My Saving Grace

-- Edited -- 

Luke's POV

I finally pulled up to the house that matched the address Willow gave me. I hop out of my truck and run up to the door, pounding on it and waiting for a response. The door opens to reveal my wasted sister.

"What are you doing here Luke?" Liz asks confused.

"I'm taking Willow, Liz," I state walking into the house, "where is her room?"

"Upstairs. Just one less pain I have to deal with. You should get her before he comes back. She really upset him this time. She should have learned by now to keep her nose out of stuff," Liz states as she places a cigarette in her mouth and lights it.

Luke is furious, but he has to get his niece out of here first. He heads up the stairs and doesn't know which door is her's.

"Willow?" he calls in a normal voice.

"In here," comes from the door at the end of the hall, followed by the sound of something sliding across the door and grunting.

The door opens and there she stands, covered in bruises and dried blood. Her big brown eyes, darker than Jess', staring at him.

They are filled with caution, but she is happy to see him. She flings the door open that rest of the way and leaps at him for a hug. He catches her around the waist as she hugs him tight around his neck.

"Come on kiddo, lets get your stuff to the truck," he stated in a quiet voice.

He doesn't want to let go, but he's afraid if they stick around for too long they might run into Willow's unnamed attacker. He carries Will into her room and sits her on the bed.

"Are there any boxes somewhere?" I don't want to have to come back here anytime soon, so I'm bringing as much of her stuff as I can.

"There are some in the hall. We haven't been here long."

"Okay, you get boxes, and pack more of your stuff. I'm gonna take these to the truck," I say as I grab a couple suitcases.

God, these are heavy. These were clearly packed to the brim, but she would definitely have far less stuff than Jess.

I placed once all of her things in the truck's bed and guided her down the stairs and out the front door.

"Are you not going to say anything to me?" we hear Liz ask from the door.

"I want you to sign over full custody to Luke, and don't call me," Willow says, barely looking over her shoulder as she gets to the truck and opens the door.

"You're gonna be okay kid," I say as I close her door.

I turn and look at my sister.

"Before you ask, this was your second chance with them. You blew it Liz, and I don't think I can rescue you this time."

I walk around the truck and get in before she can say anything.


Willow has engrossed herself in a book.

"Do you need to go to the hospital, Willow?"

She looked up from her book and met my eyes for a second before looking down again.

"No, I'm alright Uncle Luke. Just some scratches and bruises. I just want food... and a nap," she states before letting herself get sucked back into her book.

The ride home is quiet. At some point, about halfway home, she put her book in her backpack and turned the radio up, falling asleep.

She slept until we arrived back in Stars Hollow. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and stretching as we pulled up outside of the diner.

"This is my diner, so welcome home I guess," I say as I get out.

I walk around helping her just as Jess makes a dash out the door. She has time to hand me her bag and close her door before she is snatched up in a hug from her big brother. She lets out a string of giggles as she wraps her legs around his waist and hugs him back.

They missed each other; I know that for sure. We walk into the diner, now empty after being closed following the lunch rush. It would stay that way until at least the morning, or later, depending on how Willow was doing in the morning.

Jess set Willow on her feet once he made it up the front steps of the diner, reaching around her to open the door and guide her in. 
