The Boyz OT12- You Thought You Can Escape Us? Not A Chance

gєηяє: уαη∂єяє

Y/N was at the brink of just ending her life once and for all. Y/N's schedule is almost whole day with the evil boys and only like one or two hours for the good ones. Y/N was just a normal girl that is going to school and all the boys will swoon over her since she's beautiful. She actually doesn't like people getting near her since she is claustrophobic, which the boys know so they have only like a one meter distance. Y/N also liked school, which is weird because everyone hates it (Even I hate school, but I have too since I'm in the top list). She really liked the subject Math (I HATE MATH PERIODT). The author doesn't know why he gave Y/N these attributes. Just role with it! So, back to Y/N's life story. She also knows how to draw. She actually drew for famous groups. Well, that was before she was grabbed by twelve boys. She doesn't know it, but some of them just wanted Y/N away from their lives. Why? Because they actually have members that are evil and wanted her just for themselves.

"Y/N, let's go have breakfast." Sangyeon said as Y/N whispered 'sorry' to the narrator of this oneshot. She stood up and hastily went to Sangyeon. He is the leader of the boys. He's part of the good side, not the bad side. She clinged onto Sangyeon as if(it's your last) the world is ending. They went downstairs and saw all of them in the dining hall.

"Oh, my babygirl is here! Come here and sit with me!" Sunwoo said as Y/N didn't removed her hands from Sangyeon. Sangyeon just shook his head before he sits down in the center chair with Y/N. The six of the evil boys noticed it and immediately used their manipulation skills to manipulate Sangyeon.

"Oh, Sangyeon! You're arm must've been hurting now! If you let us Y/N, we're going to heal your arm." Jacob said as Y/N saw that his eyes turned red. Y/N looked at the others' eye and saw that they were red also. Y/N looked at Sangyeon as she sighed. She let go of her hand and went over to the half of the boys' table.

"Good Y/N. Now, eat up. We're going to go somewhere!" Changmin giggled as Y/N gulped. She needed help from the good boys. She looked at the half of the table with pleading eyes. The half of the table just sighed as they continued eating. They couldn't do anything since when Y/N's is in the evil's possession, they can't do anything but just look at her with their eyes looking down.

"Y/N? Why are you down? Did those 'oh-so-good' boys did anything to you?" Juyeon asked as Y/N immediately shook her head. Juyeon just sighed as the six boys from the evil side finished eating. They stood up and immediately ran towards their shared room with Y/N on hand.

"We need a plan. We need to end the evil once and for all." Chanhee said as all of the boys that are left nodded. They needed to escape with Y/N. They need to escape this nightmare.

"I-I need to go t-t-to my b-bedroom and g-grab my p-p-pillow." Y/N said as all of the boys that were with her looked at her with red eyes. She stood up and went to the door which was once open, but closed immediately by the six boys. Y/N looked at their eyes and saw that they wanted her back here. Y/N felt the chills going down her spines, which also the author felt. She immediately went back to their grasps and just curled into a little ball, which made the others pinch her cheeks.

"What do we do now? They can't make Y/N go outside?" Haknyeon asked as all of the boys thought for a second. They need a plan before they can escape with Y/N. They need to get her out of their grasps. But how?

"BINGO! I have a plan!" Eric said as he hurdled everyone in a circle while Eric demonstrate the plan. The others agreed with the plan. They decided to start the plan when it's currently lunch.

-Time Skip-

Everyone went to the dining hall and started eating like there's no tomorrow. The good sided looked at each other with the same thought. The plan is on. They needed to drag away the boys away from Y/N.

"Guys, I need someone to go to hell. I have actually a delivery down there that was supposed to be delivered here. We can't go to hell, but you six boys can. Can you please get it? We promise you'll have Y/N for the whole week!" Hwall said as all of the evil boys stood up and immediately disappeared. The rest immediately stood up and grabbed Y/N's hand. The plan was working! They ran as fast as they can and went to where they can't grab Y/N, the church. They were almost there, but they were stopped by the evil boys.

"Oh, you thought you can escape. Not a chance. You'll die right here, right now." Kevin said as everyone on the evil side started burning the ones in the good side. Y/N was horrified at the scene. She just stood there, just frozen. Not moving an inch.

"Y/N... Just run! RUN AWAY from them!" Hyunjae said before the evil ones completely burned the good ones, leaving Y/N still running. The six disappeared and went straight to where Y/N was. They grabbed her and disappeared back to the house where it now different. It wasn't the same house. There were no more good stuff. There was fire and lava everywhere (I think I'm describing a nether fortress haha!). There were no traces of good stuff. The pictures were now just of the six boys. The rest wasn't there anymore. That made Y/N felt scared. She wasn't practically in hell, but she felt that she was inside one now.

"Babygirl, you thought those 'good boys' can help you escape? Well, they're so wrong. You can never escape us." Younghoon said as they grabbed Y/N and went to their now new room. The once separated room is now a huge room for the six boys. The middle part was where Y/N is going to be. They went back to being cute, innocent boys and they started playing with Y/N. Y/N was scared. It was written all over her face.

Okay, so this oneshot has been delayed over and over again. So, here ya go! Also, I'm going to give a hint to help ya out on who hacked this story. I don't know why I am even telling you a hint, but IDC so here ya go. Before you can get a hint, you'll need to guess a song. It's a easy one! Now, here's a lyric of the song: Iruri Iruri Ra

Once again, IDK why I am giving a song, but here ya go. Goodbye, okay, goodbye.
