Chapter 23

The group decided to spend the day together but it was a very low key event. They enjoyed just being tourists in the quaint little town. Walking down Main Street making their way in and out of stores, taking a group selfie in front of a large fountain and trying different kinds of fudge at a chocolate shop. The most fun they had was refraining Colin from buying the local soda shop. They wished it could have been blamed on alcohol, but they all knew he was completely sober. He just really loved the old time feel of the place and thought he should have it. Luckily his 3 friends shot that idea down rather quickly.

As they strolled along Finn's cell went off. He looked at it, winced and then answered.
"Hello? Yes. Yes. No sir. Yes. Okay. One moment."

Finn looks at Logan and shakes his head.
"It's for you. Dark Lord has caught up with us."
"I don't want to talk to him Finn. Tell him I'm busy."
"He insists that you speak with him."
"Fine. He's probably pissed my cell has been off since we left London."

Logan takes Finn's cell and walks away from the group to talk in private. Rory stands looking at the sidewalk not sure how to bring up what is on her mind.

"Hey, so what do you think he wants?"
"I have no idea Colin. But he was hot on the phone. I don't even want to know how he got my number."
"Why has Logan's cell been off all weekend?"

Colin and Finn look at Rory with questioning faces. She hadn't spoken much all day, and hadn't had much conversation with either of them really the whole weekend.

"Why are you asking Rory?"
"I don't know. Just wondering I guess. Doesn't he have people that need to get in touch with him? Did anyone else know he was here?"
"No one important love. He's been on sabbatical from work due to his intoxicated state. Dark Lord didn't know, but he needed it for his mental state as well."
"Didn't she need to know?"
"She? Who's she? Finn, what she?"

Rory just stared at the two of them. Finally the light bulb clicked on. Colin looked at Finn not sure which of them should touch the subject. Finn shook his head. Finally Colin opened his mouth.

"Rory she doesn't matter. Look, I didn't know when I brought Logan here about the baby. Finn kept me in the dark about that. All I knew was that something had happened, you confided in Finn and he felt that even after everything that had gone on recently, Logan should see you. I won't lie to you, I was skeptical and needed convincing. I'm happy you two have kinda worked your problems out for now and want to co-parent together. It's beneficial for both of you. I also don't know what Logan has shared with you but obviously he hasn't told you a very important detail. Odette has walked away."
"Odette walked away. She returned the ring and some other things by messenger. They haven't spoken in a week and had rarely spoken since our last trip here."
"Love, Colin really shouldn't say anymore. This is something you need to talk to Logan about."
"I don't understand. Why would she just up and leave?"
"Because we don't belong together."

All 3 turned to see Logan standing a few feet away. He walked up, handed Finn his cell back and sighed.

"Rory, we need to talk. In private."
"Mate, we'll head back to the inn. Take your time but remember what time dinner is."
"Okay, thanks guys."

Logan takes the lead and starts walking the same path of his run that morning. He really liked the lakeside park and thought it would be a good place to sit and have this conversation. Neither Logan nor Rory spoke as they made their way toward the lake. Logan found an empty bench semi secluded and they both sat looking out over the water.

"I'm sure you are wondering why I haven't told you about Odette. Honestly, I don't know. I guess because I haven't thought about her at all. She called everything off. She technically is the one who walked away, but I had walked away a long time ago Rory. I was afraid of what would happen if I just ran away without a backup plan."
"Was it a money issue Logan?"
"No, nothing like that. It wasn't a business contract. Our families set us up as a blind date, we got along fine but it really was never more than a friendship. After a year they starting hinting at marriage. Neither of us wanted to go down that path but after another year we couldn't give anymore suitable excuses. We verbally agreed to an engagement but it was just to satisfy everyone and make them shut up. There wasn't love or anything. I told her a figure and sent her to a jewelry store to pick out her own ring. I wrote it off on taxes."
"I see."
"Do you? Do you really see Rory? I was pushing back, stalling, waiting for you to give me a hint, anything, for the past 2 years. No offense, but your Vegas plan was bullshit."

