Girls' Day

-- Edited --

Willow's POV

It has finally come to the day I get to go shopping with Lorelai and Rory. Jess has gotten himself a face to suck on named Shane. I don't like her, but I'm not gonna say anything yet.

The girls had mentioned a dance marathon happening in a few days and they needed to get their outfits. Lorelai had roped Rory into being her partner.

I went down to the diner and started helping. Luke had started paying me, so I had a little extra money. By the time the girls showed up the breakfast rush had already slowed down, and Jess had disappeared.

They got caffeinated up and we were out the door. Nothing too interesting happened when we were shopping, but we had so much fun.

I bought some new clothes and helped them pick out their dresses for the marathon. The day was filled with so much laughing and joy.

It wasn't until lunchtime that I realized I had never felt this way. I didn't know what it was like to go out like this with people because I never got to.

I never had a mom to take me to pick out a new dress, or tell me which belt matches my shirt more.

With Lorelai it was like I finally had a mom. With the Gilmores I had friends. I had a reason to go out, not just to pass time and hide for a few hours, but to have fun and enjoy myself.

After hours of shopping and having fun, we went back to the diner and grabbed a table in the front corner. Luke was busy and didn't see us so I went up to the counter, grabbed a pad, pen, and a pot of coffee and ran back to the table.

I poured us each a cup and wrote down our order and handed it to Caesar telling him it was for us.

Luke finally finished what he was doing and made his way in our direction, spotting us before he walked behind the counter.

"When did you get here? How did you get this?" he asked, looking at us confused.

We didn't even have to look at each other, the three of us all thought the same thing.

"What do you mean?" Lorelai asked, pretending to be confused.

Rory and I gave him looks that matched hers.

"I me-, I was- nevermind, what can I get you to eat," he asks looking at the pad in his hand.

"Oh, I'm fine. How about you guys?" I ask.

"I'm good," Lorelai says.

"Yeah me too," Rory adds.

We all give him a smile.

"Alright, whatever," he says as he wanders to the other side of the busy diner.

He disappears into the back just as Caesar calls me over telling me our food is ready. I grab it and bring it back to the table.

I hand Lorelai and Rory their burgers and fries and I sit down with my salad with grilled chicken and a side of fries.

Luke reappeared and passed by our table on the way to grab another order from Caesar. As he passed he froze and turned on his heel.

His eyes scanned the three of us as we looked at him with innocent eyes. By the look on his face I thought his ears were gonna start smoking.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning around and yelling, "I don't even want to know!" as he stomped away.

We looked at each other and started laughing. When we could finally breathe again, we finished our food, and they headed home, to rest for all the dancing they would do tomorrow.

I cleared our table and started helping with the rest of the dinner rush. Jess finally returned from sucking face and helped close before we all headed upstairs to sleep.


AN // - 300 READS!!! Thank you guys so much. I'm so happy that so many people are liking this book. Comment or message me is you have and ideas of suggestions.

Love y'all.

-- Izzy :)
