ONEUS OT6- Angels Can Also Be Devils

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Y/N was currently inside school, reading a book under a shade of a tree. She really likes books and nature. She also always go to that space every lunch break because after her lunch break is a free time. Minhee and her friends went over to where Y/N is and asked her.

"Yah, Y/N. Did you do our homework?" Minhee said as Y/N placed her book by her side and grabbed their homework. She looks inside the bag and saw that their homework wasn't there. She became scared. They would kill her because she didn't have their homework. She gulped while looking back at Minhee.

"U-Uhm.... M-Minhee.... I-I-I forgot y-y-your.... h-homework..." Y/N managed to say while Minhee and her friends glared at her. Y/N looked down while gulping again. Well, there's those one of those days that Y/N isn't lucky. She always gets beaten up by Minhee and her friends. Minhee started punching and pulling Y/N's hair. Her friends guarded the surroundings in case someone would see what they're doing. Minhee kept cursing, punching and pulling Y/N's hair, while the latter is crying. She can't do anything. She closed her eyes. Then the world stopped. Y/N opened her eyes and saw six handsome men standing infront of her.

"We're here to protect you, Y/N. We're your guardian angels." Hwanwoong said as he grabbed Y/N and safely placed her in his arms. The six boys liked it. They weren't actually angels. They were devils that acted like angels. They just wanted Y/N for themselves. They flied back to their house and kept Y/N there.

"Look how innocent and cute Y/N is when she's asleep. She's super vulnerable." Keonhee said as he saw Y/N's face. He caressed her cheeks several times before he kisses them. The others are just watching over Y/N. Y/N woke up and saw that she's inside a room. She saw six boys infront of her, sitting at a couch inside the room.

"W-Where am I-I?" Y/N asked, while all the boys' ears perked. They went over to her and started healing her wounds.

"We're your guardian angels, Y/N. My name is Ravn. These are Leedo, Seoho, Keonhee, Hwanwoong and Xion. We'll protect you at all costs." Ravn said as Y/N smiled genuinely and innocently. The other boys can't help but smile. Not a genuine smile, but a sinister one. They let one of the members beside her while the others ready her room. Y/N looked into Leedo's eyes. She saw that there was nothing. It was just pitch black.

"U-Uhm, why is y-you're e-e-eyes b-black, L-Leedo....?" Y/N asked as Leedo just looked at her. He caressed her cheeks and placed her hair that was on her face behind her ear.

"You're ours now. That's why my eyes are pitch black." Leedo whispered, which made Y/N sprung up like a spring and ran towards the door. She felt several chills because of Leedo's voice. Everyone that are outside noticed that Y/N was outside of Ravn's room, so they caught her and placed her inside her room.

"Oh no, Y/N. You're not escaping. You can't escape us." Xion said as he grabbed Y/N and flew to the bedroom. He tied Y/N to the bed while Y/N tries to escape. Everyone went inside her room and stared at her.

"Y-You're n-not guardian a-a-angels. T-They wouldn't d-do this...!" Y/N screamed while all the boys just chuckled darkly.

"We're not angels, we're devils. We just wanted you to be here, and that's what will happen. You will be with us until we die." Seoho said as they all kissed Y/N's forehead and made sure that she won't escape. They made the bedroom floor lava so Y/N can't escape. They also tied a DOUBLE KNOT on Y/N so that Y/N will have a hard time of escaping. They replaced the windows with wood, the bathroom with a bookshelf and the vent shaft with pictures of them. Y/N sobbed while the six boys watch from the dining table using their vision.

Thanks again for the 2k reads y'all! I really appreciate it! Keep reading this crappy book haha! Also, I have so many drafts, It's crazy!