"Well okay, way to be blunt."
"You want blunt? Fine. Here's blunt for you. Odette was a pretty face that made my parents happy. I was a pretty face that make her parents happy. We didn't have anything in common except money and social circles. It would have been a marriage of convenience. Nothing more. We were both fighting it but had no better options to warrant pulling the plug. All I needed was you to give me a sign."
"Don't put the guilt on me Logan. If you really wanted out, you could have just ended it. Obviously you didn't."
"I really wish what was in my head would come out of my mouth better."
"It can. Just say what you want to say Logan! Nobody is stopping you!"

Logan got up and paced back and forth. Rory was glued to the bench. She wasn't going to leave because she knew there was more to this conversation. Logan finally stood still and breathed in deep.

"Having a crappy life with Odette was better than being alone and still without you. There I said it."
"Logan you still had me."
"No, I had Rory when it was convenient for her. I lost you the minute you handed back your engagement ring. You can make as many excuses as you want and try to justify your position all day long, but the truth is you didn't want more then or 2 years ago or a month ago."
"Logan, I"
"No! Just stop. I laid it all out on the line here last month. You walked away like always. I went back to London and comforted myself in alcohol. Odette walked away because there was no love, there was never going to be any love and I'd rather be alone with scotch than fulfill anymore society obligations. Am I sad? Hell no. I'm actually kinda ticked that she had the courage to break it off instead of me. But it is what it is. My phone's been off because she was going to release a statement regarding the broken engagement. I just don't want to deal with any of it. I just want her and all her stuff gone from my apartment. I can be happy alone. I've thought about it and I'm okay with it. Being single is better than the other path I was on and it will free me up to be a more available to our child."
"I'm sorry you've had this all pent up anger. I'm sorry it's because of me. I had no idea."
"It's not your fault. Please stop apologizing. This is stuff I have to work through. Dad has graciously given me time off because I was of no use to anyone in my current state. He's surprisingly understanding about the whole Odette thing. He's talked to both of us and I think he gets where both of us are at. He's giving me another week off but I am expected back in London in my office next Monday morning. Obviously he doesn't know about the baby. I'll have that discussion with him later. I'm staying in Connecticut for Thanksgiving. Mom's having a big dinner and dad wants me there. I'll call and ask Honor if I can stay with them this week."
"Logan I think that is great. Maybe this will help smooth everything over with your family."
"Maybe. I guess time will tell. I really don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's head back."

Rory nodded and began following Logan back towards the inn. About halfway back she stopped.

"Since you will be around, do you think you will have plans Wednesday?"
"I doubt it. Why? Is there something you need?"
"Nothing I need, just something I want."
"Okay. What is it?"
"I have the first appointment with my doctor Wednesday. Will you go with me?"

A smile slowly broke out on Logan's face. He walked over, kissed Rory's forehead and then wrapped his arms around her.

"There's nowhere else I'd rather be."


After a delicious dinner at the inn the group made their way outside for a small going away party by the fire pit out on the patio. Stories were told and laughter was plentiful. It was like old times and everyone loved it. They were all sad to know their weekend away was about to end. Colin and Finn both had work obligations and had to leave early Monday morning. Colin offered Logan and Rory the use of the inn for as long as they wanted. Some rooms were booked for the upcoming week but there were atleast 2 available each night. Both declined. Logan knew he needed to spend time with his family and Rory wanted to get back and work on her novel.

As they dug into their s'mores Rory informed Colin and Finn of her appointment on Wednesday. Both men were overjoyed and begged for her to tell them all about it after the fact. They both also asked for photos. She graciously agreed, happy that they wanted to be involved in her baby's life. She knew if anything happened with Logan, their child would have two great honorary uncles.

Hours later after the fire had all but died out and every last marshmallow eaten, they made their way inside. The inn was very quiet that night as it's occupants slept soundly in their rooms.
