MGA #16: Mysterious Person's P.O.V

(This P.O.V will explain why ??? wanted to kill and destroy Shin & his brothers)

ok, first of all, I am really sorry for updating very late, my schedules are packed, well *giggles* I'm doing this while attending online class, xD I'm a bad student HAHAHA But it's for you guys, so yeah, hope you enjoy the following chapters.

??? P.O.V

*Evil Laugh* It's my fucking pov!

I swear to kill Shin and His brothers.

8 years ago

3rd Person's P.O.V

??? and his parents were eating our lunch peacefully.

*knock* *knock*

"Are we expecting someone, hun?" The wife asked.

"I'll get that," My dad said as he stood up.

"Good Ev-" ???'s Dad froze on his spot when he saw the person behind the door.

"Who is it, Honey?" His wife asks as She walked towards her husband who is still frozen while staring at the person in front of him.

"Oh, Good Evening, Sir," The wife said as she smiled warmly.

"Good Evening, Ma'am," The person said.

"I'm Nam Joo-Hyuk, We need something to you," He said as he smiled and bowed the same as the other two angels behind him, who happened to be Hoseok and Yoongi, while the little Shin is inside the carriage watching hem.

"What is it, Mr. Nam?" The wife asked.

"Ma'am I ne-" Joo hyuk got cut off by the husband.

"M-mr. N-nam, I T-think you G-guys need to go, I-it's late A-already, It's N-nice to have you here, G-good bye," The husband said as he ready to close the door when a foot blocked it from closing.

"Dad? Mom? who is it?" ??? asked as he walked towards his parents.

"Mark, Go to your room," Mark's dad said.

"Why? What's wrong?" Mark asked.

"N-nothing's wrong, honey, just go" His father said as he obeyed.

"Mrs.Tuan, We would like to take your husband with us," Joo hyuk

"W-what? Why?" Mrs. Tuan asked as she looked at her husband.

"I'm pretty sure that mrs. tuan knows about you being an Angel, right, Mr. tuan?" Joo hyuk asked.

"H-how did you know?" mrs. tuan asked.

"The deity ordered us to judge your husband or should I say Angel Tuan." joo hyuk said.

"W-what kind of judging is it? " Mrs. Tuan asked.

"The judgment is will he be sent underworld or TURN.INTO.DUST, for breaking our important rule," Joo hyuk said.

"Now, Mr. Tuan come with us on your own will? or You wanna do it the other way?" joo hyuk added.

"I-i wanna S-stay with my F-family," Mr. tuan said while shuttering.

" Angel Tuan, come with us for the judgment or Right here.Right now turn into a dust?" joo hyuk said.

The wife started to tear up.

"I WILL STAY WITH MY FAMILY, DAMN THAT DEITY" Mr. tuan shouted and slammed the door.

Mark quickly rushed to his father, while crying since he heard everything.

(Sorry for the word but it's just for the story  sowy~!!)

"H-honey, I-i don't want to lose you," Mrs. tuan said as she sobs.

"D-dad, don't leave u-" Mark got cut off when the door slammed open, revealing Joo hyuk.

Joo hyuk  pulled Angel Tuan a little close to him and made him kneel.

"Angel Tuan, You left me no choice but to do the judging in front of your family." Joo hyuk said.

" We are already tired of chasing and finding you, Now you have to face the consequences." He added as he pulled out a gun from his white tuxedo, then he pointed it on Angel tuan's direction.

"NO! PLEASE LET MY DAD GO!" Mark shouted as he is crying already and about to go to his dad but got stopped by Yoongi and Hoseok as they both held Mrs. Tuan and Mark tightly but not too tight to hurt them.

"Let us go!"Mrs. Tuan said as she tried to get out of the grip of Hoseok.

"Angel Tuan, I Nam Joo Hyuk will be the one who'll judge and give you the punishment you deserve." He said as he read the scroll he's holding on his left hand while his right hand held the gun made from heaven they called the Consequence Gun.

"Angel Tuan, The deity had decided to erase you PERMANENTLY on the world, Now You Shall Face the Punishment that was meant for you," Joo hyuk said as the scroll disappeared from his hand.

He pointed the Gun at Mr. Tuan as Mr. Tuan closed his eyes.

He heard a loud bang and heard his son shouted but he felt nothing, he opened his eyes and saw his wife, blood flowing out of her clothes as she collapses while Mr. Tuan placed his wife on his lap.

"W-why? Her?!" Mr. Tuan shouted as he looked at  Joo hyuk with tears flowing out of his eyes.

"It's not my fault, but you still need to face the consequences, Now you shall face your punishment for REAL," Joo hyuk said and pointed the gun again.

"Please revive my wife first," Mr. Tuan pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but It's her time also," Joo hyuk said before pulling the trigger.

"NOOO!" Mark shouted as he cried loudly struggling to escape Hoseok's & Yoongi's grip.

"Let him go," Joo hyuk ordered his son as they obeyed.

"Dad! Mom!" Mark said as he ran to his parents hugging both of their bodies.

"WHY?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET MY FATHER BE HAPPY WITH US?!" Mark shouted as Joo hyuk only looked at him with a straight face while Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him in sympathy.

"Let's go boys," Joo hyuk said and left first, while both yoongi and hoseok look at the boy with guilt and sympathy before leaving and closing the door.

"From this day onwards, I. Swear. To. Kill. Every. Single. Living. Angels. On. Earth," Mark said as he emphasized every word he said while glaring at the door where the Nam family went out.

(ok so I decided to just let Bts's surname be, but all of them are still brothers not by blood so yeah, hope you understand this sudden change of a plot, I'm not gonna rewrite anything since First I'm lazy, Second my school schedule are packed,) 

- End Of Flashback -

"Yah! Mark, I've been calling you for 5 minutes now," Youngjae said snapping me out of my flashback.

"S-sorry, what was it again?" I asked him as he sighs and shook his head.

"Nothing, let's go, the boys are waiting, we need to continue our practice," He said and left me.

If you're asking right now that if my members know, They don't I didn't tell them, If I told them maybe they're stopping me already since that Stupid Angel Shin and my members are pretty close.

"Just wait shin, I'll take your love ones just like how your stupid father took mine," I mumbled as I silently laughed evilly.

"Yah! Mark! Let's Continue our practice!" I heard jinyoung shouted.

"A-ah, Yeah, Coming!" I replied and jogged to my position and we started practicing.

'Just you wait, shin' I thought and mentally laughed evilly.
