chapter 2: companions

the first of my companions was a serious looking girl wearing armor although what made her stand out was her scarlet hair

"you must be my new guild master i'm erza scarlet nice to meet you" she said

"nice to meet you erza i'm jaune arc" i said

"nice name short sweet rolls off the tongue i'm sure ladies love it" she said my eye twitched in annoyance

"do you know how many times i have said that and the response always was 'do they' i just stopped doing it" i said annoyed she chuckled

"then you were talking to the wrong women" erza said

"maybe" i said

the next girl had raven black hair and crimson eyes

"my name is akame" was all she said me and erza looked at each other

"ooooook then hi i'm jaune arc" i said pleasantly

"erza, erza scarlet" erza introduced herself again we got no response from the girl only a curt nod

the third was a girl who appeared incredibly sweet in fact a little too sweet for my taste

"my my isn't this the nice little gathering" she said

"hi i'm jaune arc this is erza scarlet and the last girl is akame" i said us as i indicated the girls i was talking about

"shinobu kocho nice to meet you" she said

"and you" jaune said although he felt he should be cautious around her she had this ominous aura around her it wasn't even evil per se  but it wasn't necessarily encouraging

we talked and got to know each other as it quickly became clear what went through shinobu's head the girl was angry and sadistic towards a race of beings for good reason though so none of us said anything as we were talking a new girl appeared she was a very gentle girl which was odd

"hello master" she said kindly i was a little confused why she was calling me master erza had a decent reason

"ah she's here good" the god of light said

"this is suzume your first shinki" the god of darkness said

"shinki" i asked

"call my name call kaki" suzume said

"uh kaki" i said and with brief shine of light she transformed into a katana

"what in the hell" i said in shock

"shinki are spirits that a god has named to serve them for various needs suzume was named for battle in fact she is technically the first blade you ever forged" the god of light

and so the explained my previous life and how i got all of my abilities to put it bluntly because i was the god of justice i was named the multiversal scapegoat because of this higher beings that are even more powerful then the brothers decided to essentially make him an overpowered god of course he'd have to learn to use these powers but it was then that he was granted the full knowledge of the armory which was so much information i actually lost consciousness but when i woke up there was one thing i was still lacking combat training of which the gods were more then willing to give
