Chapter 18

"Finn it's dark, where in the world would you take me?"
"Love, that is for me to know and you to find out!"

Finn pushes his way through the door making his way towards the stairs with Rory right behind him hot on his heels.

"Excuse me? I'm going to need more information than that! You can't just show up and tell me I'm going on a trip with you!"
"You just said not 2 minutes ago that you were expecting me to call or text you. Isn't seeing my handsome face better than that love?"

Finn starts up the steps but Rory catches up and jerks his arm.

"Tell me about Logan. Is he okay?"
"He's doing much better love. You'd be proud of him."
"Have you told him about me and the baby?"
"No. I'm sorry, but he's not ready for that yet. He thinks I went away for business while I was here with you. I have confided in Colin that I came to see you though."
"So you told Colin but not Logan! Finn how could you!"
"I didn't say I told Colin about your plus one. I said I told him that I came to see you. Now which door is your bedroom?"
"FINN! You can't go through my stuff!"
"Watch me. You actually won't need much so I'll get the essentials. Just pick out a couple outfits. Make it quick."
"I won't know what to get unless I know where I'm going."
"Rory..... it's November in Connecticut. I think you can figure out what to wear. Okay, how about you just get 3 of your favorite outfits. That's pretty easy right? Seriously love, make it quick. I'm on a time crunch here and traveling across different time zones 3 times in the past 4 days is getting to me."

Finn grabbed one of Rory's suitcases and made his way into her bathroom to pick out the things he knew she would need for a couple days away. He could hear her talking to herself and was quite amused at the conversation she seemed to be having. No doubt she was more than a little ticked at him. He could take the heat though. By the end of the weekend he figured she'd be naming the kid after him. A few minutes later he heard her call for him.

"Ready mother?"
"I guess so. I haven't had any dinner yet though."
"I'll pick up something on the way that you can eat in the car. Let's get going!"


Two hours later Finn pulls up in front of a very exclusive Resort and Spa. Rory had fallen asleep after eating her burger and fries so he gently shakes her until he sees her eyes flutter open.

"We are here Rory. Time to wake up and go in."
"Where are we? A hotel?"
"A very nice resort with a fantastic spa. You need a little pampering in your life right now."
"Finn this is very sweet of you, but you didn't have to drag me away from Hartford for this."
"Dear, yes I did. Come on and let's go in."

Finn tips the valet and guides Rory through the double doors. He checks in at the front desk and then leads Rory towards the elevators. 

"You will be on the 3rd floor mother. Room 315. Here's your key."
"Finn aren't you staying with me?"
"No, you need your privacy. I'm on the 4th floor. If you need anything tonight just call me and I'll come straight down. Someone will deliver your bag to the room in a few minutes along with a treat. Get a good nights rest and I will see you bright and early in the morning for some fun."

Finn pushes Rory off the elevator and winks at her before the door closes. She makes her way down the hall and swipes her key card. Opening the door she marvels at the room Finn set up for her. At first glance it is absolutely gorgeous. She sets her purse down on a table and turns around to see more of her mini suite. She hears footsteps and jumps as her eyes land on someone.

"Rory dear, it's about time you showed up! I've been waiting in anticipation! It's been far too long since we have seen each other!"
"Honor! What are you doing here?"
"You didn't honestly think Finn would enjoy a spa more than I would? I'm here to have a fun night with you and a great day of pampering tomorrow!"

A few minutes later Rory's suitcase arrived along with a fruit and cheese tray. The two ladies stayed up late chatting, laughing and enjoying each others company. Rory fell asleep with a full heart. She couldn't wait to give Finn a huge hug in the morning.


Colin woke up to the sounds of his phone ringing.

"Hello? Finn?"
"Hey mate. Phase one complete. I've placed Rory into the capable hands of Honor. I wish I could have seen her face when she saw her. She had no idea anyone would be waiting for her. It's time for you to start phase two."
"Geeze Finn it's the middle of the night here."
"It's 4am. Time's not stopping for you. Get Logan up and on your jet. You crew has been on standby all night, just make the call to let them know you will be arriving soon. You can always crash on the way."

"Okay, okay.  I'll keep you updated. See you soon."

Colin clumsily makes his way into Logan's bedroom and turns on the light.

"AHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL COLIN! Jesus, it's 4am!"
"Time to get up."
"Hell no. Go back to bed."
"Hell yes. Logan we have to take a trip. Grab some clothes and let's hit the road."
"ARGH. No. Turn the light off!"
"Logan get your ass out of that bed or I'll drag you out kicking and screaming. My jet is ready and waiting for us. We can sleep in the air."
"Oh fuck. Fine. But whatever caused you to wake me up at 4 freaking AM better be worth it."
"Make sure you grab a coat. We aren't going to the tropics."

Both men packed quickly and left Logan's apartment without speaking. Logan went back to sleep in the car during the short ride to the airport. Colin could sense Logan was pissed and he could understand but due to time zones and other factors, it had to be done this way. They boarded the jet both in their sweats and mumbled half greetings to the flight staff. Everyone on board was under strict orders not to talk about their destination or answer any questions if Logan asked. 

They settled themselves on opposites side of the jet. Colin started watching a movie while Logan fell straight back to sleep. Colin whispered his thanks to the attendants for working at such a odd hour for them. Two hours later as Colin began to nod off he thought to himself that what they were doing better be worth it because otherwise Finn was a fool.
