Mad Girlfriend and Movie Night

-- Edited --

Willow's POV 

I'm sitting at the counter, reading, while Rory stands next to me. Jess is standing on the other side having a conversation with her when Lorelai walks up.

"Freeze," Rory says, and Jess stops talking.

"You were supposed to bring me a cup of coffee," Lorelai says to her daughter.

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry. I got distracted," Rory replies.

"My fault," Jess says.

"Yes, but when you left me there I was alone, and now, look. I'm no longer alone."

Rory and I both turn and see Taylor.

"Taylor found you?" Rory asks.

"You poor soul," I respond, going back to my book.

I felt bad for her, but this was a good book.

"Yes, and we've since embarked on hour one-hundred-million, planning the special Doose reunion," Lorelai says.

"I'm coming back over there right now," Rory tells her.

"Yes. And then, you are going to get very sick and be unable to feed yourself, so that mommy will have to take you home, and stay by your side until the Doose family reunion is over," Lorelai says.

"Okay," Rory replies.

"Okay. say goodbye to Jess and Willow."

"Bye, Jess. bye, Willow," Rory says.

"Call you later," Jess says


Jess and I are hurriedly working in the diner when the Gilmores come in.

"Jess," Rory says.

"Hey. That table's clean if you want it," I hear him say.


I hope that cleared it up for ya'," Lorelai tells Rory.

"Not a word. Not even a lame-o apology that is obviously a lie," Rory says.

"Yeah, how dare he not lie to you?" Lorelai replies.

Luke walks up to them and complains about the hockey game and they make fun of him for doing track.

Luke takes their order and asks us if we got the muffins. I take them out and hand them to Jess, who takes them to Rory.

"Five muffins to go," he says, giving her the bag.

"Thank you. I'll see you later," she says, getting up and leaving without even looking at Jess.

"What was that? You guys in a fight or something?" He asks, Lorelai.

"No, you are," she replies.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last night. Didn't you guys have plans to do something?"

"I don't know. I just said that I'd call her after work," he says.

"And, did you?" she asks.

"I had to work another shift. I didn't get off until midnight. It was too late to call," he replies.

"And you couldn't have taken two seconds at work to call and tell her that?"


"Really? You don't get beaks? Do you get food, water? Should I get Michael Moore on the phone?" she asks him.

She's not being very nice. He had to work. He's not lying.

"Whatever, I gotta unload some boxes," Jess says, leaving into the back.

"Nice talking to you," she says.

I avoided Lorelai the rest of the time she was there and kept myself busy tending to other customers.


It was now time for the hockey game. I wasn't a fan of hockey, and lucky for me, neither were Scarlett and Theo.

We decided to have a movie night. We each picked a movie and some of our favorite junk food, as well as a pizza, and headed to their house.

It was nice having friends. We sat at lunch together, and they would walk me to the diner after school. I learned a lot about both of them, which only made me fall for both of them even more.

"What do you want to watch first?" Theo asks, holding all three, as Scar and I sat on the couch, already digging into the pizza.

"Cinderella!" Scarlett yells.

"The Little Mermaid!" I yell after.

"How did I not catch you both picking Disney movies?" Theo asks.

"You were busy trying to sneak a horror movie into the pile," Scarlett replies.

"Which isn't gonna happen by the way," I add.

"Yes. Only joy and happy thoughts," Scarlett says.

"And dead parents," I say looking at Theo creepily.

"You're weird. Where'd we find you?" he asks.

"You tried to run her over in the book store," Scarlett replies.

"Ah, that's right," he says, sitting next to me on the couch.

He had put in Scarlett's request of Cinderella and then turned off the light.

Halfway into the movie the pizza was gone, and we had shifted into comfier positions.

Theo, on my right, was slouched down into the couch, with his feet up on the coffee table.

Scarlett, who was on my left, had her head on my shoulder while my arm was draped around her waist. Both of us snuggled close.

The movie ended and Scarlett got up to put in the next movie while Theo threw our trash away.

I got up to use the bathroom before the next movie started. When I got back they were both situated and Scar had taken my place in the middle.

"Come on," she said, sticking her hand out to me.

I sat down as she moved my legs to where they were laying across her lap, and she pulled me close, so my head was on her shoulder. Similar to the way we were before, she wraps her arm around me.

The movie was over and they decided to walk me home. The diner had since closed, but I had a key of my own.

"I'll see you Monday. Tonight was fun. We need to plan another one of these," Theo says.

"Definitely. I can't wait," I respond, pulling him into a hug.

I turn to Scarlett, and she looks at Theo.

"I'll, uh, see you back at the house. Night Will," he says, giving us a wave and then leaving.

"That was weird," I say.

"It's okay I asked him to do that," she replies.


"I asked him to leave us so I could be alone with you," she says, looking me in the eye.

I get flustered. My heart is pounding and my face is warm.

"Oh, um..." I put my hands on my checks, trying to calm myself.

She reaches up and puts her hands on top of mind and makes me look at her.

"I, uh- I like you a lot Willow," she says.

"I like you too. And you're pretty," I pull away from her and giggle nervously.

She laughs too and replies, "Aw, you're cute too."

"So, um- do you, um- are we, ugh?" I ramble out.

I have no idea what to say. She gently takes my hand, and I look at her again.

"Would you go out with me? Tomorrow afternoon?" she asks.

"I'd love to," I smile.

"Only. See you then," she replies.

She kisses me on the check and walks away.

I unlock the door and walk upstairs, all while having a smile on my face. I open the door and walk over to my bed.

"What are you smiling about?" a voice behind me says.

"OH! Jesus Christ!" I yell, startled.

Luke was sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing up? Aren't you supposed to be asleep by now?" I ask him.

"Wanted to make sure you got home safe. Now, tell me, what's got you so happy?" he asks.

I grin again, and my checks get a little warm again.

"Well, um, I'm going on a date tomorrow," I say.

"A date, really. Is it that Theo kid?" Luke asks.

"Um, no, it's actually with, uh-"

"Who?" Luke asks again.

"Scarlett," I say.

"Oh, Scarlett? Really?"

"Yeah," I reply.

"I didn't know you uh-"

"Swung that way?"

"Yeah, kind of. Well, I'm happy for you, but same rules as Jess. Door stays open when you two are up here alone," he says.

"You got it Luke, but it's just a first date," I say, grabbing my pajamas.

We both end up going to bed and I'm asleep before Jess gets back home. I hope he and Rory work their stuff out.
