TXT Yeonjun, Stray Kids Seungmin and The Rose OT4- We Did All Of These

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"Oh, look at that pathetic boy. He seems lonely, let's go to him!" Seungmin said as the six boys went up to the boy and stabbed him. The six boys just yawned at the death of the boys. If they are in a bored mood, they would go on a massacre. That way they'll be back into a happy mood. They continued to walk towards their bloody house. Yes, they live in a bloody house. They like the smell of decaying corpses, the smell of fresh blood and the sound of people down in their basement, trapped forever until they die. They went back inside the body outside the door as a rug. They sat down as they all sigh in disappointment. 

"Ugh, it's so boring in this disgusting world. I want to do something fun!" Dojoon said as he stood up and went downstairs, where they held their victims. He'll kill some people then go back up. That's his daily routine. They rest just watched the television as news of them came on. They just sighed because the police are so dumb. They even can't solve murders.

"I have a suggestion, why don't we go online and search a story. We can hack it anytime we want." Jaehyeong said as the four looked at each other. They were impressed because they haven't did this. They'll have so much fun hacking a story and  seeing the author of it, raging because of it. They went downstairs and searched for Dojoon, which is inside a cellar, slowly, but surely, killing someone. When they saw Dojoon inside, they grabbed him and went to their library. They went to their computer and started searching for a good story to hack.

"How about this? Idol Oneshots by AussieChanYeetFelix?" Yeonjun said as everyone agreed. They started hacking the story. The author of the story was busy doing a NCT Dream and Red Velvet oneshot when suddenly, the oneshot story started glitching. The author was confused on why the oneshot was glitching. He tried restarting Wattpad, but it didn't work. He tried to restart his laptop, but failed when he saw that the oneshot was still glitching. The author just sighed as he tried to finish the oneshot. When he finished it, he published it. He rechecked it and saw that a note was at the end. Why is there a note here? I didn't put this here when I was writing! , the author thought. He went back to the draft and tried to remove it, but was failed. He just sighed as he continued to write. The six boys laughed maniacally as they hacked the story.

"This is fun! Let's do it again!" Hajoon said as they started hacking the story again. This time, they targeted the two people oneshots. They placed suspicious messages at random parts of the story. A reader of it commented and saw that every two person oneshot, there is a suspicious comment.

MemeJaeDrumsDowoon commented on Idol Oneshots- Stray Kids Jeongin and Noir Siha- Brothers That Love A Stranger. 
Woah, why is there a creepy message at a part of the oneshot?????

The author was confused. He looked at the oneshot and saw the creepy message. He was in confusion. Why is a message there. He stood up, brought his laptop with him, and went to a technician. The six boys laughed maniacally again as they stood up from the library and went to the dining room to eat.

After a month of hacking...

"You all are arrested for several murders, framing and hacking (Not sure if true, okay?). You have the rights to remain silent. If you speak, it can be used as an evidence against you. You have the freedom to choose your own lawyer." The policeman said as they arrested the six guys. The six guys are yelling at him. They can't be inside that filthy prison!

"LET US GO, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Woosung said as they police didn't listen and stuffed the six into the police car. The police drove off with the six guys, leaving the author behind.

"Thanks for helping me, sir." The author said as the policeman patted his back. They accompanied the author back to his home.

Yeeters and Aussieboos, so that's the Idol Oneshots! I hope you like it! I'll leave this story and focus on the Request Oneshots! You can freely request there anytime you want! Also, someone want to talk to you, Yeeters and Aussieboos... He'll talk to y'all next time! Till next time!

BTW, I'll add some special chapters here at random times!
