Part 16


I forgot that I was gonna call Min Jae at this time today and my mother texted me non-stop that he wanted to see me, so I had to leave right away. When I got out of the café I searched for Seo Joon's car and it was parked on the left side while mine was in the opposite so I guess it's safe to answer this call.

"Eomma! Eomma!" Min Jae's face popped out as soon as I answered their call.

"Hi my sweet baby! I miss you!" I cooed which made his smile bigger.

"Ji Won, do you know Min Jae can already count up to 10?" My mom happily stated.

"Really? Will you count for me-"

I was cut off when someone cleared his throat behind me. I turned around and I saw Seo Joon standing there with my purse in his hand. I quickly ended our call and hid my phone behind my back.

"You left this..." he said in a low voice as he kept looking behind me.

"Oh, thanks." I answered and quickly grabbed my purse.

I looked at him and waited for him to leave, but he was still standing in front of me with his eyebrows crossed. I tried to play it cool by smiling at him.

"Oh, would you look at the time..." I mumbled to cut the tension as I slowly turned around but Seo Joon suddenly grabbed my arm.

"Are you hiding something?" He asked through gritted teeth.

I was gonna say something when I suddenly heard the sound of cameras clicking, we both look to where it was coming from and there were two paparazzi taking pictures of us. Seo Joon suddenly let go of my arms and carefully pushed me to my car as he quickly went to his. Geez, what are they going to say about this now? But I felt kinda relieved though that the paparazzi saved me from answering Seo Joon.

"Why were you with him?" Ha Neul asked calmly as he took a sip of the coffee I made for him.

"I was just going to thank him..." I muttered.

"You should've been more careful, Ji Won! He may not find out about your son but you're going to face this rumors coming at you and Seo Joon. He's engaged." He reminded me.

"I know..." I sighed.

I slumped into my couch and closed my eyes as I tried to process everything that has been going on in my mind. The universe seems to be not in my favor, it's the second time Seo Joon almost find out about Min Jae. It's not that I don't want him to know, I really do but I don't think it would be a good idea especially now that he's engaged. I've said this a million time and I don't think that would ever change.

I suddenly felt the couch sink and when I opened my eyes Ha Neul was now sitting beside me. He looked at me, smiled and leaned back as he closed his eyes.
Ha Neul has become my human diary lately, he calls me everyday to make sure I am eating regularly and even after a busy day at work, he would still make time to call or text me. I admit that it flutters my heart sometimes but I have to stop myself from feeling things.

"The funny thing is I usually get uncomfortable when someone is staring at me, but you..." he smirked only then I realized I was staring at him.

"What...I..I wasn't even looking." I stuttered as I playfully smacked him. I turned around quickly to hide my face because my face usually turns really red when I'm embarrassed.

"Don't be shy!"  He teased as he laughed hysterically.

"Shut uuuup!" I groaned as I buried my face into the pillow, "I hate you!" I joked.

"You do?" He taunted and started tickling my sides, one of my weaknesses.

I wiggled out of his grip and tried pushing him away. We were now both laughing really hard as we playfully smacked each other. I was trying to get away from him when I suddenly fell on the floor but I accidentally grabbed his arms and so he landed on top of me, our faces  inches apart.

I just noticed how beautiful his eyes are and his lips too and...

"I'm sorry..." he cleared his throat and quickly stood up.

"No, it was my fault." I admitted and he held his hand out for me to grab on. We were now awkwardly looking at each other not really knowing what to say.

"You should go to sleep, it's almost 10pm..."

"Yes, I really should." I smiled and helped him pick up his things and led him to the door.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He whispered as he tilted my chin and leaned in closer.

I feel my body stiff from his touch and unable to move due to our close proximity, why is he doing this to me?

"Goodnight." He smirked and left.

I quickly closed the door as I placed my hand on my chest. Why is my heart beating too fast?


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