Chapter 27

November rolled into December and so did the changes to Rory's body. She was starting to experience terrible heartburn and her breasts were tender to the touch. Rory hadn't experienced anything like that, so it came as a shock. She had hoped morning sickness was the only thing she would have to deal with. She now had figured out that she was unfortunately wrong. 

Emily was coming this weekend for a visit and to do some Christmas shopping. Rory had decided to tell her about the baby. She wasn't exactly sure how to drop the news on her. She wasn't exactly showing yet, but wasn't wearing anything skintight either. One, because she didn't want to raise suspicion if she ran into anyone she knew and two, she was finding that she enjoyed being in looser fitting clothing already. 

She was working on last minute revisions to an article for a local paper when she heard the doorbell. She opened the door to see a UPS man with a large box. She signed for it and dragged it inside, thankful it wasn't that heavy. It was from a company she hadn't heard of and she hadn't ordered anything. She went to grab a knife to open the box as she was quite curious what it would be. She opened the top, removed some of the stuffing and grinned as she saw the top of what was inside. She tipped the box over on its side and pulled out a large stuffed giraffe with a very ornate bow and card adorning its neck. She read the inside of the card chuckling to herself before picking up her phone and calling what had become a very familiar number.

"Good afternoon momma and to what do I owe this early phone call?"
"I just received a very interesting present. It's quite big with lots of spots. Know anything about that Huntzberger?"
"No idea. What do you mean big? Tower of chocolate big or BMW big?"
"Very funny mister. Why did you buy a stuffed giraffe? Our little firecracker isn't even here yet."
"Don't get mad, but I was at a store the other day and I saw a little girl go crazy over this big stuffed monkey. It just did something to me, I can't explain it."
"So you bought a giraffe?"
"So I came home and started looking online. When I saw it I just knew it had to be the first present for our baby. I know you haven't started thinking about nursery stuff yet, I mean we don't even know if you'll still be your grandparents house in July, but I just loved it and had to buy it."
"Well it is big, and cute..... and BIG Logan!"
"So shoot me. I wanted to have first dibs on a present. Plus when our kid is like 4, he or she will totally love daddy more because buying a zoo animal was super cool."
"I admit it, nice present Logan. It's very cute and I know our child will love it."
"Thanks. I hate to do this to you, but I have a meeting starting in just a few minutes. It might run long but I'll call you when I get home tonight."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

Rory went back to working on her article with a huge smile on her face. She loved how invested Logan was when it came to the baby, she just wasn't sure how he felt about her. They were communicating on a regular basis. They never went more than 24 hours without either a text exchange or a phone call. Logan being in London wasn't great, but Rory felt like they were getting closer. He wasn't just asking baby related questions anymore, he was starting to ask about Rory personally.  It made her feel like they were definitely headed in the right direction.

Unfortunately Logan wasn't able to call Rory that night. His late afternoon meeting became a dinner meeting followed by a late night brainstorming session. He dragged himself into his apartment around midnight and threw himself on his bed. His day had started at 6am and he was beat. He managed to text Rory to let her know he had just gotten home and he would talk to her tomorrow and then he fell asleep in his suit and tie.

Emily arrived earlier than Rory expected on Saturday morning but she had managed to make the house look clean and up to her grandmother's expectations. Rory had forgotten to pack away the giraffe the night before and Emily immediately asked about it which led to the baby news and a very long conversation between grandmother and granddaughter. Emily was happy for Rory but not thrilled about the circumstances. The saving grace in her opinion was that Logan was no longer an engaged man, and that the engagement was broken before he was informed of the child. She offered the house to Rory for as long as she wanted because money wasn't an issue so she could hold onto the Hartford house as long as she needed to. Emily wanted to make plans for a nursery but Rory pushed against that. She told her grandmother that she didn't know if she would still be living in the house in July and she had Logan to consider. Emily backed down understanding that Rory and Logan would do things their own way, they always had. It was something her and Richard had always been proud of.

After their heart to heart, Emily took Rory with her Christmas shopping. She knew Rory would know better what Lorelai and Luke would want or need. They had a fun day out together, even stopping and having their nails done the same shade! Later that night they enjoyed dinner out at one of Emily's favorite restaurants. They both splurged and ordered tiramisu for dessert. Once back home, they had big mugs of hot chocolate and watched reruns of The Golden Girls. It was one of the best days Rory ever had with Emily.

Sunday morning Emily and Rory had a light breakfast and then took a 45 minute leisurely stroll around the neighborhood since the temperature was semi warm. It was the easiest pregnancy workout Rory could do and she was going to keep it up until it was too cold for her to walk outside anymore. Emily got ready, packed her bags and then was off to her friends annual Christmas lunch. Rory was going to miss her but she knew it wouldn't be long until she would be seeing her again at Christmas.

Having the house back to herself, Rory curled up on the couch and called Logan.
"You aren't just calling to get a break from Emily are you?"
"No! She's gone. Actually we had a very good time. She knows about the baby now."
"So I take it she didn't rip into you over that?"
"No, not really. She doesn't like the circumstances surrounding it but she is excited to be a great- grandmother. She wants to have a nursery made up here but I told her no."
"I don't know where I'll be in July. I might not be here. I don't want her doing anything permanent because she would have to change it again to sell the house."
"Not necessarily. People sell houses with nurseries in them everyday Rory. Are you sure it's just that you don't want her involved?"
"She has good taste when reigned in. You should see the house she's in now. She did a very good job. Do you want a nursery here? You have a say in this Logan."
"Rory, do whatever makes you comfortable. Live at your grandparents or move somewhere else. As long as I'm welcome wherever you are, then I'm fine with whatever you decide to do. Heck, we can have multiple nurseries if you want. Who's to stop us?" 
"You're right. Maybe we can talk about this more when you are here."
"I think that's a good idea. Since you brought that up, I've gotten so much done in the past week it's moved my schedule up. Right now I have a flight back in the afternoon on Tuesday the 20th but I think if I can get everything done this coming week I can come in sometime Saturday. That's atleast what I'm hoping for. Either way dad's letting me have off until January 2nd."
"That's great Logan! I can't wait to see you! Like seriously can't wait to see you! I'm going to start decorating tomorrow. You will love it. I'm going all out!"
"I'm sure you will. I got a tree today and have the lights on it already. Once I put on the few decorations I have I'll send you a picture. I think you would be proud of my effort."
"I'm always proud Logan."
"Ummmm, thanks Rory. So anyway what are your plans this week?"

They went over what they both had on their schedules that week and then wrapped up their conversation. Logan hung up perplexed. Rory was really enthusiastic to see him and she flat out said she was always proud of him without any hesitation.

Could it just be hormones or is something changing in her?

Logan didn't want to go crazy thinking about it so he turned on some Christmas music and opened up his 2 boxes of Christmas decorations. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year was the first song to play, was that an omen?
