Chapter 33

Here it is! Your long awaited next chapter of My Favorite Story Is Ours!

I am so sorry it has taken so long for an update. Thank you all for being so patient. 
This chapter was a struggle for me. I rewrote it 3 times, each going in a different direction, before settling on what you are reading now. I hope you enjoy and please comment and let me know your opinion!

Rory had been in a foul mood ever since Logan arrived. It started Thursday night about 15 minutes after he had be there. He could deal with her little jabs and intense glares but it got worse Friday afternoon after her doctor's appointment. Unfortunately the little firecracker was acting just like a firecracker and bounced around the entire appointment. There was no way they were able to get a clear shot of the gender. The doctor offered for Rory and Logan to come back another day to try a second time but after discussing it for a minute they opted to wait until the next appointment. In a month the baby will have grown bigger and by then, there should be no doubt of the sex.

Logan took her out for dinner that night to cheer her up but it didn't help. He was embarrassed by her attitude to the waiter and that she repeatedly complained about her meal. The minute he finished with his, they were out the door. Logan dropped Rory off at her grandparent's house and then drove over to see Colin since he was in town. During a couple games of pool and being loosened by some scotch, Logan informed Colin of everything going on with Rory. Colin thought Logan's rants were hilarious and pointed out that it sounded like someone who was half of an old married couple. Logan didn't find it funny, but he did feel better after getting some of his anger out. Colin helped talk him down and assured him that it was probably just the pregnancy. Obviously Logan had never been around a pregnant Rory before, so this was all new and uncharted waters.  A couple hours later, Colin sent Logan back to the guesthouse still sober with the goal of sleeping on everything they had talked about and planning to have a serious discussion with Rory before Logan went back to London.

Logan woke up Saturday morning to a phone call from his realtor, Brian. He had found out about a property he thought Logan would really be interested in and the seller's agent was willing to let them go look at it before it hit the market on Monday morning. Logan agreed to meet Brian at his office at 1pm. Logan ate a leisurely breakfast, got ready and then walked over to the main house to check on Rory. She ripped into him about leaving her the night before and that set him off. The disagreement escalated and Rory began shouting. Not willing to potentially say something he would regret later, Logan bowed out and told Rory he had an appointment he needed to get to and he hoped she would be calmed down when he got back later.

Logan was catching up on work e-mails while making small talk in the car, not paying attention to where Brian was taking him. 40 minutes later when Brian informed him they were almost at the property, Logan looked out the window and thought some of the places they were passing looked familiar. All of the sudden he spotted a familiar sign.

"You brought me to New Haven?"
"Yes! After hearing some of the things you mentioned the other day, and remembering a few things your father had told me, I thought I should widen the search area a little bit. I really think this house might be the one for you. I know you love Yale and the atmosphere here. This could be your perfect fit Logan."
"I don't know Brian. I'm not a 20 something anymore."
"No you aren't, but this area isn't just academic young guns and old codgers either. You fall right into the new target age. Just give it a good look please. The realtor informed me that there are 3 families on this block in the mid- 30s, all with 1 or 2 kids."

As Brian parked the car, Logan looked out the window at the brick house. It had pretty nice curb appeal, he wasn't crazy about the green shutters but that could easily be changed. He got out and looked up and down the street. All the homes were in good condition. Not cookie cutter and all the landscaping was different for each house. He followed Brian up the sidewalk and waited as he unlocked the door. Logan stepped inside and was shocked. The inside was gorgeous! The colors were neutral and the furniture was just his style. Logan began walking through the house, only vaguely listening to Brian list the important stuff. 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms, 3 car garage, sunroom, office on main floor, large kitchen with breakfast nook.
"What's that?"
"In the back yard? What's on the other side of the fence?"
"Oh um hold on and let me look at what they sent me. Unlike most people in this area they did not put in a pool when they renovated the house. You have a large patio that you can access from the sunroom or kitchen. They did put in a in-ground hot tube. Beyond the fence is a good size grass area and a half size basketball court. The owners have a son that was a star player for the high school. The whole back yard is surrounded by trees and a 5 foot brick wall, so you will have plenty of privacy."
"That's good. I'll want plenty of privacy for my child."
"There's a park 4 blocks from here and you are only 3 miles from the heart of Yale campus. Why don't you go look upstairs at the bedrooms and I'll wait down here."

