chapter 9: sibling confrontation

the resurrection process had no problems and so i had all of my servants around her for when she awoke when she opened her eyes i smiled warmly

"ryker" she said

"yes it's me i'm sorry i couldn't lose you so i brought you back as a devil my bishop specifically" i said

"thank you" she said grateful to even be alive

"no need to thank me i hoped to make you my bishop at some point anyway" i said

"okay" she said

"i'm glad your not mad at me i promise to care for you" i said i turned to my servants

"bring her up to speed" i said they nodded

"are you gonna give it to her" asuna said i nodded

"your right by what kirito told me she is exactly like alice before her integration" asuna said

"i know" i said

a portal opened and i turned to see it was koneko she is the one who generally sends us messages do to her relationship with kuroka and she is also extremely clingy to me

"yes shirone" i asked

"president needs you she says it's extremely urgent" koneko said i nodded and followed her through the portal to be met by a sight that made my blood boil

"riser" i barked and in an instant he jumped slowly turning towards me

"hey ryker how long has it been big bro" he said sweating bullets he knew very well what i thought about his behavior and new he was in deep trouble

"too long it seems" i said my face darkening

"girl i give you the chance to rejoin your group" i said and she immediately did as i was told she knew very well who i was any servant of the phenex family have heard of me and knew it was a good idea not to get on my bad side

"now riser what are you doing here" i said

"i was talking to my fiance of our marriage it has been moved up" he said

"why may i ask dear brother" i said

"well the faster we have children the better you know how us devil are nearly infertile" riser said

"we also live for thousands of years i know you dear brother you don't give a damn about having children all you want is to have your way with another beauty well i have a surprise for you" i said snapping my fingers and erza appeared as well as artoria in her lancer form and kuroka

i actually figured out how to tweak the contract to allow artoria into any of her forms although i had to use my own noble phantasm to do it erza was in her heavens wheel armor

and artoria was in wearing her skin tight attire without the armor to show off

kuroka's attire hadn't changed since it already showed off what it needed to

"beauties aren't they riser and guess what they are with me willingly you know why because i give them proper treatment unlike you" i said

he was staring at the two of them

"now these two are the ones with the biggest breasts that's not to say the others of my girls aren't beauties themselves would you like my to show you" i asked he shook his head while cursing his brother in his head for such luck

"did you really have to put on such a show lord ryker" grayfia said revealing herself

"no but i wanted to drive home a point my dearest brothers only concern is bedding rias then once he does that bedding every girl in rias's peerage" i said

"hyoudo take notes you want someone to actually like you drop your perverted persona and act like the dragon you are and i promise you will find at least one woman who likes you" i said he nodded his head rapidly

"hai sempai" he said i facepalmed at that

"ryker" riser said

"yes riser

"riser wants your peerage" riser said

"oh" i said amused

"the reason we are here is rias has been challenged to a rating game since she refused to marry riser" grayfia said and i was beginning to understand what was about to be asked

"the bet was that if rias won she would be free of the contract but if riser won she would have to marry riser" riser said then his smile grew evil

"but your right dear brother riser could care less about the marriage or having children riser just wants to have risers way with that body of hers and then these beauties in front of riser and rias's queen currently those five women riser wants and so a bet riser will forgo the challenge on rias for a one on one duel with you dear brother a phenex versus a phenex if riser wins all five of them will become risers playthings to do as riser pleases" riser said my face darkened

"and if i win riser" i asked

"riser will surrender my entire peerage to you and will forgo all attempts at women ever again and of course the marriage between riser and rias will be revoked" riser said hearing this riser's peerage almost cheered they were treated literally as slaves but they heard of ryker and hoped he would treat them well but what made ryker agree was one thing that poked out among risers peerage

"dearest brother before i answer your challenge i have one question" i said

"go ahead dear brother" riser said

"is that our sister among your peerage" i asked

"yes she makes a good bishop" riser said almost as if it was a second thought this made my blood go passed the boiling point

"your challenge is accepted" i said

"excellent prepare yourself brother" riser said and i smiled

"i should be saying that to you remember dear brother" i said as my aura exploded

"i am the mad scientist of the underworld" i said he gulped but composed himself

"you have ten days" riser said as he left to prepare for battle

"erza, kuroka, artoria we're leaving" i called out
