana, Sana tried to scream on the cloth even if it's muffled, but soon enough she fell asleep.

"Go in and make sure not to hurt them or else the boss will kill us," The Man ordered as the others went in while the others stayed behind and place the two sleeping girls inside the van.

Soon enough, the other three girls were in the other guys arm sleeping, they place them inside the van as they closed the door.

"Is it just them?" The Man asked as the other guy nodded.

"We also left them a letter, sir," the guy said.

"Good, now let's go," the man said and went inside the van as the guy looked around for any witness, when he found none they went inside the other van and left the dorm quickly.

Unlucky for them, someone saw them as that witness didn't know what to do.

*Time Skip*

Shin and the other four girls got home, Shin inserts the key on the doorknob's keyhole, when he twisted the key, he found the door not locked.

'Weird,' Shin thought as he grabbed the doorknob and twisted it opening the door as the rest of them went inside they were met with a messy living room.

"What...the...fuck, just happened?" Jeongyeon muttered as she scanned the living room while the other four were shocked.


"Woah, It looks like a whole zoo partied here," Dahyun commented as the other two nodded.

Jeongyeon irritatedly started to clean up while Shin helped her, as Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Tzuyu put the groceries in the kitchen.

"Oppa! Unnie!" They heard the maknae line shouted as the two of them rushed to the kitchen while the maknae line is circling around chaeyoung.

"Why?! What happened?!" Shin asked as the three of them slowly turned around with Shocked, Worried, Fear, and Nervousness is evident on their face.

"Why?" Jeongyeon asked.

"T-this..." Chaeyoung shakily handed them a yellow sticky note with a letter saying.

"We Have Them :)" - M.T


Alright, One more chapter to go and book 1 is finish!

See u on the next chapter! PEACE OUT!
