chapter 11: the exorcist duo

to my surprise it didn't really change asia much when i gave her the fragrant olive sword it essentially became a second sacred gear for her which she could equip and unequip as she saw fit which was definitely handy

"master" erza called

"yeah" i called back

"lady rias has requested your appearance apparently a couple exorcists have appeared in town" erza said i nodded

"alright erza you, asia, asuna, and artoria with me" i said they nodded gathering and we teleported to the meeting

"ah ryker good your here this is ryker phenex" rias introduced me to the exorcist duo

"your the mad scientist of the underworld said to have even created a holy sword that is stronger then even excalibur" the blue haired one said

"yeah that's me" i said they bowed

"it is good to make your acquaintance my lord this was given to me in hopes you would read it" the blue haired one said i took the letter opened and read it as i did so my eyes widened in shock

"well i'll be" i said

"what's it say" rias asked

"it seems the four seraphs are so impressed with my abilities they wish to extend their hand of welcome they want to use me to bridge the gap between angels and devils by creating the first nephalem" i said in surprise

"WHAT that's incredible" rias said

"i want you to take a message back with you and tell them i am willing to here out what they have to say since this letter seems just a bit too good to be true" i said the blue haired one nodded

"my superiors said you may think so" the blue haired one said

"in the mean time we ask for your aid lord phenex" the orange haired one spoke up

"oh" i asked

"three of the excalibur pieces have been stolen and we have tracked them here we ask for your aid in retrieving them" the blue haired one said

"i see but don't you two wield excalibur pieces yourselves" i asked they nodded

"then the vatican is extremely stupid" i said

"why do you say that lord phenex" the blue haired one asked inwardly outraged but she and her companion were told give ryker phenex the utmost respect

"simple why would you send excalibur pieces after thieves of more excalibur pieces if they have three they out number the two you hold" i said both opened their mouths then closed them they had to admit that was a good point

"asia" i said

"yes" asia asked

"take them home have walter get them comfortable in the guest rooms" i said

"hai" she said gesturing for the two to follow her

"what sword is that" the blue haired one asked

"this is my fragrant olive the blade was a gift from my master" asia said

"it radiates a holy aura" the orange haired one said

"yes however that blade has an even worse history then the holy sword project" i said

"i see i do apologize for failing to introduce myself i'm xenovia quarta and my companion is irina shidou" the blue haired girl now known as xenovia said

"good to meet you xenovia i hope the two of us can get along and i should warn you asia is not the only one of my peerage who wields a holy blade" i said the two nodded

"now rias i'm here to ask if you will allow me to handle this situation no offence to you but your peerage is extremely weak i'll take kiba so he can deal with his revenge but besides that i would prefer your brother doesn't chew my head off for seeing you hurt tell sona the same for her sister will do much worse then chew my head off" i said

"of course we will leave this to you i understand" rias said normally she'd be insulted for being called weak but ryker wasn't one to give insults nor was he one to sugar coat information he told it as he saw it and rias sona and their peerages were incredibly weak
