
sayako shibuya

sayako has been betrayed and abandoned by more meisters then she would like to count because of this she is a rather depressed girl when she meets jaune who agrees to be her meister she expects him to abandon her like the rest when he doesn't she changes into an extremely submissive person constantly calling him master

scythe form

bow form

can fire compressed soul wavelength arrows as well as normal arrows

zanpakuto form

shikai: reign, unmei o shihai suru (ruling destiny)

in this form jaune becomes as fast as lightning moving like lightning striking like lightning

inazuma no owari (lightning end): this technique can only be used when the user has released his zanpakuto the technique charges the blade with electricity launching it at his foe

bankai: Ōshitsu no unmei (royal destiny)

in this form not only can he still move as lightning but he can also move through the shadows and he has two attacks

the white sword - inazuma no owari

the purple/black sword - yami o owaraseru: this technique can only be used during bankai the one mile area is transformed into a void of darkness where in jaune uses the darkness to make spikes to pierce his enemy from all directions

suzume (blessed shinki) (exemplar)

vessel form

sana kuchiki

daughter to byakuya kuchiki sana has absolutely no ambitions as she leaves the sixth division which she was supposed to inherit like all the generations before and instead is content remaining jaune's lieutenant as he travels from universe to universe

her zanpakuto is similar to that of her fathers except it doesn't completely scatter her blade shrinks to that of a tanto which she holds a reverse grip on and the petals surrounding her also conceals her from her enemies making her a very deadly opponent as only naruto so far has been able to actually find her when her bankai is up is also like her father just an amplified version of her shikai

starlight (aibar machine)

human form

akira (dragon)