Logan made his way to the 2nd floor and Facetimed Honor. He thought she would give him an honest opinion on the house. She agreed with him that the master suite was amazing and she loved the bedrooms with the jack and jill bathroom on the opposite side of the house. They chatted away as he walked her through the main floor. She gave two thumbs up on the gourmet kitchen and agreed with Logan that the privacy of the back yard would be perfect. 

"Logan, I give my stamp of approval. I really think this is a great house for you and Rory."
"Yes. You and Rory. She would be moving in as well right?"
"Uh, actually no. We aren't a couple or anything. She'll be staying in Hartford until she decides to move somewhere else. This is a place for me and our child. I could go the whole bachelor pad route, but being a dad soon, I think already having the space will be better."
"Logan, you two are perfect for each other. If you think at all that you might end up back together, then I would hold off buying a place. You don't know where you might end up."
"Honor, this isn't about Rory. This is about me and my son or daughter. It's less than an hour from Rory, so I'll still be relatively close in case of emergency or anything. I'm not trying to be a bachelor or anything, but I need my own space and privacy."
"Logan, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but please let me give you this one piece of advice. If you are serious about this house, or any other house or condo or whatever you are looking at. Before you do anything, please bring Rory to look at it. Her child will be living with you part of the time so it's only fair that she knows where you will be living and the type of house her child will be in. If you spring this on her after you've signed on the line and your name is on the mailbox, I guarantee you that it will not end well for you."
"Okay. Thanks Honor."

Logan mulled over what Honor said on the drive back to Hartford. He hadn't really thought about Rory and the house, mostly because it was going to be his house. His dad never brought up Rory and what she would think. He didn't think they were purposely leaving her out, but she wasn't necessarily being included either. Before leaving the realty office Logan asked Brian to contact the listing agent and ask if he could view the house a 2nd time, the next day if possible and to text him once he got an answer.

He returned to the Gilmore house and found Rory curled up on the couch, hot chocolate in hand, watching a movie. He tried to act relaxed but he felt like she was still angry with him and possibly giving him a cold shoulder. Once the movie was over Logan decided to initiate the conversation.

"Rory, I need to talk to you."
"Oh. Okay."

"I've talked to my dad."
"Oh great. What is Mitchum up to now?"

"Seriously? Don't jump on him before you know what's going on. It's actually beneficial to you."

"Fine. Go ahead and tell me."
"He's been impressed with how I've done in London for awhile, but apparently the past few months have really opened his eyes. He's granting me more off hands leading and work. In fact, instead of 1 week here each month it will be 1 week in London each month."

"Are you serious? He's not playing around and getting our hopes up is he?"
"No Rory, he is very serious. He flew with me back here the other day. 1 week each month in London and I have to be available if an emergency happens and I'm needed there ASAP. I think that is really reasonable. He's trying to decide the best person to take my place and have me start grooming him or her. Once he feels comfortable that whoever it is can handle it on their own I will be full-time here in the states."
"I'm happy for you Logan, if it's what you want."
"Rory, I have grown to love London.... I really have. But being with my child is more important. If being a hands on dad means moving back here and having to be around my parents more, it's absolutely worth it to me."
"Really? I don't want you to feel like you are giving up your future success or dreams for us."
"Stop right there Rory. Don't you ever say that again. First, we never know what will be a success or what will be a failure. Two, you don't know what my dreams are. Third, I'm not going to be giving up anything I can't live without. Things are just changing and shifting. I'll still be at HPG doing a job I've gotten pretty good at and learning more to better prepare myself for when I take over for my dad.
I will say I hope I'm not head honcho in a year and I don't expect to be....... but I do think 10 years from now is a realistic possibility. It doesn't scare me or make me want to push against it. It is what it is."
"Logan I'm so proud of you. I always have been. I know you are doing a great job now and will do continue to do so 10 years from now. I also fully believe that you will be an even better dad to this lucky kid."
"Thank you Rory, I appreciate that."
"Hey I want you to remember something. In the future; no matter what kind of day you've had, what big name person you have wined and dined has agreed to or if a newspaper you have acquired has gone to complete crap, to this kid, our kid, none of that will matter. All the money and things that money can buy won't matter. All that will matter to the two beautiful eyes that will look up at you each night will be that you are his or her dad and they love you with all their heart."

