DAY6 Young K- One Vlog Means It All

gєияє: уαи∂єяє

"Hello guys! Welcome back to my vlog! Today, we're doing the 'Boibot Controls My Life For One Day' challenge! Don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel! While you're at it, you may also click the notification bell! Let's do it!" Y/N said as Young K watched the video. He loves watching her videos. Well, not the videos. He's watching Y/N. He liked her since he found her on YouTube.

"You're so beautiful, Y/N. One day, I'll be a guest in that Vlog. I'll show the people who you belong." Young K said as he turned off his phone and went outside.

Y/N brought out her phone and started vlogging on the streets of Korea. She has many subscribers, so people may recognize her. While vlogging, she ran into many fans of her. The fans took selfies with her. Y/N giggled as she continued the vlog. She went inside a chicken restaurant that she always ate in. The owner recognized her and gave her a plate of chicken.

"Welcome to my favorite chicken restaurant in Korea! Many of you may know this because of how popular the restaurant is. It's Chicky's (not real name, just made it up hehe) Chicken Restaurant! I'll be here for y'all! Let's eat this chicken!" Y/N said as she placed her phone down the table. She adjusted it so the viewers can see her. Many people keep on coming inside the restaurant, including Young K. He went inside and saw Y/N in personal.

"Oh, there's some fans here! Come here with me!" Y/N said as her fans went up to her and took pictures. Young K, on the other hand, was just standing there. He couldn't take his love of his life in public! How stupid! People would notice it. So, Young K just ordered some chicken. 

"Well, that's it for my vlog! I don't know why you watch random videos of me, but I highly appreciated it. Maybe next time, I'll hold a raffle? We'll see. Anyways, see you next time!" Y/N said as he stopped recording. She placed her phone inside her pockets as she told the owner to wrap the chicken. The owner gladly got the chicken and started wrapping it. After putting it in a paper bag, she bit goodbye to everyone inside the restaurant. She walked towards a peculiar looking house. Why? Because she lives there. Y/N is mostly vlogging inside, so almost no one knows where she lives, which is good. She went inside and saw her boyfriend working. Her boyfriend works at home. Young K followed the girl to her house, which he knows of course. He saw a boy inside her house, which made him mad. Who dares touch his love? He rung the doorbell several times before the door opens.

"Oh, you're Young K right? Come in! I watch your compositions on YouTube. I must say, it's good!" Y/N said as Young K couldn't help but smile. Y/N went to her bedroom and cleaned it up. Her boyfriend went up to Young K and warned him.

"You, I warn you. Don't go close to Y/N. I know you're head over heels for her." Her boyfriend said as Young K just rolled his eyes. He grabbed an axe inside his guitar case and killed Y/N's boyfriend. Y/N went out of the bedroom and saw it. She was scared so she went back inside her room. She locked it and sat on the bed, scared.

"Y/N, sweetie. It's me, Young K! Open the door please?" Young K said as he said the last part in a cute voice, which didn't worked for Y/N. She grabbed her phone on the desk and called the police, hoping they would arrest this psychopath. After 5 minutes, he had no other choice than to bust down the door. He used the axe and broke down the door, revealing the scared girl. He went up to her and caressed her face.

"Little Y/N, don't be scared. I'm here. Your one and true lover." Young K said as Y/N tried to escape. He chuckled at the attempt Y/N made. He held her on the waist. He pulled back Y/N and engulfed her in a hug. Y/N was crying, but Young K didn't care. He only cared for Y/N.
