Chapter 22

Logan woke up early, threw on some sweats and headed downstairs to make coffee. He walked into the kitchen to find the cook whisking eggs.
"Hello sir, breakfast will be ready in about 20 minutes."
"I was just in search of coffee."
"I just started it so it will be a few minutes. Is there anything I can get you while you wait?"
"No, thank you though. I think I will go for a quick run. If anyone else comes down let them know I'll be back soon."
"Yes sir. Enjoy your run."

Logan stuck his earbuds in, hit play on his IPOD and started out at an easy pace, following signs leading him towards the lake. His thoughts were tumbling around in his mind along the same beat of his footsteps. He was working on his pro/con list, just like the ones Rory so loved to make herself. That was just 1 of the ways Rory had influenced him over the years. He thought about the other influences she had imparted on him. At some point he lost count. Some things were so natural to him now, that he was sometimes lost on the time back when these habits weren't apart of his daily life.

Jogging along the lake through a park Logan looked out at the water and the early morning sunrise took his breath away. He stopped to enjoy the view. It was beautiful and peaceful as the sunlight was just beginning to touch everything around him. Lost in his own thoughts, he savored the moment. All of the sudden everything in him started to click. What had been rolling around in his mind connected and starting making sense to him. He took one last long look at the scene in front of him, memorizing it all because this place is where he found clarity. 

There was something he needed to do and there was no time to waste. Kicking it up a few notches Logan raced back to the inn.

"Did you enjoy your run sir?"
"I did. Great morning for a run. Is anyone else up yet?"
"Room 1 called so say that they would be coming down in a few minutes for breakfast. No one else has been seen or heard from."
"Room 1 you say? Why don't you make up a tray for me and I will deliver it so they don't have to come down. It's nice to have surprises once in a while don't you think?"
"Yes sir, will be my pleasure. Get yourself some coffee while I plate everything."

5 minutes later Logan was headed upstairs with heaping plates of waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon, a bowl of grapes, juice and coffee. The tray was too heavy to balance in one hand so he resorted to kicking the closed door lightly instead of knocking. He heard noise coming from inside the room but couldn't make out what was said. A minute later the door opened.

"I said you can come in. Oh Logan. Hi."
"I thought you might appreciate a hand delivered breakfast. I know a Gilmore girl has to eat."
"That was nice of you. I can't eat all of that though. I'm not that far along, are you trying to call me fat already Huntzberger?"
"No ma'am. If it's alright with you, I thought we could have breakfast together. Like old times. See this smile? How could you refuse?"
"Um, okay. Sorry I'm not put together more."
"Rory, you look fine. I'm sure I don't look too good after my run."

Logan had to admit to himself that Rory looked radiant. Her hair wasn't completely combed through and she still had a few smudges of mascara where she hadn't quite gotten it all off the night before, but he wasn't sure he had ever seen her more beautiful. He had never believed it, but Rory might actually have the real deal pregnancy glow. The thought warmed his heart.

"What are you thinking there waiter?"
"Things? What things?"
"Just things. Like how good do these waffles smell? Oh and here's your coffee."
"No coffee for me."
"Baby doesn't do coffee. Makes me sick."
"Are we sure that's a Gilmore baby?"
"Very funny mister. Give me that plate. I'm suddenly starving and the smell of bacon is torture to taste buds!"

Logan and Rory tucked into their breakfasts and both agreed that Colin made a good choice keeping the cook. If lunch and dinner were just as good, then they might never leave. They chatted about their families and caught up on some gossip. Logan loved hearing about Lorelai's wedding. Rory was amused by the tales about Honor's two kids. She was delighted to see the pleasure Logan had when talking about John and Hadley. She hoped he would be even more joyous when talking about their child.

When their plates were blank and glasses empty they sat looking at each other. Rory with eyes full of optimism and Logan with a smirk playing on his lips.
 "Logan I have a feeling you didn't just come here for breakfast."
"Oh really? You thought I was coming for dessert too?"
"Hello! There's a kid in me. Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Kidding. Just kidding. No, I did come to talk to you. I just warmed you up with breakfast first."

"I always took you for a smart man."

Logan beamed with a huge smile. Rory loved that look on him. It also helped calm her nerves. If he was happy then they must be getting ready to have a good talk coming up.

"Rory, I want to apologize again for how I acted last night. I shouldn't have snapped and said some of those things to you."
"Logan it's okay. You were being honest."
"No, I should have treated you better. If we are going to raise this child together, then we have to work out our problems and find a common ground. It's the only way this will work. I stayed up last night thinking about it and during my run earlier. This is not what I had planned for my life right now, but maybe it's exactly what I need in my life right now."

Rory looked at him, not saying anything. She could tell he wasn't done yet.
"I needed salvation and I had thought creating a new life for myself would do it, but I think that a literal new life is my saving grace. As far as our lives recently, it was never my intent to make you feel like the other person or an outsider. For that, I am truly sorry. I wanted the exact opposite. I know my words and actions did not convey that most of the time. I promise you Rory, from this day on, that I will work on being a better person. A person who doesn't feel the need to please everyone, just the right ones. Someone who can go to bed at night satisfied in life and hopeful for the next day. Someone who isn't such a self-centered idiot."

Rory laughed out loud at his idiot comment. Logan reached over to grab her hand as he chuckled himself.
"Most of all I want to be a man that our child, whether it be a boy or girl, will be proud of. It won't always be easy and I'm sure I will mess up too many times to count, but I'm willing to try starting now."
"I'm so proud of you Logan and so is this little person. They don't know it yet, but they have a great dad already."
"Thank you Rory. I obviously never thought we'd be in a situation like this after we left here a couple weeks ago. I won't lie- I'm kinda freaking out about it. I'm sure you have been as well, but we can do this. I know we can. I'm going to have to work out something with my father so I can be here more because the thought of being in London so far away from the 2 of you during pregnancy kills me inside. We will come up with something that works for us, we can take it one day at a time if we have to. I'm willing. This is all new to me and it's crazy stupid scary, but there's no one else I would rather do this with."
"You have no idea how wonderful it is to hear you say that Logan."
"Hey, life throws you curve balls sometimes, but that's what makes it exciting I guess."
"Logan, I am so looking forward to going through the exciting with you! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you first thing after I found out. I'm sure you felt like I didn't care about your position in this. I never meant for it to come across as that, I didn't doubt that you would be here for me. I just really didn't know how to break the news to you."
"Rory, it's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for. Really. It's done with and over."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. Now I need to go get a shower. I kinda smell. Can we talk some more after?"
"Yes! I'll get ready and will be waiting for you."

Logan was halfway out the door when he turned around. The joy radiating off Rory's face was something he wished he could bottle up and keep with him forever. 
"Hey Rory....... you, me, everything that happened up to this point."
"I know it's been a crazy ride, but I wouldn't change a thing."
