MGA #21


Yow! I'm so sorry if this ends really really fast because I'm running out of plots and scenarios fpr the next chapters, and I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY because we don't have many MiShin/ShiNa Moments, but I swear you will have one when I published the Book 2 of this, I'll be using Y/n on the Book 2, and yeah, after this book, I'll publish a  Nayeon FF, it's a male reader also, so yeah, I think while I'm writing for my Nayeon FF I'll try working on the book 2 of this book, anyways, let's get this chapter started!



3rd Person's P.O.V

"Girls hurry up! You'll be late for your photoshoot!" Shin shouted as running footsteps can be heard.

"W-we're here! W-we're here!" Nayeon said while she catches her breath.

"Alright, let's go," Shin said as he smiled, One by one went out of the dorm as Shin and Mina followed from behind.

"How do I look?" Mina asked as Shin Hummed before looking at her.

"You look fantastic, My love," Shin replied and he suddenly pecked Mina's lips then left her frozen and dumbfounded by the sudden act as she felt her blood heat up and run to her cheeks.

"Pabo..." She whispered as she tried to hide her smile but failed.

*Time Skip*

They arrived to the venue as the girls went out except for shin making them confused.

"Aren't you coming, Oppa?" Jihyo asked as Shin smiled and shook his head.

"No, I have some things to do, and right after that I'll be back with your lunch," He replied as they slowly nodded.

"Can I talk to mina for a moment?" Shin asked as they nodded leaving the both of them.

"alright, take care, Oppa," Sana shouted as they completely went inside.

"Is there anything else you need, Oppa?" Mina asked as she slowly went to the driver side.

"Ooh, I'm planning to tell Pd-nim about our relationship, if that's ok to you?" Shin asked.

"O-oh, won't he get mad?" Mina asked in a low tone almost in a whisper manner.

"He won't trust me," Shin said as He smiled.

"arraseo, call me if ever something happened," Mina muttered as Shin messed her hair as he smiled.

"Arraseo, go inside already, call me if ever you need anything, ok?" Shin said as Mina nodded as He smiled again.

Mina suddenly pecked his lips and waddled away not letting shin react, while shin stayed frozen on his seat with eyes are widen at the sudden boldness, but soon smiled as he chuckled and touched his lips.

"That penguin," He muttered and drove away.

Little did he know someone saw it and captured everything.

"I got the picture, boss," The man said talking to someone on his phone.

"Great, now, always follow them and know all their schedules," The Man on the phone ordered as the man replied with a 'Yes,sir' before ending the call.

"Poor mina, getting dragged to someone else's mess, well, the more the merrier," The Man said as he laughed loudly but got cut of when one of his men burst inside his office.

"Sir! Are alright?!" The guy asked worriedly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" The Man asked.

"Well, I heard a sound like a crying goat inside your room, I thought that you got att-" He got cut off when his boss threw the book on his head.

"IDIOT! GET OUT!" The Man shouted.

"Y-yes, sir," the guys said as he went out while rubbing his head where the book hit him.

"Fucking idiot, do i sound like a goat?!" The Man muttered irritatedly as he sighs irritatedly and closed his eyes before smiling creepily.

"I'll kill that girls and your girlfriend for you to know the pain I felt 8 years ago," The Man said before sipping his wine.

*Time Skip*

"Mr. Nam, what brings you here?" Jyp asked as Shin went inside his office and bowed.

"Well sir, I'm da-" He got cut off by Jyp himself.

"Your dating one of my daughters am I right?" He asked seriously as Shin nervously nodded.

"And that daughter is Mina, am I right?" He asked again using the same tone as Shin nodded nervously again.

The room went silent as the air is getting thick and the atmosphere is getting awkward, Jyp eyeing him intently as shin held eye contact but his getting nervous every second that passed by.

But his nervousness was replaced by confusion when Jyp smiled at him and laughed a little.

" Don't be nervous kid, I'm fine with you dating Mina," He said with a smile as Shin sighs in relief.

"Thank you, sir,"

"Since when?" He asked.

"We've been dating for 1 week and 6....days already," He answered but got sad when he remembered while Jyp gasped.

"Your last day is Tomorrow kid, why are you only telling this to me now?!" Jyp asked/said as he stood up.

"Sir, I-i'm sorry, I-i was too caught up on spending my remaining time with Mina, I was scared that for even a second I'm always by her side and It slipped out of my mind that we were going to tell you," Shin replied as Jyp went to him and hugged him.

"It's alright kid, make sure to spend it to the fullest, I'll cancel all their schedules for three weeks since I think they all deserve a break and use it to spend your remaining time," He said as he pats shin's back.

"Go on, fetch them and have your little date with your girlfriend," Jyp teased as Shin laughed before bidding goodbyes.

*Time Skip*

"Oppa!" The girls shouted and run to the van.

