Aftermath and Funeral

-- Edited -- 

Willow's POV 

When I wake back up a couple hours later my head is pounding. I change and take some Tylenol, making sure I get to smell of alcohol off my breath when I brush my teeth.

I help Jess in the diner. The place is full and there is a guy just sitting alone at a table, only drinking coffee.

Jess carries out someone's order and there is a lady yelling at him she wants ham.

"Is this what I ordered," a guy asks, as Jess puts a plate in front of him.

"Yes," Jess walks back to the lonely coffee guy.

"You know what you want yet?" Jess asks him.

"Oh, uh, no, not yet."

"You know what might help?" Jess asks.

"What?" the guy asks.

"Opening the menu," Jess says, handing one to him.

"Yes, thank you for the tip," he says.

I'm working the register when Jess goes up to Caesar, asking for ham.

"No ham," he replies.

"We got a shipment of ham yesterday," I say.

"No ham," Caesar repeats.

"Caesar, there is a lady over there that has been saying she wants ham for the last 20 minutes, and if I go back there empty-handed, there is a 50/50 chance that she will eat me," Jess says.

"No ham," Caesar says again.

"Then sew some bacon together because that woman is getting ham," he says and walks off.

He walks back to the guy who's order he had gotten wrong and handed him the right plate, taking the other.

"Who ordered this? Look in front of you. If there is nothing there and there should be, then this is yours," Jess calls out.

"Oh, here," Kirk says from behind Jess.

Then back to lonely coffee guy.



"Do you know what you want yet?" Jess asks.

"I'll just have more coffee," he replies.

"More coffee coming up. Glad to make your dining dreams come true," Jess says, walking off again.

"I'll get him," I tell Jess.

Then Taylor comes in singing and handing out flyers and singing Candy Man. There are people following him in costume.

"Yes, that's right, the candy man can, 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good, and, I, ladies and gentlemen, am the Candy Man! Your Candy Man. I'm mixing it with love and making Stars Hollow taste good," he says.

I pour the coffee and then realize Taylor is blocking my path.

"Move!" I yell from behind him.

"In a second Willow. Give her a taffy," he moves to the side and I'm able to slip past and get to my tables.

"I have come to announce to one and all that the day we thought would never get here has arrived!" Taylor says.

"Arbor day?" Kirk asks.

"No," he replies.

"The day of reckoning?" Kirk asks again.


"The day the music died?"


"Give me a taffy."


"I've got a million of them. Give me a taffy."

He talks more and one of his helpers gives Kirk a taffy. He mentions the event that is tomorrow, then Luke walks in.

"Where the hell have you been? This place is a freaking zoo. Every table is full, and I've got Sammy Davis Jr. thinking it's a desert inn," Jess tells him.

"I had to run an errand," Luke says.

"Everybody is complaining, we're out of ham," I say.

"Caesar suddenly decided to join the slow food movement, and I've got a guy who's moved in at a table for four. He just sits, making it impossible for me to turn over that table. If I can't turn over that table that cuts way back on my tips," Jess says.

"I'm sorry, don't you mean my tips," Luke says.


Uh oh.

"You know where I was this morning?" Luke asks.

"No," Jess replies.

"I was at Kyle's, his parents called me this morning," Luke says.

"Oh, yeah," Jess replies.

"Seems a little party you went to last night got a little Animal House, huh?" Luke asks.

"Dean started it," Jess says.

"Oh, you're not really gonna use that one are you?"

"Well, he did. He sucker-punched me, I was just defending myself."

"Oh, apparently you defended yourself all the way through the house, and out into the front yard. You defended yourself with a chair that is now broken. You defended yourself with a coffee table. You defended yourself with an ottoman."

"I don't need a recap."

"Do you have any idea how much damage you caused?" Luke asks.

"Dean caused it too," Jess says.

"The place was trashed."

"Dean trashed it too."

"Are you trying to kill me?" Luke asks.

"No, it'll just be a perk," Jess replies.

"Okay, well, here is the deal. From now on every cent that you make here goes toward paying them back," Luke says.

"Hey, what about-"

"Dean is paying them back, also."

"How do you know?"

"Because he was at Kyle's house when I got there."

"You're kidding me."

"He had already worked out a financial agreement with the parents and was helping put the fence back up," Luke says.

"Man, he is gonna make some woman a fine doormat someday," Jess says.

"You're making good on this, Jess."

"I have to get more coffee out of the storeroom."

"Every cent is getting paid back. I never want those people calling me again," Luke says.

Jess walks off and Luke turns to clear off the counter. Coffee guy leaves and Luke chases after him because he left his wallet on the table.

He doesn't catch the guy, but when he comes back in he kind of looks upset again.

I ask him what is wrong, which is the wrong choice because then he goes off on me.

"You're not going anywhere with her for a while."

"What? With who?"

"Scarlett. The one you spent the night with."

"I told you nothing happened with us."

"I know. And I believe you, but you still lied to me, and went to a party, and got drunk," he replies.

"The only time you are allowed out is to go to school, or if I know for sure you are with Lorelai, are we clear?"


We both go back to working.


Luke and I got ready for Fran's funeral. I come downstairs as Jess walks past Luke, who is standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you looking at?" he asks, angrily, as he heads upstairs.

"What is with him?" I ask Luke.

"I'm not sure. Come on."

We get there and it's pretty much full. Fran's best friend goes up to say some nice words about her and then we have a moment of silence for Fran at the time she would normally open the bakery after church.

The moment is short lived because Taylor's marching band starts and he runs out to stop them. I can not help, but giggle a little. That is one way to send Fran off with a bang.

They finish by honoring Fran's request of having one last stroll around the town square with all of us.

I join the walk and catch Rory on her way out. We get stopped by Dean.

"Hey, Rory. Hi, Willow," he says.

"Oh, hey. You were in there?" Rory asks.

"Yeah, I got here late, so I kind of just hung in the back."

"It is nice of you to come," Rory says.

"Well, she was a nice lady," Dean replies.

He turns to me.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. I was mad at Jess and you got caught in the middle of it. Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a bloody nose. Doesn't even hurt anymore," I tell him.

That was a lie. It does hurt, but it's not that bad. And no matter how much I don't like him, I can tell he actually feels bad, and I don't want to make it worse.

"Listen, can I talk to you for a sec? Well catch up, I promise," he asks Rory.

"I will just go see if I can catch up with Luke," I tell her and wave, walking off.

AN // -- comment or message any grammar mistakes or typos, please. It would help a lot. 

Thank you.

-- Izzy :)
