chapter 5: muramasa

finding the group was extremely easy as his gut told them exactly where they were they had a big reunion before jaune reincarnated all but artoria into his peerage he made erza his rook do to all of her armors she was the obvious tank of the group akame was likewise obviously a knight and shinobu and asuna became pawns jaune simply felt that while they were fast obvious asuna was nicknamed lightning flash they simply didn't fit the bill as knights so pawns they became then again promotion is a thing so there was that after words they ran into the holy saint asia of which jaune quickly became friends with he told her he was a devil and told her if anything happened she would be safe with him asia at first didn't take it to well but she warmed up to jaune

when jaune learned of what happened to asia he was saddened by what happened and hoped to meet her again that being said jaune was confronted a year later by the white dragon emperor for a fight jaune did accept for the one reason of jaune wanted albion's divide ability now he could just use his armory to get albion and even the PoD he got that being said jaune liked to do things the right way

and so the fight began jaune using nirvana and vali using albion the fight lasted forever not because jaune was having a hard time beating vali would have been ridiculously easy the problem was he never got an opening towards the divine dividing itself it seemed that albion warned him of nirvana's ability

"your not gonna steal albion" vali said

"never said i wanted to copy his power yes steal it no although your neko friend interests me she would make a strong peerage piece" i said

"never again" kuroka scowled i frowned

"may i ask what occured after this battle is over of course" i said as i finally touched divine dividing

"fuck" vali said thinking i was gonna steal his sacred gear

"MIMIC" siendra announced melodiously

"finally" i said releasing nirvana and drawing the elucidator i would win this battle by skill alone

"wait you didn't steal it" vali said

"i told you i only wanted to copy it's abilities nothing more i only steal power from someone who's wronged me which you have not make sure it stays that way and you can keep your sacred gear" i said as i held my blade to his throat

"and i beat you with pure skill" i said

"WHAT" he said

"yeah theirs nothing special about the elucidator it's just a very durable sword" i said and he stared in awe

"now neko first what's your name then explain your beef" i said she scowled but did as i asked telling me her name was kuroka and that she did have a master once but he was a vile person who was planning to experiment on her then her little sister she would have just dealt with it had it been just her but she refused to allow harm to come to her sister

"do you have proof" i asked she nodded pulling out a notebook from her kimono and handed it to ryker

"come with me" i said

"what" she said

"my name is ryker phenex second son of the phenex house and i am gonna make you a free devil right now" i said she stared in shock

"really" she asked i nodded and we went to the council the devils tried to attack her but a barrier from me and they stood down they knew who i was i was the mad scientist of the underworld and they feared what i had created mostly because they think i am an evil mad scientist which is amusing we entered the hall of the maohs

"young ryker what are you doing her and why do you bring a SS-class fugitive with you" sirzechs asked in a serious tone i threw a notebook on the table

"you people are morons this is undeniable proof that what kuroka did was not only the right thing but she should be rewarded for her actions in fact lord lucifer it says here your little sister was going to be kidnapped and made part of his experimentations for her power of destruction" i said knowing full well this would piss sirzechs off

"WHAT" he said snatching the notebook from me and reading it himself and he paled it was worse then the man kidnapping rias he was planning on siding with the fallen angels and betraying the underworld entirely

"i do owe you a deep apology miss kuroka it seems you stopped another great war from starting of course your stray status will be revoked effective immediately you are now a free devil" sirzechs said

"and i will aid you in finding your sister" i said kuroka at this point was in tears

"come on let's leave the maohs to whatever they were doing" i said as we left the council room as they deliberated on what should be done the problem was the traitor was already dead so nothing could really be done

"lord phenex" kuroka said eventually

"please i don't honorifics use my name as you would" i said

"are you still willing to accept me in your peerage" she asked

"of course more then willing" i said in that moment she looked happy

"then i want to join" she said i nodded pulling out a pawn piece and reincarnated her and so at the young age of twelve had already gathered five of the fifteen pieces in other words a third all of which were incredibly powerful pieces including himself now he would spend the next five years crossing his hellfire, hollow ceros, PoD, and kurama's biju bomb he eventually was able to create what he called oblivion magic and because of his hellfire the oblivion magic could be used for healing purposes if he so wished he then granted his body oblivion magic just in case he is somehow separated from both nirvana and his armory that took two and a half years the other two and a half years he spent creating his own blade which he could one hundred percent rely on if something happened to suzume and so he used his armory to create a power he called spectral siphon what it did was when placed on a catalyst in this case the sword ryker was creating the blade in question would be able to create spectral katana's which the user can control at will

he then began talking to all the weapons he put inside him lapis his relic eater,shiro his inner hollow, kurama of course, and asuramaru they would also be combined since they were all copies anyway jaune also took and combined them with archenemy the sword of resentment, excalibur morgan, the teigu murasame although jaune can turn the poison on and off should he deem it, and the blue rose sword to give the blade ice powers which was jaunes second favorite element the first being lightning he named his new blade muramasa

it was of course connected to jaune's soul so no one could steal it and he held all of the powers of the things he used to created it although tweaked the spirit of the blade had also changed and her personality was most similar to lapis she was polite yet she was much more forward then lapis she was called muramasa and she liked to think of her existance as similar to that of ragnarok from the world where people can turn into weapons and eat souls but first off she can't enter a physical form without her masters permission and it wasn't entirely physical as it took the form of a spirit of herself

muramasa herself was a beautiful woman with ash white skit and hair and ice blue eyes she wore a short kimono that was the same color as her hair skin and eyes with the only difference being her navy blue tabi stockings

muramasa herself rarely speaks but her voice is truly beautiful after that was done jaune or ryker now felt it was time to return and he decided he'd stop in kuoh town to see what it was like their since he had heard the place was being run by two heiress's which he found amusing he could see it in his minds eye them fighting over it like most devils he met chuckling he gathered his people had walter go ahead to prepare them a home and left then and there
