Chapter 25

All day Tuesday Rory worked on her novel. Getting away really refreshed and inspired her. She woke up that morning ready to write and had been in front of her computer all day, stopping only to eat or use the bathroom. It felt good to get everything out of her system and onto paper. After going back and editing previous chapters, Rory was starting to feel really good about her book.

After dinner she realized she had yet to talk to her mom and Thanksgiving was 2 days away. Her conversations with Logan over the weekend had helped her better understand her mom's position on the baby, so she wasn't as upset anymore.  She decided to bite the bullet and call.

"Oh my goodness. My phone said it was my lovely daughter calling, but that can't be unless she came back from the dead!"
"Dramatic much mom."
"Well it's been a week kid."
"Look I was mad and then I went away for the weekend with friends. I've mellowed out now. I just need to know what the Thanksgiving plans are."
"Oh, I didn't know if you would be coming so I didn't really factor you in. If anyone asked, I was going to tell them you were gone on an assignment. But if you're free we are having a big meal at the Inn at 2pm Thursday. Luke is cooking. Low key, just a group of friends and your grandmother."
"Grandma is coming?"
"Yes, in fact she is driving down tomorrow after some appointment. She's staying at the Inn for 2 or 3 days. I promise not to say anything about the baby. It's totally up to you when you want to tell her."
"Ok, well thanks. No I don't have anything planned. I'll be there. See you Thursday."

Rory suddenly felt tired, she knew  she was going to have to get used to having her energy zapped with a little person growing inside of her. She had started her nightly pre-bed rituals when her phone when off alerting her of a text message.

Do you still want me to come to your appointment tomorrow?

What was he thinking? Of course she wanted him there. She wouldn't have asked if she didn't!

Yes! It's at 2pm but I need to leave by 1:30.

A few seconds later Logan replied.

I'll come pick you up. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday morning Rory woke up with horrible morning sickness. She sat in the bathroom for what seemed like an eternity until she felt good enough to drag herself downstairs.  She had figured out that eating a banana helped with the morning sickness, getting from the bathroom to the banana was the problem. Whenever she was sick first thing in the morning, it seemed to zap whatever energy she woke up with. She didn't have that problem if she got sick any other time of the day. She told herself that she needed to ask the doctor about it at her appointment. Pregnancy was definitely perplexing to Rory.

Around 1pm Rory heard the doorbell and she ran to let Logan in.
"You're here sooner than I expected."
"Well it's a big day for us Rory. I was getting a little anxious just sitting around at Honor's."
"Let me put on my makeup and I'll be ready to go. Being early isn't a bad thing."

Logan and Rory rode in silence on the way to the doctor's office. They were both a bundle of nerves. Sitting in the waiting room Rory tried to keep a smile on her face to help calm Logan but it wasn't working. For 15 minutes he tapped his foot and shifted in his chair, Rory had never been more grateful for the nurse to call her name.

After drawing blood, a urine sample and and going through a series of questions by the nurse; Rory was told to change and wait for her doctor. Logan stepped out of the room and waited until she cracked the door for him. Seeing her lay on the table with a sheet covering her made it become more real for him. His heartbeat quickened thinking about what came next. A minute later there was a knock on the door.
"Hi Rory! How are you doing? Is this the father?"
"Hi Dr. Brown. I'm doing okay. Yes, this is Logan."
"Hello Logan. I'm Emily Brown, Rory and the baby's doctor."
"Nice to meet you."
"Are you two ready to see your baby? I know the first time can seem scary but it really is exciting. Rory, since you are still early on, to get a good look I'll have to go internally. It might be a tad uncomfortable but once you see the image on the screen I doubt you will be thinking about it. I'll need to check on a few things and then you will get your first glimpse!"

Rory didn't know what to do with her nervousness, but she managed to reach over and grab Logan's hand. His eyes darted over at hers in surprise and he gave her a small reassuring smile. The doctor asked a couple questions and then answered Rory's questions.
"Well you two I have good news. The fetus looks very good at this point. Based off your bloodwork, the info you put down on your forms and what I'm measuring right now, Rory you are right about 8 weeks along. The estimated due date is July 8th."
"Well I guess we will have ourselves a little firecracker Rory."
"Very funny Logan."
"Are you two ready to see your baby? For the first time ever, I introduce you to your child!"

