Chapter 26

Thanksgiving came and went for both Logan and Rory.  Logan suffered through dinner with his family and made a getaway as soon as possible, spending the rest of the holiday in Honor's guestroom watching movies. Rory enjoyed her day in Stars Hollow. Emily was in a very pleasant mood but Rory didn't want to jinx it, so she opted not to share the news of her pregnancy yet. She did find a way to get Lorelai away from everyone for a few minutes and give her a copy of the ultrasound photo. It was a sweet moment between mother and daughter that seemed to put their differing opinions at bay. They both apologized to each other and agreed to move on.

On Friday Rory found herself busy with finishing touches to the Gazette and editing chapters of her book. Once she was satisfied with both she decided to mentally shelve them for a while and turn her mind elsewhere. She ended up at the mall late in the day after all the crazy Black Friday shoppers were long gone and window shopped. She left 2 hours later with a couple Christmas presents. She picked up a late dinner on her way back to the house and curled up in the living room watching an old movie while she ate. She fell asleep sometime after 10pm, woke up around midnight and made her way upstairs to bed.

Saturday morning Rory woke up and saw she had a missed call and voicemail on her phone. Logan had called asking if she had any plans that day and if they could go to lunch. She texted him that she had no plans and would be ready whenever he wanted to come over. At 11:45 Logan arrived to pick her up. It wasn't a long drive and Rory was surprised when he pulled up in front of her favorite bistro in Hartford, where they had had numerous lunches and dinners during her time living in the pool house. 

While eating their soups and salads, they exchanged details of their family Thanksgivings and what they had done the previous day. As Rory was enjoying a piece of pumpkin cheesecake for dessert, Logan decided to broach the topic of his father.
"Rory, I need to talk to you about something."
"Okay, shoot."
"So I met with my dad the other night to catch up on some business stuff and talk everything through that related to the past 2 weeks of my life. He was very responsive and completely understands my position. For once he was completely in my corner."

"Remarkable. I mean it's good. Just unexpected."
"I agree completely. Anyway, since he seemed in a good mood and our talk was going well I opted to break the news about the baby to him."

Rory stopped her fork in midair and stared at Logan.
"You what?"
"I went ahead and told him about our baby."
"Why would you do that?"
"There's no reason not to. I'm going to have to tell them eventually anyway. It's just that I really needed to go on and get a plan in place for the next 7 months Rory. Don't worry. He's the only one that knows. He's sworn to secrecy. It's hard not saying anything to Honor but I'm refraining for your sake, plus she can be a blabbermouth when she wants to."
"I understand, I just figured you would let me know you are telling them ahead of time. I haven't even told my grandmother yet."
"It's just my dad okay and I told him for business sake, not for 'hey you are going to be a grandpa' stuff. You haven't told Emily yet? Wow."
"I'm waiting for the right time. Still not sure how she will react. Anyway, what did he say?"
"After the initial shock wore off he asked some questions and he seemed okay with it all. I obviously have to go back to London tomorrow night but he's giving me 2 weeks back here around Christmas. I hope to work it out where I'll be here past New Years, but I'll have to wait until it gets closer. No matter what, I'll be here for your appointment on the 22nd."
"That's great Logan. Really."
"My dad has also agreed to let me come back for a week each month to be here to help you. I'm going to try my hardest to make sure it's always when you have an appointment and dad is committed to helping me fulfill my promise to you. I know at some point you will be having more frequent appointments, I'll have to work something out about that with him then."
"Logan this is fantastic. I was semi worried about what would happen once you are back in London but this definitely eases my mind. I can't believe I am saying this, but please thank your dad for me."
"Funny Rory. I'll convey your thanks to him."

Rory finished her dessert while Logan paid the bill. As they were walking to the car Logan informed her of a request.
"Are you really free all day?"
"Yes. I got a lot done yesterday and I'm just in relax mode today. Why?"
"Colin's family is driving him nuts and he wants to come over!"

A couple hours later as Rory and Logan are watching a movie, Colin comes walking in the front door.
"I never thought I'd say this, but thank God I'm at the Gilmore house!"
"Hello to you too Colin. Is it really that bad with your family? We both survived ours."
"Dear Rory, if you only knew. I'm just excited that I can drink scotch in peace right now."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no booze here. What little bit was left after my grandmother moved was poured down the drain since I can't have it anytime soon."
"Don't worry, I came prepared. I just need the glasses. Logan you want some now or later?"
"I'm not sure I should be drinking yet man. Maybe later."

