Jess and Dean

-- Edited --

Willow's POV

Jess wanders toward the school, and I go to follow him. As I reach the building, I see him talking to Dean.

"You're getting a little pathetic man," Jess says.

"Thanks for the heads up."

"Let's be friends?" Jess questions.

"No, thanks," Dean replies.

"You don't think I know what you're doing? You don't think you're so pathetically transparent?"

"Get out of here, Jess."

"Rory's taking pity on you. That's why the sudden interest in being your friend. You know that?"

"Whatever you say."

"The saddest part of this whole thing is--"

"Man, you like hearing yourself talk," Dean says.

"You really think that by being her friend you're gonna get her back," Jess says.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Yes you do, Dean.

"Rory and I are just friends. Just like you and Rory were just friends. And, hey-- look how it turned out for you," Dean says with a cocky smirk.

Clara comes out of the bathroom and ends their conversation, and Dean leads her back to the carnival.

"Do you think Rory wants some popcorn?" Clara asks him.

"I don't know. Let's go ask her," Dean says, making sure Jess can hear him.

Well, I guess my brother isn't the only one in this town that can be a total ass.

I come from around the corner so Jess can see me.

"Come on, let's go home," I say, waving him towards me.

"I don't-" he starts before I cut him off.

"You don't have to say anything. I don't need an explanation, I think I have enough information as it is," I say.

He walks up to me and I put my arm around him and we head back to the diner.

"Even though I know the real reason you tagged along tonight, I'm still happy I got to hang out with you. I miss it being just the two of us. Though I'm very happy to very all the people we do now. I just need some time with my big brother every now and again," I tell him.

"Thanks, I guess," he says.

We finish our walk back to the diner in silence, smiling. 
