Chapter 17

"Paris I will not drink some brown colored mush you call liquid vitamins! You can eat pancakes and eggs like normal people!"
"If you still want to look this young in 15 years, you better drink this."
"It smells funky Paris! Actually, it makes me nauseous."
"Really Rory? This makes you nauseous? What about the 5 slices of pizza you had last night?"
"You know Gilmore's have an appetite Paris."
"Did I mention the 5 slices on top of the bag of chips, bowl of ice cream covered with nuts and coolwhip and the tub of cotton candy?"
"I was just hungry and we were up late so it was perfectly okay."
"Rory you rarely splurged that much in college much less now. What's up with you? You've not been yourself the past 12 hours."
"It's nothing Paris....."
"I just put the pieces together! Geeze my game is off. How could I not sense it first thing? How could you not tell me? What does Lorelai think? Oh, what does Emily think? Who's the father?"
"Paris calm down."
"How can I calm down? One of my best friends is having a baby!"
"Paris! Yes I am pregnant. It's still new to me so I'm not exactly volunteering the info right now. My mom is not too thrilled and my grandmother doesn't know yet. The father doesn't even know yet. Only a couple people know. Mom, a friend and now you."
"Do I need to take a guess on the sperm donor?"
"Please, let's not talk about it. We've had such a good time together."
"Fine. We will talk about it when you are ready. But let me just go on and say that you better think long and hard over all this if you know who is the baby daddy."
"Thanks, I think."
"Oh and you know I'm a fountain of information so feel free to ask away. I don't mind the too personal or too much info either. When the times comes, better have me on speed dial so I can be there to help you along."
"Paris I will not have you in the delivery room with me!"
"Just think about it Rory."

The ladies finished up their breakfast and went on a quick shopping trip to some of Rory's favorite stores in Hartford. They had a nice lunch at a little bistro and then sadly it was time for Paris to go back to New York City. Rory had mixed emotions, she loved having Paris around to get her mind off things but at the same time Paris can be overwhelming. Paris promised to send Rory all the websites she would need and a list of books and best doctors in the area. Rory appreciated her thoughtfulness and promised to contact her with any questions she might have. Rory watched Paris drive away and then headed inside to take a nap. She had enjoyed herself the night before. They had stayed up late eating, catching up and watching chick flicks from Netflix. She wasn't sure if it was lack of sleep or the baby inside her, but either way Rory couldn't wait to crawl in the bed for awhile.


"Are you ever going to share exactly what went down with Mitchum last night?"
"I know you wanted so bad to eavesdrop. How in the world did you refrain that well?"
"Oh we figured you'd be loud enough to hear through the door but you weren't. Shame on you Logan."
"Look, he just doesn't understand why I don't care about Odette walking away. Once again I'm an embarrassment to the Huntzberger name. I can't get a woman and then I do get one that is only with a verbal agreement and I can't manage to keep her. He's really overjoyed to have produced such a fine heir."
"Logan, when it's the right one you will keep her. Don't listen to your father."
"I know. I don't listen to him about alot of things obviously. I just don't know if I'll ever find the one."
"Or is it that you have found the one and you won't make that work?"
"Logan, please just think about it. Those closest to you are in agreement. You've already found the one. Both of you just need to get off your high horses about it."
"I really don't want to think about it, much less talk about it. Can we change the subject? How about you tell me where Finn has jetted off to? He seemed in quite a rush earlier."
"Oh he said something about a work emergency. I didn't even catch where he said he was going actually. I'm sure he'll check in with us soon. Have you talked to Honor anymore?"
"We texted about Mitchum's visit last night. She had no idea he was coming or she would have warned us. It's not her fault though, I would have had that fight with him eventually. Better to get it over with now I guess."

With Finn once again running off after lunch, Colin decided it was time for Logan to venture out of the apartment. One, because Finn and Colin had agreed that they felt Logan was up to becoming more active. Two, because Honor had berated them in a text saying that Logan shouldn't be holed up any longer. They took a walk and did some window shopping before stopping for some coffee in one of Logan's favorite cafes near his building. They were both on their second cups and thankful no one had yet to recognize Logan. It would be difficult though, he still had yet to shave, so unless you knew him very well you wouldn't easily spot him in the crowd.

Colin's phone went off alerting him of an incoming text.

Just landed. Starting preparations. I might need to enlist Honor's help. Will let you know.

Colin shot back,

Great! Keep me informed. Logan is doing better with fresh air. Enjoying some coffee right now.

"Finn has made it to his destination. He'll let me know when he thinks he might be coming back in a while."
"That's great. Would you be up for having dinner out tonight? You know I love takeout but I'm getting tired of looking at the same walls all day."
"I agree. Let's finish these and you decide where we go from here."

25 minutes later as Logan sat in the booth at a local pub trying to decide what looked best off the menu, he had no idea that Finn was putting together a blowout surprise for him at a secret location. Finn was good at slipping up sometimes, but in this case he was tight lipped and only involving people who he knew wouldn't ruin the surprise or had no connection to what he was trying to do. He was glad to hear Logan was comfortable out in public. He was surprised that Logan hadn't complained about being cooped up for days. His lack of complaining only solidified in Colin and Finn's minds how low Logan had managed to drag himself down.

Things were looking up for Logan in London. His two best friends hoped they could continue the trend, hence their secret mission.


Rory had managed a two hour nap and felt much better than right after Paris had left earlier in the day. She felt inspired to work on her book again so she made her way into the study to start cranking out more material. After hitting her stride, she was so engrossed in her work that she wasn't remotely aware of the time. Hearing her stomach growl she glanced at the clock to see it well past when she had begun normally having dinner. Rory finished up the paragraph she was on and made sure to save her work before shutting off her laptop. She was on her way across the foyer when the doorbell rang startling her.

Having no idea who would be coming to see her, she opened the door not knowing who to expect on the other side.

"Hello mother. So nice to see you again."
"Finn?!?! What are you doing here? I was expecting a phone call or text from you."
"Love, I hope you can pack your bags quickly. I've come to whisk you away!"
