Part 21


"Did you do that to spite Park Seo Joon?" Ha Neul hoarsely stated breaking the silence in the car.

I stayed quiet too embarrassed to admit it and because I promised myself I wouldn't lead Ha Neul on but now I did something completely different from what I promised to myself.

"...Ha Neul, I'm sorry... I.." I stuttered unable to make up an excuse for what I did.

I looked at him and his eyes were too focused on the road. I don't know how he feels.

"I guess we should stop hanging out." Ha Neul blurted out. I looked at him surprised and out of words. Was it really that offensive to him?

"Why?" I croaked. Why do I have to be so insensitive?

"Ji Won, I told myself that I was just going to help you out with... you know... but I also promised myself I wouldn't feel anything more than just friends... now, I think... " he suddenly admitted.

"Ha Neul... don't."

"I think I already love you, Ji Won." He looked at me softly.

His sudden confession has left me speechless. What have I gotten myself into? I stayed silent knowing I would only break his heart if I admit that I don't have any feelings towards him... or the fact that I still love Seo Joon.

"I know you don't feel the same, Ji Won. But I am going to do everything for you to realize that I'm the one for you and that you should move on from Park Seo Joon." He said sternly. "Psh, all he ever did to you was break your heart." He scoffed.

What has gotten into him?

"I don't think we should talk-"

"I know it takes time, Ji Won but I'm willing to wait for when you're finally over him. I will wait."

When we finally arrived at my apartment building, I wanted to leave immediately, but I know I can't because I owe him a lot and it would be too rude if I don't give him any answers.

"Ha Neul, we should talk about this some other time, okay?"  I smiled and carefully got out of the car.

He rolled his window down  before leaving and said

"I will wait, Ji Won."


I waited for Ji Won as she went to the restrooms for a while. While waiting, I saw Park Min Young come out and she suddenly approached me.

"Ha Neul, when was the last time we had a chat?" She giggled.

"Min Young, I don't think it's a good idea talking to me, I mean your fiancé's kinda mad at me." I scoffed at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I have a proposal for you..." she smirked.

"I don't want to hear it-"

"You knew where Kim Ji Won was for the last two years, and you didn't tell Seo Joon about it even though he asked for your help." She taunted. I froze on the spot as she continuously smirked at me.

"I don't know what she would feel about you if she finds out that Seo Joon tried to reach out for her and you didn't even tell her..." she stated as she shook her head dramatically.

"What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Nothing big, actually... I want you to keep Kim Ji Won out of my relationship, it sucks to know that my fiancé is still not over her, and I can't seem to do anything about it. But I know you really like her too... make her fall in love with you and your secrets are safe." She taunted.

I looked at her despicably as she slowly walked towards Park Seo Joon and Park Hyung Sik.

How did she find out about all those things? She might have figured it out when I go to New York twice a month to check on Ji Won, I didn't tell Seo Joon about it because he always gets everything! It has always been him, I have known Ji Won way before he did and she still chose him. I am always the second option, and I'm fucking tired of it.

When I found out Ji Won was pregnant , I knew right away who the father was, and that's when she went to New York and hid it from everyone... because she thought Seo Joon stopped talking to her when in fact, one time when Seo Joon asked to meet up with me because he was on planning on proposing to Ji Won, I borrowed his phone saying I left mine and I had to call my manager, but the truth was I actually blocked and changed Ji Won's number in his phone. I just felt really furious that time.

After Seo Joon thought Ji Won doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, he then started getting drunk almost every night to the point that the guilt was slowly consuming me. I was going to tell him, but I was too afraid. So I kept quiet. After news of Kim Ji Won gone missing broke out, he asked for my help again to find her, I said I'll try.

Time came when I wanted to tell Seo Joon the truth but when I was about to... he was already engaged.

Knowing that I still have strong feelings for Kim Ji Won, I kept it to myself because now, I want her more than ever.

I am sorry, Kim Ji Won, but I just really want you to be mine.

I am very very very sorry for the verryyyyy late update, I was just busy with the enrollment and stuff.

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