chapter 8: first bishop

we ran to the abandoned church to find it guarded by three fallen

"erza you and alucard deal with the male, akame you and artoria have the blue haired one, asuna, shinobu, kuroka you deal with the last one

"woz perv your with me" i said doing what i did best and taking charge as we charged into the church to find the process already complete

"RAYNARE" i screamed

"master it is good to see you again i have done as you have asked of me" she said looking proud of herself

"raynare i ordered the nun to be protected at all costs not killed and her sacred gear extracted what else has been going on under what you assumed were my orders" i asked her with a glare

"you told us to kill any and all sacred gear holders above common level" raynare said

"i gave no such order so let me ask who has been feeding you false information" i asked

"the exorcist freed" she said

"i told you not to trust him i told you anything he is to tell you should be cross referenced something you clearly did not do" i said turning my attention to asia i rushed towards her

"i am so so sorry asia i promise this isn't what i wanted i swear it" i said to the dying girl in my arms

"i forgive you and i love you" she said as she passed on and her body went limp in my arms i rose to my feet

"raynare your dead" i said pulling out a ride watch

i pushed the button on the watch

"BLADE" the watch said as the belt appeared on my waist and i pulled the lever

"TURN UP" the belt announced as i transformed

i pulled out the blade rouzer

"wait master i still have the twilight healing i can be useful to you please" raynare begged knowing full well she couldn't hope to win

"shoulda thought of that before you killed one of the people most important to me" i said she began to shake in fear as i walked towards her i would make her pay

"wait master can't you just bring her back as your bishop" raynare said and i stopped yes i could save her

"raynare you should be grateful that idea of yours just saved your life" i said undoing my transformation she sighed in relief

"the sacred gear give it to me" i ordered and she did as i told her handing me the earrings i pulled out nirvana

"MIMIC" my blade said 

"now i need the boosted gear" i said as i returned the twilight healing to asia

"alucard has the problem been dealt with" i asked

"yes master and we have guests who have been watching" alucard said

"i could care less.....take asia home and lay her on our couch carefully and don't lose her sacred gear" i said

"yes master" alucard said as he slowly picked her up

"wait for my return" i ordered

"yes master" he said as he passed rias i noticed the gauntlet on the perverts arm and thought perfect i walked over and tapped nirvana against the gear

"MIMIC" siendra said in her usual melodious tone then i walked over to raynare

"TRANSFER" siendra said as i made use the boosted gears abilities transferring the copied twilight healing to raynare

"rias how would you like a bishop with twilight healing" i asked

"that would be an amazing addition" rias said i nodded

"raynare i am no longer your master you shall follow rias gremory as your new master and her bishop and i swear to the depths of the underworld if you betray her like you betrayed me i will kill you are we clear" i asked she nodded quickly understanding her position

"here is your bishop with twilight healing now i am going home i have a bishop of my own to revive" i said rias nodded in understanding as she prepared to ressurect raynare
