Part 17


I know that Ji Won is already out my life and that anything that has to do with her is none of my concerns but I just can't seem to keep my nose out of her business. Although I have promised to remain friends with her, I won't lie that I am still furious about her dating Ha Neul. I want to confront her but every time I get the chance, she would immediately leave.

And who is that kid she's talking to? It would be impossible if it's his brother because her parents obviously aren't able to make one anymore, could be her nephew... or she adopted one?

All these questions with no answers bothers me a lot.

I was so deep in to my thoughts when my door suddenly swung open revealing Min Young. I sluggishly stood up from my couch but I was greeted by sheets of paper thrown on to my face.

"What the hell, Park Seo Joon?" She hissed at me.

"What did I do?" I genuinely asked no idea what she was getting mad about.

"Meeting Kim Ji Won behind my fucking back?" She cursed picking up a piece of paper that she threw and handed it to me.

I looked at the paper and in big black letters it says:

DID PARK SEO JOON POSTPONE HIS WEDDING BECAUSE OF KIM JI WON?   -and a picture of me holding Ji Won's arm in the parking area yesterday was attached.

"Seriously?" I flatly laughed at her as I walk to my kitchen leaving her standing in place.

I drank a glass of water before I look back at her who was now glaring at me.

"Tell me honestly, Seo Joon! Did you two dated before?" She asked through gritted teeth. I looked at her blankly and stayed quiet, not because I am guilty but because it is in the past and there is nothing she should be worried about... or maybe because I was actually guilty and that I am not over Ji Won yet?

"Answer me!!!" Min Young screamed as she walked towards me, I can tell she is really mad from the look in her eyes.

"This is stupid-" I was cut off when she slapped me really hard, tears are now forming in her eyes.

"That was why you hired someone to look for her two years ago... You think I wouldn't find out?" She taunted. I didn't know she was this nosy, we didn't even started dating when that happened.

I am now out of words, standing in front of me was not the Min Young I knew before, if we had a problem we would sit it out and talk calmly until we fix it. Why did she suddenly change?

"That was the past! Can't I stay friends with someone in my past without anybody giving malice to it?" I gruffly said.

"No, you can't!" She countered.

"Then what's the point of this engagement if we don't have trust?" I growled which surprised her and she suddenly walked backwards slowly. I have never shown her this side of me,

I got really angry at Ji Won once for being too comfortable with one of her male co-star, and I literally was just over-reacting when I found out that the actor treats Ji Won like her sister, and Ji Won kept on apologizing even though I was at fault, and that made me love her even more. But with Min Young, she just wants to put all the blame on me and I am so tired.

"You know what? I guess you made the right decision when you decided to postpone our wedding..." I looked at her not blinking once, I want her to know that she is too much "I think we should break up." I muttered.

"Seo Joon..." She gasped and looked at me in disbelief. Her tears started falling and she was trembling, I guess I was too harsh? When I was about to go to the door and tell her to leave she suddenly collapsed on the floor. Oh shit.


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But waaait,

There's more




"I think we should break up." He stated looking down on the floor.

What? He can't do this to me!

"Seo Joon..." I said in the most emotional voice I could ever come up, I have to be really dramatic for him to believe me, I mean I am an actress after all. He can't break up with me when I'm in the middle of my drama, people may get the wrong impression of me.

He ignored me and walked towards the door, there is only one way to stop him from breaking up with me and this works every time, I then collapsed on the floor and I had to be as unconscious as possible then I heard his footsteps run to me, it's working.

"Min Young! Min Young!" He exclaimed as he lift me up from the ground and called for help.

I am sorry Seo Joon but I can't give you what you want, you're gonna have to go the hard way...and this goes for you too Kim Ji Won...

Ps: I love PMY and I have nothing against her. Please don't hate this story 😊