Both Logan and Rory stare at the screen in awe not knowing how to react. Both in their own little worlds of thought, neither noticed the doctor switching some things on the machine. All of the sudden they heard an odd noise.
"Ummm, Doctor Brown what is that?"
"I wasn't sure if we could pick it up, but we have. The noise you hear is the faint sound of your baby's heartbeat!"
"Something special isn't it mom and dad?"

Rory is completely mesmerized. After a couple minutes she looks over at Logan and sees he is engrossed with the image on the screen. She's never seen him so focused on anything before. She squeezes his hand and he looks over at her. She smiles at him and knows that for the rest of her life she will never forget this moment. It will forever be imprinted on her mind. All of the sudden Logan lets go of her hand, leans over, places his hands on either side of her face and kisses her. Not just a peck, he really kisses her. Just as Rory begins to lose herself in the feeling he pulls back. 
"Rory, we made that baby! It's totally amazing right?!?!?"
"Uh, yeah. Amazing."

Logan begins asking the doctor questions and Rory tunes everything out. She's staring at Logan wondering what in the world just happened and her mind starts wishing for a repeat. She looks back over at the screen and loses herself in the image. She has no idea how long as passed until Logan nudges her on the shoulder.
"Rory, is there anything else you want to ask the doctor?"
"What? Um no I'm good right now."
"Okay. Remember, if you ever have a question you can always call. Myself or one of the nurses will answer anything you ask. Don't be afraid, there is never a dumb question. We are all done for today. I'll have copies of the ultrasound waiting at the desk for you and they will schedule your next appointment. Have a wonderful day you two."

Logan followed the doctor out to give Rory privacy to get dressed.  Standing out in the hall his mind was tumbling with thoughts. He was a bit embarrassed about his impromptu kiss.

Why did I go off and kiss her? She doesn't want to be kissed! We aren't a couple or anything. I'm here as the father of the baby. I really hope this doesn't mess things up between us. We were getting along fine and in the heat of the moment I kiss her! What was I thinking? She's probably pissed at me but doesn't want to show it. 

"Logan are you ready?"
"Huh? What?"
"Are you ready to go? I'm all done. We just have to stop at the desk for checkout."
"Okay. Yeah."

They were handed five copies of the ultrasound, Logan only took 1 and let her keep the rest,  and Rory had it set up for them to e-mail her the picture so she could send it out to whomever and have it available whenever she wanted. After checking their schedules and seeing what was available they settled on December 22nd for Rory's next appointment. Both walked out satisfied. Logan didn't talk much on the way back to Hartford, which worried Rory.

"Are you sure December 22nd works for you Logan?"
"Yes, it will be fine. Why?"
"It's right before Christmas. I'm sure you will be busy."
"Rory, don't worry about it. I will be here. This baby is the most important thing to me."
"Okay, but if there's ever a conflict you'll let me know right?"
"There won't be a conflict. Our child trumps everything else. When I tell you don't worry about it, I mean it. Don't worry about it."

Logan pulls into the driveway and Rory notices he doesn't move to get out of the car with her.
"Do you want to come in for awhile?"
"No, I have to pass."
"Oh. Okay then."
"I have to go back to Honor's a pick a few things up and then meet with my dad. Can you see how excited I am about this by the look on my face?"
"Absolutely thrilled."
"Can't get anything by you can I? Anyway, what are you doing tomorrow?"
"I'm going to Stars Hollow. Having a early dinner with everyone and then probably come back here sometime tomorrow night. You?"
"I'm going to hang at Honor's house while they go have lunch at Josh's parents. We all have to be at the Huntzberger mansion by 5pm for dinner. I just can't wait for the never ending 9 course meal. I think by the time it finally ends it will be time for me to go back to London."
"It won't last that long Logan, but I'm sure you can come up with some excuse to leave if you get bored."
"If you don't have plans this weekend maybe we can get together and hang out."
"That would be great Logan. Just let me know when you are free. Thanks for coming with me today and for driving. It means a lot to me."
"My pleasure. That really was amazing wasn't it."
"It was. Have a good night Logan."
"Bye Rory."

Rory let herself into the house and went to sit on the couch. She really was sad that Logan hadn't wanted to come in, but if he said he had to meet with Mitchum then he really did have to meet with him. Logan never used his father as an excuse to get out of something, it was always the other way around. Rory grazed her fingers over her lips. She was still kinda shocked that Logan had just up and kissed her, but for the life of her she couldn't understand why she couldn't get the thought of kissing him again off her brain.
