Fires and Sleep Overs

-- Edited --

Willow's POV 

We didn't talk anymore about Jess last night. I hung out upstairs and kind of freaked out. I'm worried that Jess is going to something stupid.

He can't do something stupid. I can't lose him. He's all I have.

I ended up crying myself to sleep. Luke and I are now working in the diner, and all of a sudden Sookie comes barging in with a bunch of people carrying grocery bags.

"Morning," she says.

"What? What is this?" Luke asks.

"Phase 2."

"Phase two?" Luke and I both ask, confused.

"Into the back, guys. March!" she orders.

"Hold on. Those guys can't go back there," Luke replies.

"Oh, we're in luck. Lots of empty tables. Go on and take your seats, guys." Lorelai says as she walks in.

"What is this?" Luke asks her.

"We had a fire," she states.

"Fire, where?" Luke asks her again.

"Weston's bakery," Sookie says, coming back out of the kitchen.

"You're kidding!" he exclaims.

"They'll have fresh blueberries," she finishes.

"Perfect. Um, Weston's. Hurry," Lorelai tells one of the people carrying a grocery bag, which she takes from them.

"Weston's caught fire?" Luke asks.

"No, the inn," Lorelai replies.

"Your inn?" Luke asks.

"Oh, my god!" reply.

"Just move all of Luke's stuff aside. We don't need it!" Sookie yells.

"Hey, wait a minute," Luke says.

"Everyone's fine. The inn is still standing. We're into phase two," Lorelai states.

"What is phase two?" Luke asks again.

"Just shove it aside!" Sookie yells again.

"What are you doing?" Luke asks Sookie.

"Making breakfast," she replies.

"You can't make breakfast here," he says, grabbing one of her bags.

"Got any plates that aren't cracked?" she asks.

"You're the one that's cracked," he replies.

"Nice thing to say to a pregnant woman," she says.

"You're pregnant?" he replies.

"Could you be any farther behind?" Lorelai asks.

"Yo, Caesar, help my guys and a 20 in it for ya," Sookie says.

"We both can't be making different stuff at the same time." Luke says.

"You know you're right. Listen, all you people who were here before we invaded, are you willing to cancel your current orders for Sookie's famous blueberry-lemon pancakes, Belgian waffles, or bananas foster?" Lorelai asks.

Everyone agrees and Sookie sets in motion.

"I'm an island?" Luke says.

"What do I do?" I ask him, very lost.

He doesn't have time to answer because Lorelai starts talking to him again.

"Luke, I'm sorry about all this, but I'm not anticipating the inn catching fire ever again, so it's a one-time-only thing. Okay?" she asks him.

"Like I have a choice?"

"You do. Say the word and we go?" she replies.

"Stay, cook, eat. I'll be upstairs," he tells her.

"You're a doll," she tells him before she gets up and heads out.

I didn't get a chance to give her a hug before she left. I wanted to; she looks like she needs one.

"No, get rid of it. Dump it. Dump it. I don't wanna see it," Sookie yells.

"I'll fill coffee and drinks and then I have to head out," I tell him.


Stuff ended up going smoothly with Sookie and Luke having to work together. The diner was still standing, and they both had all of their limbs.

Luke and I are getting ready for bed, Jess is working, when we hear knocking at the diner door followed by someone yelling from outside.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"Your guess is as good as mine," he replies.

Luke goes to open the window and they throw a pebble at it.

"Who is that?" he yells out.

I squeeze in next to him.

"Lorelai," she says, giving us a wave, to which I return.

"What are you doin' down there?" Luke asks her.

"Enjoying some air, getting some exercise and freezing!" she replies.

"Well, go home," Luke says.

"Home. I have no home. Hunted, despised..."

"What?" Luke and I say at the same time.

"It's from Ed Wood, the movie." she says.

Have you gone bonkers?" Luke asks.

"People are bunking at my place, and I need somewhere to stay."

"And it just occurred to you now, to look for a place?"

"The stupid Hatlestads showed up," she replies.


"I thought they went home." I tell her.

Before she can answer a neighbor opens their window and yells out.

"Pipe down out there!"

"Go back to bed, Mrs. Slutsky," Luke yells back, making me giggle.

"Don't talk to me that way, young man!" the lady, Mrs. Slutsky, yells back.

"Throw your keys down," Lorelai says.

"I Will not!" Mrs. Slutsky replies.

"No, Luke, Mrs. Slutsky," Lorelai says.

"Though you'd be in for a fun conversation if you did," I say to Mrs. Slutsky, sticking my head out the window.

"I'll just come down," Luke says.

"Do something!" Mrs. Slutsky yells again.

"Ditto," Lorelai says, a little nervous.

"I'm coming down," Luke says.

"Me too!" I say.

Before Luke can close the window, I stick my head out again.

"Goodnight Mrs. Slutsky!"

I close the window and smile at Luke. Then I run to the apartment door, open it, and run down the stairs.

I open the door and Lorelai comes in.

I lead her to the stairs just as Luke makes it to the bottom.

Seeing as Jess would be back any minute, and would want his bed, Luke gave Lorelai his and took the couch.

They argue about which side to tuck in the sheet before Luke gives up.

"You know, I really should take the couch. Me taking the bed, it doesn't feel right," Lorelai tells him.

"Oh, now, come on."


"You browbeat me into giving the bed and pretending you don't want it now, isn't working," he tells her.

"I'm pretending to try and be polite," she says.

"I'm five with the couch. You're the one that's exhausted," he says.

"You know, I'm actually not."

"Really?" he asks.

"I'm, like, strangely exhilarated. I mean, as awful as what happened today was, I'm happy with how I handled it. You know you never know how you're going to react in situations like this until something happens, and I think I did pretty well," she says.

"Yeah, I do, too," Luke replies.

The phone rings and Luke answers. It's Nicole. He mentions the fire, but not Lorelai.

I don't like Nicole as much as I did. I roll onto my side and try to go to sleep.

Lorelai asks why he didn't mention her and Luke tells her about Nicole not liking how close they are.

I honestly hope they end up together, as weird as it sounds.

"I have to get up super early tomorrow," she says.

"No problem, what time?"


"I get up a quarter to 5 every morning," he tells her.

"Why in the world would you get up that early?"

"Because he's crazy," I say from the other side of the room.

"To run my business," he says.

"Well, change businesses," she replies.

"Oo, wow, total deja vu," Lorelai says.


"It's the alarm clock. It had a dream once that you set 18 alarm clocks to get me up, which is not a bad way to get me up."

"Where were we?"

"We were, um, at my house. I got up, and went downstairs for coffee, and sent Willow off to school, and talked to my stomach."

"Why on earth would I do that?"

"Well, because I was pregnant. Twins."


"What am I, dream tramp? Of course yours."

"We were married?"

"Um, yeah. Did I not mention that?"


Then silence for a few seconds.

"You know, you shouldn't drink coffee when you're pregnant."

"Yeah, true."

"That's probably why Rory's a caffeine addict."

"Right. You're right."

"Dream og beyond that?"

"No. Um, you talked to my stomach, and then you ki- Ah, no," she replies.

"Oh, okay. Well... night," he says.

"Yeah... night." 
