AB6IX Woong- Grapevines

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"Y/N! We need five boxes of grapes for delivery!" My dad said as I gathered the most fresh grapes in the farm. We've been in the grape farming industry for almost two years now. My dad started teaching me which grapes are ripe and grapes that aren't when I was nineteen years old. Until today, many people order from us. Why? Our grapes are fresh from the farm. We sell our grapes at our house. My father also opened a grape picking session. People can personally pick their own grapes in the farm. People can pick grapes and it must be 1 kilogram or less (Based on a true story. We picked strawberries in the countryside!). After picking, I went to my open-packaging place and started packaging the grapes. Several minutes later, she went to her car and started delivering it. She looked at the address and went there. After three hours, she arrived at the place. She looked around the neighborhood and saw that the house the paper said is different from the houses around it. The houses around are colored with light ones while the said house is colored with black and red.

"Delivery for Mr. Jeon Woong!" I said as the door opened. It revealed a man in his twenties with a cute outfit. I was confused since the house is dark and his clothing, meanwhile, is white. He let me inside of his home and let me drop-off the grapes at the kitchen.

"What's your name, pretty girl?" Woong said as he stared at me. I shivered since it was very awkward. He saw my name through the badge I'm wearing. He grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

"S-Sir Woong, I-I need to g-g-go back to my d-d-dad's farm..." I said while trying to walk out the door, but Woong was standing infront of it. He looked at me with dead-eyes. After staring, he laughed like a maniac. No, let me rephrase that. He is a maniac laughing.

"Sweetheart, once you're mine, there's no turning back now. Forget the life in the farm. I'm going to make you rich." Woong said as he carried me bridal style back to his bed and tied me up. He went to the windows and locked it. After locking the windows, he left the room with the door locked. I just cried. I was helpless.
