MGA #6


3rd Person's P.O.V

(Sorry for the huge time skip!)

It's been 3 months already since Shin became their Manager and Bodyguard, Shin, Seojun and the girls got closer especially Shin and Mina, sometimes the members tease both of them for being to close because they act like a Couple.

Day by Day, the ShiNa couple fall deeper for each other, but none of them has the guts to confess. 

They arrived at the photoshoot in time, Shin sigh in relief, the girls are in the dressing room preparing for the photoshoot while Shin is sitting on the staff area, a girl suddenly approached him.

Girl: "Uhmm... H-hi? May i sit here?" she said shyly.

Shin: "Sure, the sit isn't even occupied" he said and smiled at her.

Girl: "I'm Park Chaeyoung, nice meeting you... Uhm?" she said asking for a shake hand.

Shin: "Oh, Shin, Nam Shin, nice meeting you too Ms. Park" he said smiling while he accept the hand shake.

Rose: "Please, just call me Rose, my friends call me that"

Shin: "O-oh, it's nice meeting you R-rose" he said shyly as he scratch his nape.

Shin and Rose continue to talk not noticing a certain penguin is shooting deadly glares at them.

Jeongyeon: "Perhaps are you jealous, minari?" she said and popped out of nowhere that startled the penguin.

Mina: "Yah! Unnie, don't scare me like that, and No, I'm absolutely not jealous and do i have a reason to be jealous? No i don't so sto-" she got cut of my jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon: "Chill, I'm just asking a single question, you only need to answer yes or no, but you said to many things..." she said and paused for a while, while looking at mina suspiciously.

Jeongyeon: "Are you in love with Shin?" said still looking at mina not breaking their eye contact.

Mina: "N-no! I D-don't" she defend herself.

Jeongyeon: "You're words are shaking, Minari~" she said teasingly.

Mina: "I don't have feelings for him jeongyeon unnie" she said that made jeongyeon chuckle.

Jeongyeon: "Arraso, YOU don't have feelings for him" she said emphasizing the word YOU and walked away.

Mina: "Unnie!"

'I really don't have feelings for him right?... Or Do I?' she asked herself and shook her head.

----Time Skip----
(Photoshoot has ended)

The photoshoot ended around midnight, the members were so exhausted because of the photoshoot.

Nayeon: "Ahh~ finally! The photoshoot is done" she said while stretching and sat beside Tzuyu.

DahChaeTzu: "I agree!" they said in unison and shared look, then they burst out in laughter.

Shin approached the girls with water bottles in his hands and gave it to them.

"Kamsamnida~!" they said in unison.

Shin: "Girls, you have a Fansign tomorrow, So..." he said and paused for a sec that got the girls attention.

Sana: "So?" she asked as she raised her brows.

Shin: "So... Take a rest and prepare for tomorrow and...." he said, hesitating to say that it's his first time going to a Fansign, Since his an angel, he doesn't know much about the earth.

Jeongyeon: "And?" she asked raising her brows.

Shin: "U-uhhmm... I-it's M-my..." he said still hesitating.

Mina: "It's Your?"

Shin: "Itsmyfirsttimegoingtoafansign, sopleasetakecareofme, fornow, heheheh" he said more like rapping.

"Eh?" they all said in unison.

Chaeyoung: "I only understand
'hehehehe'. " she said.

DahTzu: "Nado~!" they both said and shared look then laugh again.

Sana: "Oppa, can you repeat it again? I can't really understand it"

Jihyo: "Yeah, but this time slowly"

Shin: "It's my first time going to a fansign, so please take care of me, for now, heheheh" he repeated and started blushing because of embarrassment.

Nayeon: "Aww~ Kyeopta~!"

Sana run towards Shin and pat his head.

Sana: "Don't worry~ we will take care of you~!" she said in her high pitch cheerful voice and giggled.

Jeongyeon: "Anyways, So... You haven't been to a Fansign? Not even a single one?" she asked in which the latter nodded.

Jihyo: "Don't worry oppa, Seojun oppa is coming, he can help you with your needs so you don't have to worry" she said and smiled at him and the rest of the girls smiled at him which made him blush, the girls noticed it and started laughing.

Shin: "U-uhmm... P-pack your T-things, A-and get ready, W-were going back T-to the D-dorm." he said while shuttering and avoiding eye contact with the girls.

'Gosh! Why did i shutter in front of them?!' he

Sana: "Wah~! Oppa is blushing ~!" she said that made the girls looked at Shin.

----Time Skip----
(Back to the Dorm)

Momo: "Ahh~ back to the dorm at last~" she said while she flopp on the couch followed by the other members.

Shin: "I'll cook dinner, you guys rest for a bit" he said and head towards the kitchen.

Momo: "Shin Oppa!, Cook jokbal too!" she shouted from the living room.

Shin: "Arraso!"

He opened the fridge and take out all the ingredients he needed, and started to cook.

----Time Skip----
(sowy to many time skips😅)

After a while he is done cooking, he noticed that it's too quiet.

Shin: "Too quiet, what happened to the girls?" he asked himself and head to the living room and saw the girls sleeping.

Shin: "Aigoo, they fell asleep, should i wake them? Or No?" Whispering himself.

Shin: "No no no, they must be tired, i'll just place them to their rooms." he said and walked towards the nearest memeber which is Chaeyoung and carried her bridal style, followed by the other memebers, when he is about to carry mina, Mina suddenly opened her eyes.

Mina:" O-oppa" she said while rubbing her eyes.

Shin: "It's ok mina, the other members are already asleep, you can continue sleeping i'll just carry you to your room." he said in a soft voice.

Mina: "O-oh, Okay" she said and closed her eyes.

Shin put all the girls in bed, he head back down to the dining room and placed the plates and utensils away, he then cover the food and head back to his room and sleep.

----Time Skip----

Shin woke up at 6:30, he decided to jog around
so he changed his outfit to a Shorts, sleeveless shirt and his running shoes.

He head down stairs a wrote something for the girls incase they look for him, before he go for a jog, he heat up the food he prepared last night and got out.

Twice's P.O.V

The girls woke up and did their morning routine, they smelled food so they rush towards the dining room.

Momo: "Wah~! Jokbal!" she said as she sat down, same as the others.

Jihyo: "Eh? Where's Oppa?"

Sana: "Oh, thesh~ ah letshersh~" she said as she munch.

Jeongyeon took it and read it out loud.

Dear, Girls,

Good Morning girl! :) I'm sure by this time you're reading this you guys are already eating, especially Momo, i just went for a jog so no need to worry, anyways, before i left i heat up the foods, and make sure that when i come back you girls are prepared already, so i am the only who will prepare, hehehe


Angel Shin ;)

Ello! Winterbears! Did you enjoy this Chapter? If so.. Leave a comment and vote!

So this is it for now again guys, see you on the next chapter!

Lav yah❤️ from your handsome author-nim:Zackary_WinterBear29😘
