Part 2

After finding out that she was  pregnant, Kim Ji Won instantly told her parents about it, who were  at first hesitant and furious, but they know Ji Won needs them the most at this time. They persuaded Ji Won to tell the child's father about it but she was against it. Ji Won even told them about having an abortion which made her mother go ballistic.

Ji Won then decided on flying to New York with her parents to give birth to the child there since she already has a  penthouse there that she bought a year ago. She doesn't want the media to know about it so she secretly left South Korea that not even her management and friends knew about it.

Ji Won's POV

I was already two months pregnant when we left Korea, I don't know wether I should tell the  father of this child I'm bringing that I am pregnant, or should I keep it hidden forever? It's already December and it's supposed to be my due month. I am waiting patiently for this child to finally come out. I don't even know if I have developed any feelings for this child. I mean how could I if I'm here in another country hiding and feeling miserable while it's father is probably having the time of his life and didn't even tried to contact me. I mean, I know that he's clueless, but we were friends... I guess?

I didn't tell my parents that I have signed some papers to put this child up for adoption right after I give birth to it. They'll find out later. I know they'll understand me.

I went through my phone and I stared intently at the people who tried to contact me; a few of my friends and my manager. I scrolled through google for news and one thing caught my eye:

Park Seo Joon to spend Christmas and birthday with rumored girlfriend Park Min Young...

I felt a a lump rise up through my throat, so I quickly turned my phone off and threw it on my bed. He definitely is having the time of his life.
I stood up from the couch when suddenly I felt a strong cramp in my abdomen, the pain is different from the past contractions I had, this time it was something I cannot tolerate.

"Eomeoni! Abeoji! Help!... Please!" I cried helplessly hoping they would wake up as it's already 1 am in the morning.

"Eomeoni!" I cried louder as I feel an excruciating pain on my back.

It's as if somebody turned the sound off and everything was in slow motion. I saw my mother and father hurriedly help me, their face full of worry. Then it went black.

"Push harder!"

"It's almost there, you can do it."

Were the only words that I heard while I was trying my best to push this child out of my body. I never had a gender reveal so I didn't know if it was going to be a boy or a girl, not that it matters since I am giving him/her up anyways.

I took a deep breath and put all my energy on this last push... and that is when I heard the baby's cry.

"It's a healthy baby boy." The doctor announced as he wiped him with a towel and gently placed him on my chest.

I looked at the baby and he slowly calmed down, I can't believe I gave birth to this tiny human being. He has the face of an angel, even when I just gave birth to him I can already tell he looks like Seo Joon. Speaking of  Seo Joon, it's 2:05 am on the 16th of December here in New York, so it means it's probably 3pm in South Korea. Today is also Seo Joon's birthday, and so is his son's. God, the thought of this child and his father having the same birthday is a literal  stab in the heart.

I looked at my child while he was fast asleep on my chest and I swear I saw him smile for a while. I can feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks as I imagine a future with him. Am I really gonna let him go?

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