Part 7


Kim Min Jae, my little ball of sunshine, you have been in my life for only a year but it seems like we were together all my life. The thought of not waking up beside you hurts more than anything. I just wish I could tell the whole world about you but I also want you just to myself.

I am now contemplating whether I should actually go or just ditch Ha Neul, but I couldn't do that to him, he's the only one on my side now, I can't let him down.

"Ji Won, it's almost 8am, you need to go to the airport now or you'll be left behind." My mother smiled warmly at me and I nod in response.

I carefully stood up from the couch trying not to disturb Min Jae's focus on the television. It is only today that I don't want to hug or kiss him because I know I will only end up crying, worst; i would stay instead. I looked at him once more as he happily sang along to the show. I'll see you again, my little one.

"Eomma, I'm going to bring you back to Korea at the right time. Please take good care of Min Jae for me." I croaked as I tried to stop myself from crying.

"We will, darling. Please take good care of yourself too." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"My dear Ji Won, don't think about us too much, keep yourself occupied." My father stated as he hugged me really tight which only made me want to cry more

"I'll see you soon..." I smiled at them and left before they see me in tears.

"I really thought you were gonna ditch me." Ha Neul laughed as he help me carry my bags through the aisle of the airplane.We were both wearing masks, caps and sunglasses to hide our identity.

"I was actually thinking about it." I laughed back.

"You'll be back in Korea in 17 hours." He grinned at me and I laughed back in response.

I looked out the window to see New York City in daylight as I prayed for my parents and Min Jae's well being before we take off.

I was awakened by someone shaking me lightly, I looked up to see Ha Neul already carrying his bags while he held out mine. "We're here!" He exclaimed but his voice came out muffled due to the mask.

"One thing before we get out, take off your mask for everyone to recognize." He whispered and left me there standing. He really did want me to get all the attention.

My heart was beating so loud I could barely hear anyone around me. I gripped on my luggage tightly as I dragged it on the floor. I feel like I would collapse anytime, all the what if's started going through my head, like what if I trip? What if people wouldn't recognize me? What if-

"Ji Won? Hello?" Ha Neul suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"W-wh-what?" I stuttered which he only laughed off. He then slowly took off my mask and grabbed my hand as he happily whispered "Let's go!"

We walked down the aisle as the paparazzis started pointing cameras in my face. All I see is an ocean of cameras flashing.

"Oh my God, is that Kim Ji Won?" A group of girls shouted.

"It's actually Kim Ji Won! Kim Ji Won! Smile to the camera please!"
"Miss Kim Ji Won! Are you and Kang Ha Neul dating?" A bunch of paparazzi shouted.

I kept my head down and followed Ha Neul's luggage. We were then surrounded by security guards and probably a few of Ha Neul's guard until we finally got inside a van.

"Kim Ji Won!" My manager exclaimed when she saw me which pit me on shock as hugged me really tight.

"God, I can't believe you're actually here!" She laughed with tears falling down her face.

"I miss you too and I am very sorry." I hugged her back.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." She jokingly said as she hugged me again.

I can't believe I'm back in South Korea.


"Seo Joon, you need to cooperate! Our wedding is in three months." Min Young groaned as she slammed the notebook on the table. "Babe, it's not that hard to pick a color for the flowers."

"I'm sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night." I apologized as I squeezed her hand.

"Get some rest, I still have to do some photoshoots. I'll see you later." She states as she pecked my lips and left.

When I know Min Young already left, I quickly grabbed my phone and went to instagram where I saw a post which kept me up all night where a Korean woman who was in New York, said she saw Kim Ji Won at the airport. She posted a few pictures of a girl in a mask and cap but it was kinda a blurry so I couldn't confirm if it was really Ji Won. Was she in New York this whole time? Why didn't she tried to contact me, why didn't she tell me she was having a problem if there was any? She stopped replying to my messages two years ago and she suddenly vanished. I went to her apartment even at her parent's house a couple of times but she wasn't there. Then news of her death started swirling out, which I know wasn't true, I looked for her for a year until I realized she probably doesn't need me, so I stopped.

I was then interrupted with a loud banging on my door. I quickly hid my phone and went to the door, when I opened it my assistant was standing there panting.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he tried to catch his breathing.

"Kim Ji Won is back here in South Korea!"

I am very sorry for the late update! Please don't stop reading this fanfic tho.

Thank you for all the likes and comments, very much appreciated.

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