ATEEZ Yeosang- Night Time Peaks

ງēຖrē: ฯคຖ໓ērē

I hated nighttime. Why? Yeosang always appear during those times. He's a obsessive yandere. If I went out with someone and he knew about it, he would kill him or her.

"Y/N, did you go out with someone today?" He asked as I shook my head. He grabbed my throat and pinned me on the wall.

"Tell me the truth, Y/N or this knife will go inside you." Yeosang said as I told him his name. He went out, with me, and went straight to his house.

"Open the door, you bastard." Yeosang said as my friend opened it. Yeosang immediately stabbed him to death. Then, we went home and slept. I woke up and saw the morning sunshine. I thanked the sun for showing up. I went downstairs and watched the television. I was shocked when I saw the news.

The scientists said that there will be a huge happening today. Today, the time will slow down! Group of scientists are figuring out what triggered this event. It lasts for a week! Let's move on to sports-

I turned off the television and bit my nails. I am screwed. This means that I'll be in hell for hours with Yeosang. I thought of a plan to escape him.

"What to do, what to do..." I said while I pace back and forth the living room. I jumped and an idea popped up. I went to my bedroom and grabbed my money. I booked a flight from Korea to Australia to Canada to America to Sweden to England and back to Korea. Thankfully, these locations are still morning. I packed up my things and hailed a cab. SHOOT! I only have two and a half hour before night! I said to the driver to speed up. After one hour, we reached the airport. I paid the driver and went inside. Another one hour passed, I was inside the aircraft and was about to take off. I leaned my head to the side and slept. I woke up in my house.

"You thought you can escape me? Not a chance, Y/N." Yeosang said as I cried.

"G-Get away from m-me!" I said but Yeosang came close and hugged me.

"I will be here, forever. You can't make me leave. Night time makes me happy, since I get to spend time with my love." Yeosang said. Even if my plan worked, he would still get me. I had no escape.