Logan refusing a drink caught Rory off guard. She'd never known him to turn one down, and definitely not his preferred drink of choice. Logan caught her staring at him, in response he smiled and winked at her. He found it funny to see her blush in return. 

The threesome enjoyed the rest of the day and night together. It was like old times for them. They pulled up horrible movies on Netflix and made fun of them the whole time. When they got bored of that, Rory pulled out a deck of cards and the trash talking began. They had sandwiches and chips for dinner and snacked all night long. There was no shortage of fun or laughter in the Gilmore house that night. Rory had thoroughly enjoyed herself and hoped they could have more nights like this in the future.

Around 11pm Colin informed them that he probably needed to head back to his father's house.
"Colin, you've had too much to drink. I'm not letting you drive. You can stay upstairs in one of the guestrooms."
"You don't have to put me up Rory. It's not that far."
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Ummmmmm, hold on. 3? No wait, 4. It's 4 right?"
"Upstairs you go mister. 2nd door on the left is the bathroom. 3rd door on the left is the room you can use. Don't try to argue with a pregnant woman. It won't end well for you."
"Yes mother. I'll see you in the morning."

Rory chuckled as she watched Colin go up the stairs looking like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. She turned around to see Logan putting his coat on and gathering up his things.
"Where are you going mister?"
"To Honor's. Where else would I go?"
"Oh no. If he's staying so are you. I know you only had 1 drink, but you shouldn't drive either."
"Hello? Pregnant lady here. You do what the pregnant lady wants okay. Upstairs mister. 2nd door on the right."

"Okay, Okay. I'm not going to try to argue with you."

Rory quickly cleaned up the living room and kitchen before she made her way upstairs. She was just about to close the door when Logan grabbed the door.
"You put me in a flower room. There's flowers everywhere! On the bed, on the walls, in the bathroom!"
"Uh sorry. Grandma only let me change my room and the room across the hall. If I put a drunk Colin in your room his head would be spinning."
"Fine, but I won't forget this Gilmore! You just wait. This will come back to bite you!"
"Goodnight Logan."

Sunday morning Colin was a little out of it, but Logan's pancakes helped get him back to 100%. Rory had forgotten how nice is was to have Logan fix breakfast. She definitely missed it now. After they were finished eating, Rory and Colin cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. Soon after Colin left to spend the the rest of the day with his family. Rory and Logan talked a while and had lunch together. She knew the time for him to leave was getting close because his demeanor changed. He wasn't joking as much and he wore more of a solemn expression on his face.
"Rory I'm sorry but I have to go. I have to pack up my things at Honor's and I promised the kids I would take them for ice cream before I left. I really wish I didn't have to go, but I do."
"It's okay. Duty calls. It's been nice having you guys around but I knew it would end eventually."
"It won't be too long until I'm back. I hope these next couple weeks fly by."
"Me too. I'll miss you while you are gone."

Rory grabs a sweater to put on and walks Logan out, trying to stall the goodbye. She doesn't know what has come over her, but she just can't easily say goodbye to him. Logan could tell something was up with her, but he didn't want to ask. He silently took her in his arms and held her tight against him. Getting a whiff of her perfume, it took his mind back to images of when they were wrapped up in each others arms all the time. He knows he shouldn't dwell on it, but he can't help but wonder what could have been.

If I could change the past I would. I'd hold on to Rory and never let go.

"Please keep in touch. I don't want us only communicating when you are here."
"I promise we will talk on a regular basis. We are going to be parents, we have to communicate. I'll text you when I land in London. I know you'll be asleep but you'll see it when you get up in the morning."
"Thank you Logan."

Rory grabs Logan and hugs him tight one last time then she reaches up and kisses him on the cheek. For a split second she wishes he would turn his head just slightly so she would have an excuse for her lips to touch his. Logan pulls back, gives her 1 last smile and gets in the car. As he backs out he gives her a small wave. Rory waves back then wraps her arms around herself and lets a single tear fall down her cheek as she turns around to make her way back inside.
