MGA #18: Unknown Number?

3rd Person's P.O.V

The couple went back to the car and drove back to the dorm.

"We're Home!" Shin shouted as he lets mina come in first and he went in last not forgetting to lock the door.

"Ooh~ The couple is back~!" Sana jokingly said as the rest giggled but ShiMina has their eyes wide because they thought Sana wasn't joking.

"H-how did you G-guys know?" Mina asked shuttering.

"Know what?" Sana asked as the rest of the girls looked at them.

"H-how did you know that W-we're dating?" Mina asked as her member's eyes went wide.

"Jinja?! We were just joking! We didn't know it's true!" Sana exclaimed as The other members were still speechless.

"Waah~! You got some explaining to do, Mr. Nam and Ms. Myoui," Jihyo said as they all huddle in the living room, while the couple could only sigh and facepalmed.

They both explained everything that has happened, Shin got embarrassed because the girls kept teasing both of them especially shin.

"Waah~ I didn't know Shin Oppa can be romantic~"

"I wish there's a duplicate of shin oppa~"

"OMG~! It's the most romantic confession I've ever heard~"

"You guys didn't eat?"

Those were the compliments they heard, but the Maknaes and Jeongyeon didn't react.

"Oppa, can we talk to you?...privately?" Jeongyeon interrupted as the maknae line nodded.

"Why privately? Why not talk here?" Sana asked as the rest nodded.

Shin looked at jeongyeon and immediately got the signal.

"Oh, Sure! I actually have something to tell you guys," Shin said as he smiled and gestured the four of them to follow him.

"Just wait here for a moment girls," Shin said as they nodded.

"And don't think about on following us," Tzuyu sternly said, with that being said the five of them went to the backyard.

"I swear something is going on," Nayeon said staring at the glass door of the backyard.

"Yeah, cause why not just talk here?" Sana complained.

"Girls, just respect it, maybe it's for them to know but not us," Jihyo calmly said.

"But aren't you curious about what is going on?" Momo said/asked.

"Well, I'm curious, but it's the best for us to stay out of it and let them tell us themselves," Mina said as the others agreed.

- Meanwhile -

It's been three minutes already but the five of them are quiet and haven't uttered a single word.

"Oppa..." Dahyun started.

"Hmm?" Shin hummed looking at the stars.

"W-what now?" Dahyun asked while shuttering as Shin adverted his eyes on her.

The other three looked at him.

"I-i only has 14 days, dahyun-ah," Shin said and smiled sadly as he looked down.

"The moment mina accepted me as her boyfriend, My time started already," Shin sadly said.

"Might as well spend the most to it," Shin added as he looked up and smiled softly.

"W-what will H-happen after 14 days?" Chayoung asked as shin looked at her.

"I-i will D-disappear, chaeyoung-ah," Shin said softly in a low voice, The four girls started to tear up.

"I will turn into dust and vanish in a thin air," Shin added and looked down.

The four girls tackled shin a hug and sob on him.

"Now, now girls," He softly said as he gently rubs their back as he lets them cry.

After a few minutes, the girls stopped crying, they wiped their tears as they sniff.

"C'mon, let's head inside, it's getting cold out here," Shin said as he stood up same as the four girls.

When they got in they immediately went to their room to avoid questions from the other five girls.

"What happened to them?" Mina asked as Shin shrugged and went to his room leaving the five girls confused.

After a few more chit chat the five girls went to their rooms, did their night routine before laying on their bed doing their thing before they sleep.

- Shin's room -

A sudden ting can be heard, Shin checked his phone and saw an unknown number.

I hope you enjoyed your day, might as well cherish your girlfriend before you disappear, Angel Shin...

- M.T

"Who in the world of nuggets is this?" Shin asked himself looking at the weird message he received.

Uhmm...I beg your pardon? Who is this?

You'll find out soon, and be careful, I know everything about you, Shin
unWhen I said everything I mean, You being an Angel, and Your parents
killed someone really special to me...

So you better watch out, You wouldn't want your precious girlfriend and her friends to die, right?

What do you need from them?!

Well, I don't need anything from them, but I do need something from you, ;)

What do you want then?

Yah! Answer me!

The unknown number didn't reply as Shin groaned loudly out of frustration.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in," Shin said as the door opened revealing Mina while hugging a Pillow. 

"Mina?" Shin asked as he saw mina by the door carrying a pillow.

"Do you need something?" Shin asked while gesturing to mina to come in.

Mina closed the door gently before answering Shin.

"Can I sleep here~?" Mina asked cutely while hugging her pillow, Shin chuckled and moved a bit and patted the space beside him.

"Come here," Shin said as he smiled, Mina waddled her way to Shin's bed and laid next to him.

As soon as Mina laid down, Shin strokes mina's hair gently.

After minutes of comfortable silence, Mina looked at Shin as Shin looked down while his right eyes are closed.

"Why are you staring?" Shin softly asked and chuckled as he completely shut his eyes closed.

"Nothing, I just can't believe that I have you as my boyfriend already," Mina whispered as she quickly covered her face using her pillow as Shin let out a soft laugh.

"Oppa," Mina called as Shin looked at her with a raised brow.

"Don't leave me, ok?" Mina said catching Shin off guard but still kept it cool.

"Of course, I promise," Shin said and smiled at mina.

Mina suddenly hugged Shin and buried her face on his chest as Shin hugged her back.

"Oppa, can you sing for me?" Mina requested as Shin looked at her again.

"Sure, what song?" He asked.

"Hmmm...What about....Sweet Night?" Mina said as Shin nodded and playfully cleared his throat making mina giggle.

(Play the song and also, the dialogs are Shin's, He's writing it on his diary, :'))

<On my pillow

Can't get me tired
Sharing my fragile truth
That I still hope the door is open

Cause the window
Opened one time with you and me
Now my forever's falling down
Wondering if you'd want me now

How could I know
One day I'd wake up feeling more
But I had already reached the shore
Guess we were ships in the night
Night, night

Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo,
Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, Hoo, 

We were ships in the night, night, night
I'm wondering
Are you my best friend
Feel's like a river's rushing through my mind
I wanna ask you
If this is all just in my head
My heart is pounding tonight
I wonder

If you
Are too good to be true
And would it be alright if I
Pulled you closer
How could I know
One day I'd wake up feeling more
But I had already reached the shore
Guess we were ships in the night
Night, night

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo

We were ships in the night
Night, night>

As Shin finishes the song, he heard soft snores coming from mina, He chuckled and fixed the blanket, and cover their bodies.

He kissed Mina's forehead and hugged her, while gently stroking her hair.

"Goodnight, Love," Shin softly said before drifting to his dreamland.


The book is near its end so yeah, and to inform you guys in advance, This will have a really painful ending, but don't worry cause I'm already planning on doing a book 2 of this :')

Anyways, Stay safe everyone~! PEACE OUT!
