Calling Jess

-- Edited -- 

Willow's POV 

I was sitting in the apartment alone. The diner wasn't busy, pretty much empty because of how close to closing it is.

I could not handle not hearing from Jess. I managed to figure out how he found Jimmy, and I was able to get a phone number. I sat staring at the number.

I still had at least an hour before Luke would come up. I walked into the kitchen area and grabbed the phone, dialing the number.

My heart was pounding, please be the number. Ring, ring, ring, someone answers.

"Hello?" a voice says.

It sounds like him, from what I can remember.

"Hi, um, hello. Is this Jimmy Mariano?" I ask, my voice stuttering a little.

"It is, who is this?" he asks.

Oh, thank you, Lord.

"I'm calling to see if Jess was there. This is Willow. He's been calling from a payphone, but he hasn't been calling as often, so I looked you up and found this number. I was just hoping to talk to him," I explain.

I hear him call Jess and tell him it's for him.

"Hello?" I hear my brother say.

"Hiya, Jessie," I say, smiling.

"How did you get this number?" he asks.

He doesn't sound mad, just shocked. That's good.

"Probably the same way you got Jimmy's address. You stopped calling as much. I know you are trying to do your own thing there in California, but I need to hear from you. I don't expect to know everything you are doing, all I'm asking is a hello and to know you're alive."

He's quiet. Crap, now I think he's mad.

"Jessie? Jess, I'm sorry," I say, worried.

"No, you're right. How is everything?" he asks.

"Fine. Luke is back from his trip, I went to stay with mom," I tell him.

"How did that go?" he asks.

"She tried to get me to stay with her. I accused her of not loving us."

"Feels like it to me," he replies.

"I kind of started to feel that way too, but she has to love me at least a little if she wants me back. Right?" I question.

"I guess," he replies.

"She's actually got help this time, so I think she's gonna stay sober this time. I always hoped, but I knew there was always a chance she could relapse, but I feel better because she got real help this time."


"I love you Jessie."

"Love you too Will."

There wasn't much to our conversion, but there didn't need to be. We've always been that way.

We didn't have to talk to let the other know that we cared. Growing up, when the other saw down, sometimes we would just sit next to each other, leaning on each other's shoulders, or playing with each other's hair.

Just being close to each other, being able to hear each other breathe, for some reason that made us feel all the love in the world.


When Lane and I heard we had less time with Rory than we thought we weren't very happy, but there wasn't anything we could do about it.

Rory and Lorelai were busy getting everything Rory needed, now it was Friday Night. Luke was over at Lorelai's because she needed it to transfer all of Rory's things to Yale.

He came back because Lorelai had to save Rory from her grandmother.

AN // -- Sibling love. :) 