Logan leaned over and pulled Rory to him. He held her tight for what seemed like forever before letting go. 

"Rory, thank you. I mean it. You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that. Thank you."

"You're welcome."
"Oh and I'm really sorry about not finding out if we are having a boy or girl. I know you really had your hopes set on it. Guess we might have ourselves a wild child. I was really hoping this child would love sleep as much as we do."
"It's okay Logan. It wasn't meant for us to know yet. I was disappointed but hopefully next time. Also, I'm sorry for being so rude and inconsiderate the past few days. I shouldn't take my frustrations out on you."

"I accept your apology. Rory, I'm here to help you. We are in this together. If something is bothering you, tell me. If you need help with something, ask me. If you need to vent, I'm here for you. Always."

Logan's phone beeped and he grabbed it out of his pocket to see a text from Brian.

"Hey Rory, do you have plans tomorrow?"
"No, is there something you need to do?"
"Would you like to take a little road trip with me? I have something that needs to be done and I'd like some company if you're up for it."
"I'm intrigued. Count me in."
"Be ready at 9am."


Logan and Rory drove out of the Gilmore driveway promptly at 9am. They stopped for breakfast at a small cafe outside Hartford. Rory had constantly asked about where they would be going and Logan would give no hints. She had no idea what he had up his sleeve, but she knew they were headed south and she wondered if they were on their way to New York City. She was not so quietly singing along to the radio and watching the scenery fly by out the window when Logan told her they were almost to their destination. She wasn't able to make out what was listed on the exit sign before they whizzed past it. 

"Close you eyes Rory and no peeking."
"Seriously? Is it that big of a secret?"
"I really want to see the surprise when you see it, okay."
"Fine. My eyes are closed and I promise not to peek."

As Logan drove, he kept glancing at Rory making sure her eyes stayed tightly shut. He knew she wasn't exactly thrilled with his eyes closed demand but he had to admit that he liked irritating her just a bit. Logan slowed the car, pulled over to the side of the road and cut off the engine.

"Are we there yet? Can I open my eyes? I don't like this. My eyes have been closed for a really long time and I have no idea where we are."
"It's only been 5 minutes Rory. Hold on and I'll help you out."

Logan got out and ran around to open Rory's door. He helped her unbuckle and held onto her hand as she stepped out. He guided her up on the curb and positioned her in just the right place. She was holding on to his hand tightly and had grabbed onto his coat sleeve with her free hand to help steady herself since her eyes were closed. 

"Open your eyes Rory! SURPRISE!"

Logan saw Rory scrunch her face up for a split second before seeing it turn to something Logan was pretty sure he had never seen before. She stood quietly just looking in front of her.

"Rory? Earth to Rory? What do you think?"
"This is the surprise?"

"Yes. I wanted you to look at this house. I think this might be a really great first home for me."

"Oh really?"
"Yes, come on. Brian will unlock the door for us. I think you will really like the layout."

Rory followed Logan up the sidewalk and into the house not saying a word. Logan thought she was just speechless and in awe of it all. Standing in the foyer, she barely glanced to the right and left. She wordlessly walked towards the back of the house as Brian started reciting all the information about the house. Logan was waiting for her to announce any second what a lovely house it was. 

Rory walked right up to the big window that overlooked the patio. She stared out at the backyard for what seemed like eternity but in actuality was only maybe a minute before turning abruptly around.

