Running Out of Food and Prom News

-- Edited --

Willow's POV

I heard words today that I never thought I heard Luke say, seeing as he owned a dinner and we lived above it.

We ran out of food.

"Why did you trust him?" I ask.

"I don't know. I thought he was responsible enough to do something like this," Luke responds.

"Though I love my brother and he is an amazingly smart kid, I do believe you have too much faith in him," I state.

"Well, I need to go buy food because we officially have nothing to sell," Luke says herding to the door.

"Let me come with you. I need to get some stuff and we need a couple things for the apartment," I say, pulling my coat on and following him out the door.

"Oh, hey. Where are you going?" Lorelai asks as we meet her and Rory outside the diner.

"Oh, well, I'm going to Doose's because we are out of food," Luke says.

"How can you be out of food?" she questions.

"My brother's an idiot," I say.

"Well, it starts with the words, "hey, Jess, you do the ordering this week, okay?" and it ends with Willow selling Kirk a lettuce sandwich," Luke says.

"We've eaten those," Rory says.

"We're gonna go pick some to hold us over until tomorrow," he says.

"Well, get some burgers."

"And tater tots."

"And pickles."

"Hold on a sec," he says, pulling a pencil and pad from his pocket and writing everything down.

"You want cheese on the burger?" he says, as if this was a normal day and he was taking their order.

"Cheddar," Lorelai says.

"And swiss," Rory says.

"Dessert?" he asks.

"We have to decide right now?" Lorelai asks.

"I would seriously advise it," he states.

"Y'all are crazy," I say.

"Pie," says Lorelai, smiling.

"Cherry," Rory adds.

"And whipped cream, dental floss, and paper towels, and people magazines. We're really hungry," Lorelai finishes, grinning.

Luke doesn't reply and walks off, me following.

"Heads up, we do need paper towels," I say, smiling.

He gives me a look and keeps walking.


It's before school, and I'm standing at the counter with a book in my hand as I watch Luke. He is staring out the window watching the construction next door take place.

He walks up to a customer and attempts to take their order before being interrupted by a power saw next door. 

After being interrupted a couple more times he storms out of the diner. I take over taking orders while Luke goes and possibly kills Taylor.


After school Lane grabs me and tells me she has news, but she has to Rory too. She takes off running and I follow, slower, to the bus stop. I get there just as Rory gets off.

"The numbers are all adding up. The planets are aligning, and I'm going to my senior prom," Lane rambles out.

"What?" Rory questions.

"Wow you are wired," I say.



"Because I'm brilliant. See, my mom was in a good mood today because she made a big sale. A dining room table and eight chairs, none of which match, that have been hanging around the shop since I was four," Lane says.

"Oh, I'm gonna miss those," Rory jokes.

"Get over it. Anyway, I sat her down, and I told her I really wanted to go to the prom, and I know she doesn't approve of such things, but if she lets me go, we will do it her way."

"But her way would be to not let you go," I say.

"Yes, she said that also. But then I went on to clarify that if she let's me go, she'll get full dress approval, full chaperone approval, I promised not to actually dance at the prom, and whatever boy I go with will be required to attend at least four family dinners before she signs off on him being my escort."

"Not more on using the word escort instead of the word date," Rory says.

"The subliminal is half the battle, Rory," Lane replies.

"Go on, go on," she pushes.

"So, she sat there, took it all in, and after a really long pause, she looks at me and says, maybe."

"Are you serious?" I question.

"You got a maybe from Mrs. Kim!" Rory says.

"I got a maybe from Mrs. Kim!" Lane replies.

We go into the beauty supply store to get makeup for a wedding at the Kim house. I'm not really a makeup person so I wander as they get the supplies they need. Lane mentions David playing at the wedding.

"I thought I was the only non-Korean allowed at the Kim family weddings?" Rory asks.

"Don't be hurt. You have been to so many of these weddings, you are an honorary member of the clan now," Lane tells her.

"I appreciate that, and soon Willow will be too," Rory says.

"She will," Lane says, them both looking at me, smiling.

"Thank you, I look forward to it," I say.

They continue to talk, and I continue to listen, as I look at everything in the store. I see the hair dye. I would love to add a little color to my hair. 

I should probably run it by Luke first. He might not be into the whole idea, but I think he'd be more accepting of it if I ran it by him first.

They buy their stuff and Kirk throws in a few of his own things for us to sample. We leave the store, still talking. I love having friends. It feels amazing to have people to talk to.
