MGA #1


Nam Shin's P.O.V

I was resting under the three when someone interrupted my rest.

Jungkook: "Shin!" He called.

Shin: "Hmm?"

Jungkook: "God's calling you."

Shin: "What did i do this time?"

Jungkook: "I don't know, but his calling you, he said it's important."

He said and we started to walk towards the room where God is, We knocked.

God: "Come in."

Shin: "Sir, your calling me?" I asked, then he turned around and greet me with a warm smile.

God: "Jk, you may leave." He said as Jk bowed and left.

Shin: "Is there something you want me to do sir?" I asked.

God: "There is, Shin..." He paused for a moment.

God: "I decided to bring you to earth, you'll be living as a Human for the time being."

Shin: "WHAT?!" I suddenly shouted out of surprise.

Shin: "S-sorry sir, But may i ask why?"

God: "This is your Punishment for being troublesome, for a angel like you causing trouble is hard to handle, but you can keep your Angel wing and 20% of your power is still with you."

God: "You're mission is to make Good deeds, you have a chance to correct all your wrong deeds when you we're still alive."

Shin: "B-but Sir, i do--"

God: "No Buts Shin, my decision is whole, no turning back, Now go and prepare, you will go down on earth now Shin."

Shin: "Ok..." I said in a upset tone, then i walk back to my room, well heaven has millions of rooms for the angels and the spirit of the humans who died.

When i opened my door, i saw BTS waiting for me, and bombarded me with questions, like... What did father told you?, what did you do?, what did you guys talked about?, Then i explain everything to them.

Namjoon: "So, you're going to live as a human for time being and you can keep your wings and 20% of your power?" he asked and i nodded.

Jin: "Good thing it's only your punishment, because you really are troublesome." He said while checking himself out through the mirror.

Jin: "Oooh, look at this handsome fine man in front of me~" He said and did this...

(BTS members & Shin = 😑)

Jungkook: "Ahh~my eyes is sore because of the horrible view~" he said covering his eyes, we just chuckled because of his silliness.

Jin: "This disrespectful kid, you don't disrespect the older ones, arraso?" He said and asked while pointing at Jungkook.

Jungkook: "Yes, hal-abeoji~" He said and the others snickers.

Jin: "Y-yah!" He shouted, then smacked Jungkook's head, we just laughed at them.

Yoongi: "That's enough, let's discuss things about Shin first." He said.

Hoseok: "Where do you plan to go when you go down?" he asked and i just shrugged my shoulders.

Shin: "Maybe just wonder around? And..."

Yoongi: "And? Cause trouble?"

Shin: "Yah! hyung I'm not that troublesome as you think!" I said half yelled.

Jin: "Psh, i doubt it." He said still looking at his reflection on the mirror.

Hoseok: "God said, do good deeds, to be able to get back here."

Shin: "I know that hyung, but i don't know what to do, i can't live without you guys."

Namjoon: "Well, you have to get used to it."

Taehyung: "Shin, don't worry, we will watch you from here and guide you."

Jimin: "Anyways, why don't you try to find a job and earn money, then buy an apartment." he suggested.

'Maybe i should find a job, but how?' I thought.

Then another angel came inside my room.

Namjoon: "Oh, Hi Samuel" he said and waved at Samuel and Samuel waved back.

Jimin: "Need something hyung?"

Samuel: "I'm here to tell Shin that your ready to go down on earth on 30 minutes." He said and left.

Jimin: "Shin, this is a very important rule, always remember this, Never. Fall. Inlove. To. A. Human, No matter what happens, arraso?" He said/asked and i nod my head.

Namjoon: "You know the consequences if you didn't follow those rules, You'll be a permanent human being."

Shin: "I know that, and I love being an angel, so... I'll do a lot of good deeds just to come back soon." I said while fixing my things.

Time skip
(Ready for take off😂)

Shin: "So this is it."

Jin: "I will miss *sniff* my baby brother *sniff*, and I'm sure you'll miss the handsome face of your hyung." He said and brought out his pocket mirror and look at his reflection, i just chuckled.

Shin: "I will miss you guys."

Jimin: "Group hug!" he shouted, and we gathered in the middle and did a group hug.

Namjoon: "Alright, enough with the drama, we will miss you shin, even if you cause us too much trouble." He said and we did a bro hug.

God: "Nam Shin, You may now enter the portal." He said and gestured me to step inside.

I stepped inside and turn around one last time and waved at my brothers.

Jungkook: "We will miss you Shin!" He shouted and the portal shut closed.

Then it glowed very very bright that i can't see anything, then everything turned black.

3rd Person's P.O.V

'Why is he sleeping here?'

'Poor boy'

'look at that boy, he's so cute~'

'Woah, i hope all the beggars are handsome'

'maybe he just fell asleep'

Those murmur wake Shin up.

