Part 9

The next morning, Ji Won, even though still suffering from jet lag, has already prepared for her comeback photoshoot, she already had a cup of coffee and was only waiting for her manager to fetch her.

While waiting, she decided to scan through some channels on her television and came across BabyFirst TV and she suddenly remembered Min Jae. It has only been days being away from her son but she missed him too much already. Tears started falling down her cheeks when one of Min Jae's favorite songs came on and she later sang along to it, she thinks she looks stupid but she doesn't care.

"The ants go marching two by two..." she cried harder knowing that no one would hear her...

when suddenly her door burst open.

"Ji Won? Are you okay?" Ga Eun asked when she saw Ji Won crying and so she ran fast to her side. "Why are you crying over a children song?" She asks awkwardly.

Feeling ashamed, Ji Won quickly wiped off her face, "I was just practicing, I thought I don't know how to cry anymore." She stuttered as she forced a smile.

"O...kay?" Ga Eun whispered to herself.

"By the way, how did you get in to my apartment?" Ji Won suddenly realized.

"Well, when you went missing, I had to ask for a spare key because I thought something happened to you..." she trailed off as she noticed Ji Won was glaring at her.

"You know I would never do that." She scoffed.

"Oh, look at the time! Your photoshoot starts in an hour so we have to keep going." Ga Eun tried to change the subject.

And even on the way to the car, they were arguing about Ga Eun having a spare key to her apartment, but deep inside Ji Won's heart, she trusts Ga Eun and was only trying to play with her.


As soon as we entered the building, I was welcomed with warm smiles from the staffs, some had looks of disbelief in their eyes, they really did assume I was dead. Then a woman in a formal attire greeted me and hugged me lightly, i think she was the owner of the publishing house.

"Oh my god, it's so good to finally meet you miss Kim Ji Won, I'm Choi Min Ha, the CEO of this company, I want you to feel very comfortable here." She smiled and gave me a bouquet of roses.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you too!" I greeted back. She then introduced me to a few people who were to going to be with me for this photoshoot.

"Since there is still an on going photoshoot, I suggest you have your makeup done." She stated still with a smile and led me to the dressing room. "I'll be right back, dear." She said and left the room. Not a second was wasted and the makeup and hairstylist already did their job.

After about twenty minutes of makeup and changing to different clothes, we were finally called by one staff so that I could start my photoshoot.

Choi Min Ha was standing in the middle of the studio while talking to maybe one of the staff. When she saw I was coming, she had the biggest smile on her face, she does smile a lot.

"Oh god, she's here!" She exclaimed.

Feeling kind of confident, I doubled my pace but was stopped on my tracks when I saw a familiar face. It can't be.

I can't believe this. Five feet away from me is a person who has no idea that he has a child, five feet away from me is Min Jae's father, the reason I was away for two years, five feet away from me is the person I was longing for a very long time...

five feet away from me is Park Seo Joon.

Just like I am, he was also surprised when he saw me.

"Are you okay?" Ga Eun asked when she saw that I stopped moving. Ga Eun must have noticed my uneasiness when she gently placed her hand in my back. She knew that something was going on between us before. "Play it cool." She whispered to me.

"Oh dear, you've been in one drama together three years ago, so this is like a mini reunion." Min Ha proudly stated.

"Kim Ji Won..." he stuttered as he kept his gaze on me still.

"Park Seo Joon, I haven't seen you in along time." Ga Eun scoffed and dragged me behind her. "Miss Min Ha, I guess we should start the photoshoot." Ga Eun interrupted the tension that was forming between us.

"Oh, of course!" She smiled and politely left to talk to the photographer.

One staff then asked Ga Eun for information leaving Both Seo Joon I still standing in the middle of the studio. I can feel his gaze on me while I tried so hard not to look up so I stared in to his shoulder instead.

"Ji Won..." he cleared his throat.

"Seo Joon, hi! Congratulations on your engagement by the way." I stated when actually I wanted to ask him why he suddenly stopped talking to me. I want to slap him so hard right now but instead I gave him probably the fakest smile recorded in history.

"I've missed you." He said in a low voice only for me to hear. I was so surprised that my body went numb, did he actually said he missed me or am I hearing things? I looked back up and he looked at me longingly it's as if his eyes is trying to say something.

"Let's go!" Ga Eun suddenly grabbed me leaving Seo Joon standing there.


"Thank you so much for being here with us, Mr. Park." Choi Min Ha expressed her gratitude as she hold my hand gently.

"Well, actually the next photoshoot is for someone you have already worked with." She laughed. "It's her comeback photoshoot." Wait, why is it making me nervous?

"Oh god, she's here!" She exclaimed.

I looked at the direction she was looking at and there stood Kim Ji Won. When I realized it was her, I wanted to run to her, hug her and stay like that forever. She had a white gown on and a light makeup which complimented her beauty, she became even more beautiful. She looks like a goddess and an angel morphed into one, and unexpectedly thoughts of her walking down the aisle went in to my mind, wait... what is wrong with me?

She must feel really awkward when she abruptly stopped walking and stayed still as she stared at me intently until her manager Ga Eun dragged her behind.

"Oh dear, you've been in one drama together three years ago, so this is like a mini reunion." Min Ha stated as she clasped her hands together.

"Kim Ji Won..." I tried to calmly say but it turned out into a stutter. I still couldn't believe Ji Won is standing here in front of me.

"Park Seo Joon, I haven't seen you in along time." Ga Eun scoffed. "Miss Min Ha, I guess we should start the photoshoot." Ga Eun suggested probably to cut the tension, I guess she knew.

"Oh, of course!" Min Ha smiled and politely left , Ga Eun left right after leaving both Ji Won and I.

"Ji won-"

"Seo Joon, hi! Congratulations on your engagement by the way." She quickly cut me off as she forced a smile at me. I know she is hurt, I know she is hurt by the idea of me getting married soon when I promised her the whole world, I really wanted her to know that I made the wrong decision. I want to tell her how much I still love her, I want to tell her how much I regret not waiting for her, I want to tell her how much I wanted to hold her right now.

"I've missed you..." the words slipped before my mind could even process... shit, I know it's too late to take it back.

She looked back at me and I found a glimpse of hope in her eyes that maybe she misses me too. But before I could ask her how she is, Ga Eun quickly grabbed her and left me there.

Is it too late now?


I am sorry for the very late update, I had a mental block and I don't know how to keep the story going but seeing such positive feedbacks from you guys, I really tried my best. Hope you liked this chapter ☺️☺️

Comment what you think Park Seo Joon should do and like for Part 10. Thank youuuuu 💛💛💛
