chapter 1: awakening

feeling pyrrha's lips against jaunes put jaune in shock and in bliss not really expecting it or knowing what to do like the dunce he was when he finally came to the decision to kiss back she broke the kiss and pushed him into a rocket locker

"be safe jaune i love you" pyrrha said smiling sadly

"no WAIT PYRRHA" i said even though it was too late

"DAMN IT" i yelled out cursing my own bad luck

"it is time to awaken my master" a voice echoed i didn't know who was speaking but a moment later i was standing in front of two very influential beings indeed

"your......" i trailed off staring in awe

"do not stare young one for you are powerful enough to rival even us" the god of light said

"your joking right i mean i am the one of the weakest people on remnant" i said

"that is because you had not awakened your power neither had you the proper training or guidance that is something we will change since while you hadn't noticed your power has indeed awoken" the god of light said

"because of how powerful you are we have decided to break our oath and aid you but only you since you need the proper guidance in mastering your abilities" the god of darkness said

"what about remnant and pyrrha what will happen to them" i asked worried

"do not worry yourself we have stopped time on remnant until your return in which you will be more then ready" the god of darkness said smirking

"when do we start" i asked

"soon first we need to introduce you to a couple individuals of importance to you" the god of light said as three individuals appeared the first was a man wearing red

(to let all of you all know this stories alucard will be a cross of the canon alucard and the abridged alucard but mostly canon alucard)

he kneeled before

"i am alucard it is good to meet you my master" he said he was very proud to have jaune as his master as jaune is the only being that alucard can say isn't a monster but he isn't human either he would be okay to die by jaune's hand if it came to it although alucard doubted that would occur

the second was a man wearing a brown long coat unlike alucard his coat was closed

"it is a wonderful pleasure to meet you my lord i am woz your ever faithful retainer" woz said

"prepare yourself" both the gods said at the same time most people found woz kinda annoying

the last was a man wearing a nice suit who unlike the previous two didn't kneel he instead bowed

"it is a pleasure to meet you young master i am your loyal butler walter c dornez it is a pleasure to meet you" walter said as alucard snorted

"i beg your pardon alucard" walter asked

"it's amusing how you claim yourself a loyal butler when you stabbed our previous master in the back simply so you could try and fail to kill me" alucard said

"yes however i have no intention of doing it this time you are on a short leash from a person way more powerful then you and i am willing to follow him and hopefully recreate the hellsing organization it's thanks to the two gods i am able to live and am essentially immortal" walter said as walter and alucard bickered i began to chuckle which turned into full blown laughter

"is there something we are missing young master" walter asked confused

"do you not understand the ridiculous situation we are in and yet you two are bickering like children it is quite hilarious" i said

"i do apologize young master i will try to keep myself in line" walter said bowing again

"these are the three you inherit simply do to all of your names and titles because of your powers unlocking we will be giving you three other companions to aid you in your journey which we will introduce to you now" the god of light said
