chapter 6: kuoh

returning to the city we moved into the house walter bought for us i noticed immediately the fallen angels

"why are they in devil territory" i said to myself but shrugged it off i was sure at least one of the heiresses governing the city knew about it i sighed

"what's the plan master" erza asked

"me and asuna will be enrolling at the academy so we can see how thing are" i said

"why asuna" erza asked

"because she is like me technically still a high school student" i said the group nodded that made sense

"i still have my old uniform you want me to wear that" asuna said

"walter" i called

"i have already enrolled you expecting you to wish to go down this path" walter said bowing respectfully

"you know your an amazing butler" i said he smiled at the compliment

"thank you master" he said

"this is friday so can we begin monday" i asked walter he nodded

"that is what they told me young master" walter said

"good then we have three days to relax" i said

"i hate the idea of going to another school i feel as if i am betraying beacon" i said asuna placed her hand on my shoulder

"it'll be okay master we are all here for you" asuna said as the rest nodded and voiced their agreement

"you sound so much like JNPR thank you all of you" i said they nodded again smiling

monday came of course they hadn't received their uniforms yet so they put on their old school uniforms

"i am leaving woz and erza in charge don't destroy the place" i called

"hai" was their response as we left

upon arrival we immediately went to the student council office knocking

"come" was the response to our knock and we entered immediately as i entered sona had the biggest smile i had ever seen

"what are you doing here ryker" sona asked i frowned in annoyance

"fuck" i said

"oh did you think i wouldn't recognize the man i love and the man who is supposed to be my fiance" sona asked sweetly jaune did in fact beat her in chess in fact he didn't just beat her he destroyed her as jaune was the king when it came to thinking outside the box what made matters worse was sona actually liked him so cancelling the marriage wasn't that easy

"well fuck me and my bad luck" i said

"so is this the pyrrha you spoke of" sona asked praying to god it was so she could pester the pour girl into sharing jaune with at least her

"uh no this is asuna one of my pawns" i said

"damn" she said her hopes crushed

"sorry" asuna said understanding full well what sona was going through as she was also in love with the blonde he was kirito but like ten times better he wasn't afraid to ask for help and all of the qualities kirito had jaune had in spades especially his swordsmanship jaune definitely stole asuna's nickname as he was titled the lightning swordsman by most who fought him then again that was partially because he really liked thunder magic

"so what brings you here" sona asked i assume you are the one the older gentlemen enrolled into our academy

"he's my butler walter part human part vampire he isn't apart of my peerage but he look four others still serve me just the same" jaune said thinking of artoria, woz, alucard and suzume who all weren't in his peerage

"so how many do you have in your peerage currently" sona asked

"let's see theirs asuna here who's my pawn i have another two pawns one is named shinobu the other is the form SS-class stray kuroka" i said

"figured that was you rias still doesn't trust her then again she is extra paranoid because kuroka's sister is a part of rias's peerage"  sona said

"interesting thanks for the info i promised to help find shirone and you just made my life ten times easier i'll tell kuroka and we will wait until the right time to reveal things" i said

"sounds fine" sona said

"in the mean time my schedule please so we may get to class before we are later i do not wish to be late" i asked

"what's your cover story" sona asked

"my parents are british who moved to kyoto before i was born because of their fascination with japan do to personal circumstances we were forced to move here and asuna was an orphan so because we were dating i asked my parent's to adopt her so i could keep my girlfriend with me" i said

"so you two are posing as if your in a relationship" sona asked a bit annoyed by the prospect since she would love to be in asuna's place

"yep" asuna said with a smug grin

"lucky bitch" sona said under her breath but both jaune and asuna heard her the latters grin getting bigger after that we left the office

upon entering class i noticed i was in the same class as the schools perverted trio of which i had been hearing whispers about all morning................great just wonderful i thought as sarcastically as possible class started and the teacher went through morning roll call

"before we begin we have two new students today please come in you two" the teacher called as we entered

"my name is jaune ryker arc i'm british however i was born in kyoto i moved her do to personal issues and i brought my girlfriend with me" i said gesturing towards her which got groans from the room that meant the the handsome guy was taken from the girls and the beautiful girl was taken from the guys

"i'm asuna yuuki jaune's girlfriend i came not willing to be separated from my hubby" asuna said sending a loving look at jaune that wasn't fake whatsoever she was sending her actual feelings towards him he did the same which surprised her i mean he said that he liked her but was loyal to pyrrha but this is the first to she got proof of his words

"any questions" the teacher asked a girl raised her hand and was called

"how long have you two been dating" the girl asked

"two years" asuna said this caused everyone in the room to boo

"any other questions" the teacher asked a guy raised his hand and was called on but in that moment i knew he was about to cause a scene

"share a piece of that with us man she's hot" the guy said confidently

"matsuda" the teacher scolded but it was too late i was pissed as my aura exploded around me and i released my KI

"you try and even attempt to even get near her and i will torture you in the worst ways possible before giving you the most painful death you can imagine don't tempt me" i snarled the room knew in that moment to fear me i hadn't released my suppressed man as that would give me away as something other then  human which is something i didn't want asuna placed her hand on my shoulder

"calm down babe you made your point" asuna said and i slowly reined in my temper but i noticed their was one in the room who noticed the tiny amount of demonic energy and it had to be one of the perverted trio on top of it that would be a headache and a half
