Part 8


"How did she reappear all of a sudden right when you're almost getting married?" My assistant, Tan, sighed dramatically.

I am out of words after he showed me the videos  and pictures of Ji Won at the airport with Ha Neul, Ji Won together with Ha Neul though is more surprising than Ji Won coming back. If Ha Neul knew all along where Ji Won was, why didn't he tell me? I felt kinda betrayed in some ways, it's like he threw our friendship away just like that. There was even one picture wherein he was holding Ji Won's hand. How could he? He knows how I feel about her and now I suddenly see him with her?

"Ha Neul didn't even try to contact you?" Tan asked.

"No." I bluntly said shaking my head.

"That motherfu..." he cursed under his breathe.

One thing I realized, is that after all these time I do still have feelings for Ji Won, it never left. But I have Min Young now, I couldn't just leave her hanging.

All of these started when our drama together started, people got so hooked that they thought we were actually dating, and because it got high ratings, both our management decided to make us date for publicity, I was against it at first knowing it would upset Ji Won, I tried to contact her and ask permission, and that's when she disappeared. I then felt like she never cared about me, that's why I went along with the publicity stunt. Having to spend all my time with Min Young, I somehow developed genuine feelings for her. And since I'm not getting any younger, my management told me that I should get married. I don't know why I didn't even think it through. I should have tried harder in finding Ji Won, now I'm stuck and there's no way out where I don't get to hurt anybody.


"This feels surreal!" Ga Eun gasped as she examined my face carefully. "It's actually you!"

"Ga Eun, you've been staring at me for hours, I'm really tired." I complained.

"I understand, you got jet lagged. I'm just so happy you're back!" She squealed and hugged me again for the nth time.

"You're all over the news, Ji Won. Thanks to you I also got some attention." Ha Neul laughed from behind us, I forgot he was even here in my apartment.

"Is Kim Ji Won and Kang Ha Neul secretly living together in America." He read and burst out laughing after.

"Your manager is going to kill me." I laughed back.

"Wait, this is perfect. Where's you're manager? I need to talk to him!" Ga Eun suddenly jolted out from the couch.

"About what?" I asked.

"I'll talk to you guys later." She stated as she rushed to the door with her bag, "By the way, Ji Won you have a photoshoot tomorrow." And she left.

"That's weird." Ha Neul chuckled as he slumped down on the couch beside me.

"Ha Neul, I apologize for dragging your name into the news." I forced a smile at him who was already half asleep.

"You'll have to pay back soon." He joked, his eyes now fully closed. I stared at him and he still look as good as before, it's like he never aged. He looks angelic when he sleeps and I somehow find myself feeling butterflies in my stomach. No, I think i'm just nervous since I've never sat this close to a guy apart from my father and my son for two years.

"Are you stunned by my handsome face?" He smirked while his eyes are still closed.

"What? No. I zoned out and I didn't even realize I was staring at you." I stuttered and quickly got up from the couch.

"I'm kidding." He laughed. "You know what, I should get going, you need to get some rest." He said as he got up and wore his coat.

He went to the door and I followed him behind.

"Call me if you need anything. And Good luck on your photoshoot." He winked.

This punk...

I can't believe I just came back and I already have new projects ahead of me. I'm going to get really busy that I won't even have to think about Seo Joon... Seo Joon, does he even know Im back here in Korea? I bet he's too busy to know, I bet he wouldn't care if I'm back. While I'm here thinking what he could be doing, he's probably out there enjoying life with his fiancé.

Gosh, I need to get over him for real.

Just a little filler.

Also, to not confuse anyone about who is who

Lee Ga Eun- KJW's Manager
Son Tan- PSJ's assistant

By the way, these are all made up names and if somehow there are actors with these names, I apologize.

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