"You won't believe it," Sana started.

"Pd-nim gave us 3 weeks of break!" Momo shouted as Shin pretended to be surprised.

"Really?! That's great, at least you'll be having a rest after all your hard work," He replied and smiled.

The girls went inside the van with smiles except for JeongDahChaeTzu, they didn't follow the other girls.

"Guys, when are you getting in?" Jihyo shouted.

"W-wait a sec we need Shin Oppa for a minute," Chaeyoung said and dragged Shin somewhere not too far and not too close to the van as the three followed from behind.

"Is there anything you need chae?" He asked but got shocked when the four of them suddenly hugged him.

"Oppa, Tomorrow is the day, I don't want you to leave yet," Chaeyoung muttered as she cried on his chest.

He patted their backs as he sighs softly.

"We can't stop it, chaengie," He replied letting the girls hug him.

"W-what if you break up with Mina unnie? In that case, your time will stop," Dahyun suggested.

"I can't do that, dahyunie, even if I did, it won't change anything, I'm still leaving you guys," He said softly.

"Oppa is right, unnies," Tzuyu said.

"Yeah, we just need to cherish until the last moment," Jeongyeon said as she wiped her tears.

"L-let's spend the day together with the unnies, let's all have a date," Dahyun suggested as The three nodded.

"Arraseo, now stop crying and wipe those tears ok?" Shin said as he wiped chaeyoung's and Tzuyu's tears before hugging the four of them.

"Let's go back?" Shin asked as they nodded.

The five of them went back to the van, when the four girls got in they bombarded them with questions when they saw their red eyes.

"Why did you guys cry?"

"What happened?"

"Oppa, what did you do to them?"

"I didn't do anything"

"What did you talk about?"

"Can we eat already?"

"We'll be having a group date!" Shin announced making them cheer.

'If only they knew, they won't be this happy,' JeongDahChaeTzu thought.

*Time Skip*

They arrived at the park, They bought their lunch and decided to have a picnic.

(Pretend that it's morning)

They placed the foods they bought on the blanket, the blanket is enough to fit all of them.

"Oppa, when can we tell them?" Dahyun whispered.

"I-i want to be the one to tell them, but not Mina, So when I'm gone she can move on, I want her to hate me when I leave," Shin replied as Dahyun nodded.

"Alright, tell them now, while me and chaeng distract Mina unnie, we need drinks also, really a perfect timing," Dahyun said as Shin hesitantly nodded.

"Arraseo," Shin muttered as Dahyun nodded.

"Chaengie, Mina unnie, can you come with me? We need to buy drinks," Dahyun said as she stood up same as Mina and Chaeyoung.

"Sure," They both answered.

"Wait, I'll come with you guys," Sana said but dahyun stopped her.

"No need unnie, we won't be out for too long," She said as the three of them left.

Shin took a deep breath, catching the girls' attention.

"You alright, Oppa?" Momo asked as she munches her chicken.

"I-i have something to C-confess," He announced as Jeongyeon and Tzuyu got what's going on.

He looked over them as the two smiled at him reassuringly with a slight nod.

"What is it, Oppa?" Jihyo asked.

"P-promise me you won't freak out and you won't tell Mina," He said as the four girls cocked their brows.

"And why is that?" Nayeon asked.

"Just, Just don't tell Mina," He answered.

"Why? she's our member also? Why can't she know?" Sana countered.

"Just let him speak first," Tzuyu said sternly.

"Fine," Nayeon huffed.

"Thank you tzuyu-ssi," Shin muttered as Tzuyu gave a slight nod with a small smile.

"Ok so, here goes nothing..." He muttered and started explaining everything from A to Z, showing him his powers as Jeongyeon and Tzuyu cover it in case anyone passed by, the girls can't believe everything, they ended up crying and hugging him.

"W-why didn't you told us? as soon as possible?" Nayeon said as she hugged tighter.

"I-i'm sorry, I-i was afraid that time, and I thought that it isn't necessary since I leave either way," He replied.

"B-but tomorrow..." Sana muttered and hugged him tighter also but not enough to choke him.

"It's ok, Sana-ssi, I'll always look out for you guys," He said as he softly pats their back.

"What happened?" A voice cut their hugging session as they quickly wiped their tears.

"N-nothing, Oppa just told us about his parents, and we got carried away that's why we cried," Jihyo quickly answered as Mina slowly nodded and sat beside Shin.

"I'm guessing it went well?" Dahyun asked as Shin nodded with a small smile.

"uhuh, just by looking at their faces they got more emotional than us huh?" Dahyun added as Shin chuckled.

The group laughed and joked as they eat, Even tho all of them are very sad for the even tomorrow except for a certain penguin who's unaware of everything.

'I will miss this,' Shin thought as He stared at Mina's side profile while she laughs with the girls.


An update for Y'all two more chaps and Book 1 is done! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