He slowly opened his eyes then the sun's brightness hit his face, but he covered it using his hands.

'where am i?' Shin thought while looking around.

Then he suddenly stood up causing the people pass by him flinched and thought that he was crazy or a madman.

'I'm on earth' He thought

Then he looked back and saw his backpack, he picked it up and started walking around and look for a job.

Time Skip

It's been hours and his still looking for a job, the sun is already set, he got tired so he sat at the bench near the fountain and looked up the sky.

Shin: "How are you guys doing right now?" He muttered.

Then he looked back at the fountain, but something cause his attention.

'Why is she crying?' he thought.

He stood up, and was about to walk and comfort the crying girl.

'What if she thinks I'm a weirdo? That's not how to make first impressions!' He thought, silently scolding himself.

In Heaven

Shin didn't know that God and BTS A.k.a his brothers are watching him.

Jimin: "His going to comfort the girl!" he said excitedly.

Taehyung: "But something is stopping him"

Jungkook: "What is it then?"

God: "Nothing's Stopping him, he's just shy, but even if Shin is a troublesome, he is kind, Gentleman and well mannered kid."

Namjoon: "I agree to that sir."

On Earth

(listen to this while reading😊)

'C'mon Shin, just comfort the girl' he scold himself, then ended up walking towards the girl.

Shin: "H-hi, need someone to talk to?" He said offering his handkerchief, which the girl gladly accepted.

Then shin sit beside the girl and rub her back.

Shin: "It's ok, you can cry, but with due all my respect, may i know why you we're crying?"

Girl: "My boyfriend *sniff* cheated on me." She said while wiping her tears.

Shin: "Don't waste your tears to someone isn't even worthy to cry for." he said and continue to rub the girl's back.

Shin: "You know, sometimes it's worth it being hurt." he said while looking at the sky with many many stars above.

Girl: "Why?" she asked and looked at Shin and stare at him.

Shin: "Because, getting hurt doesn't mean that you're weak, getting hurt makes you stronger and better."

Shin: "That's why i know that your a strong woman, because you already got hurt, now you can avoid those things you know that can hurt you."

Shin: "Waste your tears when you know that he is worthy to cry for."

Shin: "So, stop crying, don't waste your diamond tears." he said with a smile, then wiped the girl's tears using his handkerchief.

Girl: "T-thank you for your advice and for comforting me." She said and smiled at Shin.

'Is she an Angel or A Goddess? Am i back in heaven right now?' he thought, he didn't know that his already staring at her.

Girl: "U-uhmm, is there something on my face?" she asked waving her hand in front of Shin's face.

Shin came back to his senses and quickly looked away because he's blushing... Madly.

Shin: "A-ah, you should go home miss...uh?"

Girl: "Oh, right, I'm Myoui Mina, nice meeting you and thank you again for comforting me." she said showing her gummy smile and she offered her hand for a hand shake which shin gladly accept it.

Shin: "Shin, Nam Shin, nice meeting you" he said and smiled back.

Mina: "W-wait, you don't recognize me? At all?" she tilt her head in confusion.

Shin: "Uhmm... Sorry but have we met before?"

Mina: "No, but have you heard about twice?" she asked, Shin tilt his head because he was confused.

Shin: "You mean the number?" he asked innocently and raised two fingers, Mina giggled because of his cuteness.

Mina: "No, not that one, the girl group." she said still giggling.

Shin: "Ooh, sorry but never heard of them."

Mina: *Giggle* "Are you really from earth?" She jokingly asked, which Shin took it seriously.

Shin: "No, I'm actually from Heaven because i am an Angel." He said, Which mina thought is a joke also that's why she laughed.

Shin: "Why? What's funny?" He asked.

Mina: "You, your funny" she said still laughing.

'Oops, i forgot, we can't tell anyone that we're angel, good thing she doesn't believe me.' He thought.

Shin: "Anyways, You should get going Mina-ssi, it's getting late." He said as he stood up and was about to walk, when suddenly Mina called him.

Mina: "Shin, Can you stay for a bit until my manager come?"

Shin: "S-sure."

While waiting for Mina's manager, they talked about random stuff.

??? : "Mina!" they stopped talking when a someone approached them.

Mina: "Oh, Sadness Unnie!"

Sadness Unnie: "Sorry I'm late, btw who is he? Your boyfriend?" she said/asked, when she said the last one the two blushed.

Mina: "A-aniyo, He just accompanied me and comfort me earlier." she said waving her hands.

Shin: "I'm Nam Shin, Nice meeting you ma'am" He smiled and extended his hand for a hand shake which she gladly accepted.

Sadness Unnie: "Well, Thank you for accompanying Mina," She said and smiled at him.

