Part 14


"You two seemed pretty comfortable with each other." Min Young mumbled under her breathe  as she looked through Ji Won and I's photoshoot on her phone. I don't even know why these pictures went viral.

"Babe, it's a photoshoot for god's sake!" I groaned.

"Well, I don't want to ruin my night. Let's not talk about it... for now." She glared at me as she fixed her hair.

She has been complaining about 'that' photoshoot ever since it was uploaded on instagram and she wouldn't stop reading the comments in front of me. I don't know what has gotten in to her, she has always been supportive with our individual projects and now she's been nagging me nonstop just because a lot people 'loved' Ji Won and I's pictures.
Not to mention I am still upset with Ha Neul and I'm probably going to see him tonight since he's one of the nominees. I just hope Ji Won won't be on this award show with Ha Neul or else i'm seriously going to lose my mind.


When Min Young and I are already seated in our chairs, I carefully scanned around for Ji Won's face but there seems to be no signs of her.

"Oh my God, are they actually together?" I heard someone say behind me, the people around me seemed to be looking at someone important for them to be this flustered. I turned my head to were they were looking at and that's when I saw them together.

I felt my heart dropped when I saw them walk down with their hands intertwined. A part of me wishes that this was all a dream and that I never lost Ji Won. I tried to stop myself from being emotional especially because Min Young is right beside me and also because I am already engaged.

As the awards show went on, I would sometimes steal glances at Ji Won, she looks very beautiful tonight, I mean she could be wearing rags and I would still think she's beautiful. Her smile still makes my heart skip a beat.
She probably noticed me staring when she looked back at me and I had to instantly look away and pretend like I was looking somewhere else.

I was too zoned out that I didn't realize they were now announcing the winner for the Best Actor Award. Ha Neul's face was on the screen and I looked at him intently hoping I could get a peek of Ji Won.

"And the KBS Best Actor award goes to... Kang Ha Neul."

I looked at the screen as Ha Neul got up, hugged Ji Won and... kissed her.


I can't seem to keep my eyes off her, her face just glows every time she laughs and her eyes sparkle in joy. I know we are trying to keep this relationship low key but being here on stage with her receiving the 'Best Couple Award', I just want to tell everyone around that I love her so much and that I want to kiss her right here right now to let them know that she's mine only.

When we were already backstage after receiving the award, I sneakily intertwined our hands and drag her to an empty corner.

"Seo Joon-" before she could complain, I crashed my lips into hers and kissed her as if the world is ending, I can feel her smile through the kiss and I know she wants me as much as I want her. I trailed kisses down her neck and if not because of my phone ringing, I don't think I could ever stop myself.

Why is it so hard to get over you, Kim Ji Won? Why do I still wish you were mine? Everything just reminds me so much of you. I thought agreeing to another relationship would help me get over you, I guess it did for a couple of years. Now you're back and I realized I still love you... but you're making it hard for me too.

————rated r————-


"Ha Neul, I'm so sorry about what happened..." I said for the fifth time as Ha Neul and I looked for a chair to sit on at the afterparty.

We decided to go to the afterparty since we wanted to celebrate Ha Neul's win along with the other actors who got an award, but everyone is invited too.

"You really need to stop apologizing, if someone has to apologize, it should be me." He chuckled as he pulled out a seat for me.

"Kim Ji Won!" I heard someone called my name. When I turned around Song Ha Yoon was running towards me with the biggest smile on her face. I haven't seen her for so long. She hugged me really tight and I did the same. I missed her so much. She was one of the most genuine celebrity friend I have and she's someone you can actually rely on.

"I can't believe you two are dating!" She giggled as she looked at me then at Ha Neul. "Anyways , enjoy your night!" She grinned, kissed my cheek and left just like that. I didn't even got to ask her how she was.

"Here, have a drink." Ha Neul stated as he hand me a wine glass.

I had about ten glasses of wine and I felt kinda tipsy but tried so hard not to show it. Ha Neul was busy talking to other people so I silently went looking for the restroom. I finally got out of the room and walked around the hall to find the restrooms which is difficult when you're alone and tipsy. I kept searching for it until I reached a dark and empty hall. I'm usually afraid of the dark but the alcohol in my system somehow gave me the courage to go further. I can't believe a building as fancy as this has no restroom at all.

That's when I saw two men talking, I guess they could help me find the restroom.

"Uhm.. hi, uh.. good evening... do you know where the restroom is?" I asked politely.

"Wait, wait is that Kim Ji Won?" The man in white suit asked the other one.

"Yes, it is Kim Ji Won! Today is our lucky day." The other one stated which was not vey audible probably because of the state I am right now.

"Yes, we know where the restroom is." He confided and they both walked towards me. They grabbed me and led me further into the dark hall. The guy in a white suit then suddenly pushed me on the wall while the other one stood behind him.

"What are you doing?" I asked but was silenced when he forcefully put his lips against mine. I tried to wiggle out his hold but he was strong. Everything escalated quickly when he started kissing my neck and ripped my gown off while the other guy was recording on his phone. I screamed for help as loud as I can but the guy covered my mouth with his hand. Hot tears started falling down my face as I tried so hard to get out from his grip and my cries coming out muffled.

"Someone! Please!!!" I cried harder hoping someone would hear me. Just please send me an angel...


I was just sitting in the corner of the room not really wanting to communicate with anybody, Min Young being the social butterfly that she is was skipping from one table to another and so I just let her be.

I can clearly see Ji Won from across the room and I can see she was having so much fun with Ha Neul. I don't want to keep hurting myself and so I went to Min Young and told her I was gonna get some fresh air.

I walked around the hall until I saw an open window so I went there and stayed for a while. The thought of Ji Won and Ha Neul's kiss kept replaying on my mind and every time their lips touched , my heart just keeps getting tighter and tighter.

Time have passed and I decided to go back to where the afterparty was. On my way there, I heard someone shout "Help", I tried to ignore it thinking my mind was just playing with me but it was followed with a muffled cry. I quietly followed the sound of the crying until I spotted two men and a girl was pinned down on the wall. The flash of the phone camera hit the girl's face and I felt my whole body heat up.

Ji Won's face was so red from crying as the man forcefully kissed her. Her gown was torn out exposing her chest... she was literally helpless. Without hesitation, I ran towards them and ripped the man off Ji Won's body as I mercilessly threw punches at him  until his face was bleeding. The guy with the camera tried to pull me back but when I stood up he backed out, he then helped his friend up and scurried away. I didn't even bother chase them when I saw Ji Won on the floor crying as she covered her chest with her arms.

"Ji Won..." I gulped as a tear roll down my face. It hurts me so much to see her like this. I hurriedly took off my suit and covered it around her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't hear you sooner." I whispered to her ear and hugged her really tight, to my surprise, she hugged back tighter and started crying harder.

"Seo Joon, please don't leave me." She cried as she pulled me closer to her and buried her face on my chest.

"I won't , baby. I won't." I assured her and kissed her forehead.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until I heard Ha Neul calling out Ji Won's name.


Do you think the story is a bit too fast with the happenings? Comment down what you think.

Like this chapter for part 15 💛
