DAY6 Jae- It's Only Us Two For The Show

gєηяє: уαη∂єяє

It's a sweet chaoooooos~

Dance with me, everybody 1, 2, 3~

It was her favorite songs. She has been playing these two songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. The neighbors have been dealing with these two music for five years. They almost even memorized the lyrics because of her. She really loves DAY6 and her bias was Dowoon. Even thought the drummer doesn't sing (When I first heard his voice sing, I am jungshook! The first song that I heard him sing is Wanna Go Back), she loves him. Actually, all of her biases from groups are almost maknaes. She just loves the youngest of the groups. Today was her lucky day. She gets to do a reality show with the five boys. It was a dream come true for all of those Mydays out there (Certified Myday here!). She was very lucky. She dressed up and went towards where the set was. She arrived and saw all of them there. She was starstruck because of this.

"Oh, are you Y/N?" Wonpil asked as he smiled. Out of everyone, Wonpil's the most cutest. This boy was very cute, so she must protect this boy (Yes, we must protecc Wonpil). She nodded as she shook Y/N's hand. After she met Wonpil, she went to the other members and shook their hand. When it was Jae's time, he made it sure that it was a long time. He could now feel her lover's hand in his touch. Jae actually watches here from her apartment, singing and dancing to DAY6. But, he was mad because he wasn't Y/N's bias. It was the maknae. The show started filming. The scene was Dowoon and Y/N inside a house, teaching Y/N how to drums. The reality show is a show where fans can get to learn from KPOP Idols how to sing, dance, rap and play instruments. Jae was behind the cameras, getting very jealous. How can the maknae be the first one to be with Y/N? Jae was getting irritated. He decided to kill everyone in the set. No one can have Y/N except for him. He started spraying poison, which made everyone dead. Y/N covered his nose as she was running away from the set. Jae caught her and tied her next to him.

"Hey, sweetie. You're mine now." Jae said as he dragged Y/N towards the park, where a set was seen. Jae's plan is to shoot only Y/N and Jae for five years. Jae placed Y/N on the couch as he was beside her as he placed his arms on Y/N's shoulders. Jae signaled the crew to start filming. The crew followed as the director started filming. Jae stood up and went towards his guitar.

"Honey, do you like me to teach you how to play the guitar?" Jae said as Y/N shook her head in fear. The director stopped as Jae went back to Y/N and held her jaw. Y/N disobeyed Jae, so she deserves a punishment.

"Baby, you were supposed to say yes! You disobeyed! Now, you'll have a punishment." Jae said as Jae grabbed plates and aimed it at Y/N, whose now trying to free herself, but failed miserable because of how tight Jae tied her hands and feet. After five throws, Jae went towards the once clean and tidy Y/N, now full of blood and dirty, and kissed her.

"You better not disobey. Got it?" Jae said as Y/N said as she shakily nod her head. Jae kissed her bloody forehead as he cleaned Y/N.

Since the oneshots is near the end, I'll reveal the ones that hacked the story
1st Hacker: Seungmin from Stray Kids