Shin: "Anyways, got to go~ by penguin! Nice meeting you too Sadness Noona!" He said waving his hand while walking far away from them.

'Now what?' He thought.

'P-penguin?' she thought and a smile unconsciously formed on her lips and smiling like an idiot because of the sudden nickname.

Mina's P.O.V

'P-penguin?' I thought, i didn't know that i was already smiling.

Sadness Unnie: "Mina, Let's head back home, you're members are waiting for you." she said and i nodded, then got inside the car.

The drive was quiet, i'm still thinking of Shin, i don't know why, but i found him attractive, he has sense of humor, caring, trustworthy, and loving, but i got confused when he said that being a human being was his punishment from God, but i shrug it off, and I'm unconsciously smiling again, just by thinking of him.

Time Skip

We arrived back at our dorm, when i opened the door, a Furious Thomas was seen.

Jihyo: "Myoui.Mina!" she shouted.

'My eardrum will bleed anytime if she shouts again.' I thought.

Jeongyeon: "Yah! Jihyo-ya, no need to freaking shout." Jeong Unnie said through the kitchen.

Jihyo: "Where have you been?" she asked, arms crossed while tapping her foot.

Mina: "N-nanji Hangang Park?" i said, my answer became a question because of fear that the furious Thomas might explode.

Sadness Unnie: "No need to worry jihyo, She has accompany when i got there~" Unnie said in a teasing manner.

Sana: "Really?~ you have a boyfriend minari~?" she asked.

Mina: "He's not m--"

Nayeon: "You're with a boy?! Is he cute? Or I'm more cute~?" She said and the other girls started bombarded me with questions.

Mina: "uhmm he-"

Momo: "Is he fat?"

Mina: "N--"

Sana: "Is he handsome~?"

Mina: "Ye--"

Chaeyoung: "Is he tall?"

Mina: "Ye--"

Jihyo: "Did he do something to you?"

Mina: "He didn't do som--"

Nayeon: "Is he sweet?"

Mina: "Y--"

Jeongyeon: "Can he cook?"

Mina: "I don--"

Dahyun: "Does he likes to party~?"

Mina: "I don't kn--"

Tzuyu: " Does he likes star wars?"

I inhaled and....

Mina: "CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME SPEAK!" I shouted, and they all stopped, because i rarely shout.

After that i told them to gather in the living room, then i told them everything, as in EVERY SINGLE THING.

Jeongyeon: "That Shin guy is right, don't waste your tears if the guy isn't worthy to cry for." She said, while the others are agreeing to what she said.

Mina: "I hope i can meet him again."

Sana: "Ooh~ our penguin is In love with the Shin guy~" She teased then the others one by one join her on teasing me.

Jihyo: "Ok, Time to eat" *Clap* *Clap*

We stood up and walked towards the dining table then we all started to eat while chatting.

3rd person's P.O.V

'What should i do now?' He thought.

Then he suddenly saw the 'WANTED BODYGUARD' Then he walked towards the building and walked inside.

'JYP Entertainment?' He thought

Girl: "Hi sir may i help you?"

Shin: "I'm Nam Shin, I'm here to apply for the bodyguard job."

Girl: "Oh, wait a sec Mr. Nam, i'll ask Mr. Park if He's free and wanted to talk to you." She said and dialed something on the telephone.

Girl: "Yes Mr. Park.... Ok sir."

Girl: "Mr. Park wants to talk to you, please follow me." she said with a smile.

After awhile, they arrived at Mr. Park's Office.


Mr. Park: "Come in"

Girl: "Mr. Park, Mr. Nam is here."

Mr. Park: "Ok, you can go now Secretary Kim." He said and smiled, then secretary kim left.

Mr. Park: "Welcome to Earth Shin" he said and spread his arms wide.

Shin: "H-huh? I am a Human Sir." he nervously said, trying to cover up his identity.

Mr. Park: *Chuckled* "No need to hide Shin, Samuel told me a lot about you and Told me that your coming, even if it's a coincidence to you, Anyways, i am Samuel's Dad, and i am an Ex-Angel."

Shin: "E-ex-Angel? That means you disobey God and become a permanent human?"

Mr. Park: "Indeed i am, I've heard from my son that this is your punishment because of being troublesome." He said smiling.

Shin: "Y-yes sir."

Mr. Park: "just call me jyp or pd-nim, not sir."

Shin: "O-ok sir- i mean jyp-nim"

Jyp: "Ok, i'll assign you to one of my artists"

Shin: "Which one jyp-nim?"

Jyp: "i'll assign you to Twice"


Hello! So this is my new book, hope you guys will love it, don't forget to vote and leave a comment!😊

Lav yah❤️ from your handsome author-nim:Zackary_WinterBear29😘
